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Example sentences for "whittling"

Lexicographically close words:
whitings; whitish; whittle; whittled; whittles; whity; whiz; whizz; whizzed; whizzing
  1. And already there was Giraffe on his knees in front of the big fireplace that lay at the foot of the wide-throated chimney, whittling shavings with which to start a cheery blaze.

  2. Jason Brown was thoughtfully whittling down the edge of his ladle.

  3. The stranger gave a glance at the person he had left whittling in the far distance and smiled uneasily.

  4. The stranger's face cleared up, and he watched his companion with disdainful curiosity, who began whittling his shingle as he walked along.

  5. The sailor sat down on a rock, and placing the leathern bag at his feet kept on whittling with an energy that would have seemed spiteful but for his unmoved features.

  6. Anyway, after supper that evening, as I was sitting on the forehatch, whittling away at a model of the Golden Bough I was making, Boston came and sat down beside me.

  7. Three bells struck while I was still whittling and digging at the caulking in the seams with my sheath knife.

  8. It was in the golden age of whittling that wooden bugles and the Wabash horns were in their prime.

  9. I was once witness to a bargain made between two respectable yankees, who wished to agree about a farm, and in which whittling was resorted to.

  10. For example, once when a shepherd lad was whittling a stick on the bank of a river, he dropped his knife into the stream.

  11. I can see old Captain Ames sitting there on the wharf on a coil of rope, whittling just as you are doing, and joking with Sam and the crew as they pile into the boat to go out to the weirs.

  12. Then the whittling ceased, and both young men arose, and, going forward, asked how Jerrie was.

  13. Shawn's knife gouged a splinter from the planking and went to whittling under big knowing hands.

  14. There was a good deal of busy whittling before Mart finished that second job, but before two weeks were over there was butter on Mrs. Benson's dinner table which had actually been churned by the brook at the bottom of the garden.

  15. He had picked out a number of very straight shingles, and he was whittling away on these now as if he was being paid for it.

  16. All his mementos of Buddy were in that sack, and Peter, with a sigh, chose a clean piece of maple wood, seated himself on the edge of the bunk, and began whittling a kitchen spoon.

  17. Why, you can make many, many times as much money whittling jack-knife toys as you could make sawing wood!

  18. The father is setting fresh teeth in a wool-card, while the boys are whittling hand-reels and loom-spools.

  19. Sometimes a specially skilful Yankee would rival the Indians in shaping and whittling out these bowls.

  20. The varied and bountiful trees of the New World stimulated and emphasized the whittling habit until it became universally accepted as a distinguishing New England characteristic, a Yankee trait.

  21. After a few minutes he returns, whittling a stick.

  22. After whittling the end to a point, he applied it to the pony.

  23. The novel, the game of cards, the billiard cue, idle whittling and story-telling will have to be eschewed, and every available moment of leisure turned to account.

  24. Yes, we might," replied Bunker slowly, as he laid down one sharp-pointed stick and began whittling another.

  25. With his knife Bunker was whittling the sticks to sharp points.

  26. Having delivered himself of the foregoing consolatory observation, and duly discharged a shower of Virginia juice on the floor, the military authority resumed his whittling labours with increased vigour.

  27. I stuck to my paint, and that fellow's drifted round pretty much all over the whole country, whittling his capital down all the while, till here the other day I had to lend him some money to start him new.

  28. A; b] smooth sticks by scraping or whittling off unnecessary edges.

  29. Naghudhud siya sa káhuy pára sungsung, He’s whittling a piece of wood with a chisel to make a stopper.

  30. But Otto was busy that moment whittling a willow-twig he had just cut.

  31. The young man obeyed mechanically, and when he turned, the other was leaning forward in the pine pole-rocker, whittling flakes from a plug of tobacco.

  32. The pine-pole rocker creaked, and they could hear him whittling at his plug of tobacco, but they could not bring themselves to look up.

  33. A bluish pallor rested on his countenance, as he stepped up to the little table where two sticks for whittling and a pocket-knife were placed.

  34. He could never be idle, and so, when he did not smoke, he had the habit of whittling all sorts of figures out of a small piece of wood; and he was especially fond of cutting into grotesque shapes fragments of grape-vine roots.

  35. On the other side Tom sat whittling silently--Tom, who would presently whittle no more, but rise to be a man.

  36. He did not feel called upon to help to split logs for the roof of the Big Cabin, but he sat cutting and whittling away at a little shelf which he said was to be nailed up at the right of the Big Cabin door.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whittling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    casting; engraving; glyptic; modeling; molding; relief; sculptor; statuary; whittling