Lovingly we sharpened her pencils, cheerfully we covered her books, unenthusiastically but patiently we wrote her compositions; for Katrina's mind worked slowly, and literature was obviously not her forte.
She was unable to leave her room for many long months of illness, but the little dog spent the weary days by her side, cheerfully giving up merrier company for her sake.
But when he further offered to demonstrate to them the truth of his assertion they at once agreed to afford him every facility for so doing, and cheerfully promised to place at his disposal such men and material as he might require.
Friedrich, as Caesar and others have done, cheerfully interprets the omen to his own advantage: "Sign that the High is to be brought low!
Every wish they express, either in words or by signs, is cheerfully obeyed by the horse.
Cheerfully he whistled, and more happily was he listened to.
And yet it may be within a comparatively short distance of us," said Russ, as cheerfully as he could.
So he cheerfully brushed the old gentleman's clothes, cleaned his shoes and saw that his wig was on straight.
So little regard did Maria Anna Aloysia have for her husband's musical eminence that she cheerfully used his manuscripts for curl papers or else to line pie plates and cake pans.
It was on a Sunday morning, and cheerfullyyet solemnly rang out the chapel-bells.
If it were dogs, cows or horses that they were called upon to give up, they would cheerfully give them up for a fair price.
Miss Featherstone cheerfully acceded, and left her own breakfast cooling while she coaxed and consoled the little invalid, who was quite fretful after his last night's experiences.
Work in a bag-factory or any one of the thousand, but to the employés profitless, industries of a great city is eagerly sought, and hardships cheerfully endured which if enforced by a mistress would lead to a riot.
It was our bank-box, to fill which we cheerfully contributed to Dearsley Sahib three-sevenths of our monthly wage.
I could have cheerfully strangled him for this; but judged it best under the circumstances to smother my resentment.
I will cheerfully honor your drafts to enable you to defray that cost.
For a while he was obliged to depend for his livelihood upon the contributions of his antislavery friends, which they gave much more cheerfully than he received them.
They had cheerfully made sacrifices in this behalf.
None left him, and, as he himself told me, they afterwards toiled not only more cheerfully than before, but more effectively, and for a greater number of hours.
The old man had wintered here, summered a thousand miles away, made his strike at one end of the world, lost it somehow, and cheerfully tried for a repetition of his luck at the other.
Any of the mountain horses will hop cheerfully up or down ledges anywhere.
Where the watered hollows grew lush were thickets full of birds, outposts of the aggressively and cheerfully worldly in this pine-land of spiritual detachment.
On a pinch you will give up cheerfully part of your bedding to the cause.
Then through a little opening we saw him riding cheerfully along without a care to occupy his mind.
Four out of the five men are still alive, and I would cheerfully trust my life in either of their hands, if it were necessary; and I sincerely believe there is not one of them but would willingly risk his life to serve me.
I believe, if they had asked me for the whole thousand, I should cheerfully have parted with it to them.
I told him that I would most cheerfully do so, but that I must entreat him to let me send for some medical man.
This was to me a most gratifying invitation, which I cheerfully accepted with as little ceremony as it was made.
We have the wheel, and to-morrow you may find yourselves steaming cheerfully up the river to Buenos Ayres, like any good liner.
They are hopeful," said I, as cheerfully as I might.
And the tract afterwards expresses the desire that "all his Majesties loyall subjects within his Dominions" will "readily andcheerfully concurre and assist in this so good and pious a work.
The house we found to be the residence of a t'u pai hu, or sub-chief, who received us very cheerfully and provided us with comfortable quarters for the night.
As I sipped my tea he cheerfully informed me that he had been a Boxer, and had left Peking immediately after the allies had entered it.
It is better to acquire the reputation of being insensible to all beauty than to force oneself to listen patiently and respond cheerfully to such well-meant chatter.
No less cheerfully warbles the thrush because the great auk will flap his ineffectual wings no more.
Percy Briggs would have gone off alone, with his hat on the back of his head and cheerfully whistling, at the least hint that John Willie had something "on.
A score or two of other young couples were in precisely the same situation as they, and more that cheerfully resigned to their plight; but then they were not being goaded and taunted as John Willie was being goaded and taunted.
He said, nor needed more to say: with haste To their known stations cheerfully they go; And all at once, disdaining to be last, Solicit every gale to meet the foe.
He greeted her cheerfully and then, affecting a shiver, passed on to spread his hands out over the fire.
He talked to the horse socheerfully that my own spirits began to rise.
After the pot was bubbling cheerfully and eggs had been put on and biscuits thrust into a stove to be warmed over, the Angel sat down at the table opposite the Girl.
The Girl smiled at him again and cheerfully went her way.