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Example sentences for "thought came"

  • Then as a thought came to her: "But are not goods very high, mother?

  • When we were on the Plains of Abraham before the battlements of the lofty town, think you that no thought came to us of how Wolfe, the victorious Wolfe, scaled those rocks and forced the barred gates of the city?

  • Presently she sat up as a thought came to her.

  • And a thought came, her first hopeful thought.

  • Staring into the stilly radiance of the early evening and at the little gold and white flowers on the lawn, a thought came to him: This weather was like the music of 'Orfeo,' which he had recently heard at Covent Garden.

  • And a thought came to him: When Timothy died--why not?

  • Then, a thought came, to try to get a view of the abyss.

  • Then, suddenly, a thought came to me, and I held my breath.

  • A thought came to him,--to write a letter and hire a redcoat to take it to his father.

  • A thought came--they had opened fire upon him; why not pay them in the same coin.

  • A thought came to her, and she opened her writing-desk, a gift from her father, beautifully inlaid with ivory, which he had obtained in a foreign country.

  • A thought came; why not seize his musket and have a weapon of defense?

  • Such a thought came to Buck Daniels as he stepped again on the veranda of the hotel.

  • But a thought came to Buck while he looked, rather mournfully, at the stallion's promise of limitless speed.

  • Something of thought came in the face of Barry.

  • And presently, as I watched her, a thought came to me, and I was ashamed that I had not asked before if it was true that my cousin had not been hurt in the fighting.

  • Then a thought came to me, and I beckoned to Erling.

  • There the decent folk stared at us and our ragged follower somewhat, and a thought came to me.

  • And then a thought came to him, for I told him of the man whom we had bound in the empty chamber.

  • And that reminded me of Brother Guthlac, and a thought came to me.

  • All the road was full of our men, flying; and a thought came into my head, and I dared to draw rein and wait for them, linking my mail again across my face.

  • Then overhead I heard a bird rustle, and I looked up, and at once a thought came to me.

  • Just for a moment a thought came to me that Thorgils was in league with the outlaws, and that was hard.

  • I saw half a dozen unslinging them, and I knew that without shield I was done, and in that moment a thought came to me.

  • Here I took some comfort, for now a thought came into my mind.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thought came" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    care should; checked himself; declare that; holy chirche; just exactly; just nothing; much knowledge; place for; religious instruction; stand before; thought again; thought also; thought better; thought fit; thought mebbe; thought perhaps; thought struck; thought the; thought they; thought transference; thought worthy; thought you; thought you would like; thoughtful voice; thoughts were; young minister