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Example sentences for "bodie"

Lexicographically close words:
bodely; bodes; bodi; bodice; bodices; bodied; bodies; bodiless; bodilie; bodily
  1. With thilk a force it dyd his bodie gore, That in his tender guttes it entered, In veritee a fulle clothe yarde or more, And downe with flaiten noyse he sunken dede.

  2. And rounde aboute the risynge waters lave, And their longe hayre arounde their bodie flies, Such majestic was in her porte displaid, To be excelld bie none but Homer's martial maid.

  3. The bloudie axe hys bodie fayre Ynnto foure parties cutte; And ev'rye parte, and eke hys hedde, Uponne a pole was putte.

  4. Upon du Chatelet he ferselie sett, And peerc'd his bodie with a force full grete; The asenglave of his tylt-launce was wett, The rollynge bloude alonge the launce did fleet.

  5. If a poor bodie had brought his lordship halfe a dozen pebbles of a curious colour, he would give them a shilling, so curious was he in perfecting his fish-ponds, which I guesse doe containe four acres.

  6. To delay to preach the morrow (unless the bodie be violentlie witholden) I cannot," he said.

  7. When that this bodie did containe a spirit, A Kingdome for it was too small a bound: But now two paces of the vilest Earth Is roome enough.

  8. Why may not hee rise as well as I: Nothing confutes me but eyes, and no-bodie sees me.

  9. Wherefore euen for verie sorowe, he fell in a sownde vpon the dead bodie of the Bishop.

  10. There was no part of the collier’s bodie that he forgat to view: and yet remembring the voyce of his cosin, and seing a wound that he had in his face, was sure that it was hee.

  11. If the Goddes had giuen thee a bodie according to the immoderate desyre of thy mynde, the whole worlde coulde not be able to holde thee.

  12. Washe your bodie that nowe is foule and vncleane, take vppon you the courage of a kyng, and in this state (wherof you be worthy) expresse the same sobrietie and continencie you doe presently vse.

  13. And that done went into her bedde, with the cuppe in her hand, tossing her bodie as decently as she could vppon the same, holding the harte of her dead frende, so nere as shee coulde, vnto her owne.

  14. This Ladie was very faire and comely of bodie and face, as any creature could be, yonge, lustie, and more wise peraduenture then a woman ought to be.

  15. And after that a' this was dune, He drew it through the strae, And through his ain fair bodie He causd the cauld iron gae.

  16. Gill Viett took out a long brand, And stroakd it oer a stro, An thro and thro Lord Ingram's bodie He made it come and go.

  17. Gin he be a single man, His bodie I'll gie thee; But gin he be a married man, I'll hang him on a tree.

  18. Gil Viett took a long brand, An stroakd it on a stro, An through and thro his own bodie He made it come and go.

  19. William, having his two-edged sword, He leaned it quite low to the ground, And he has given his own bodie A deep and a deadly wound.

  20. And brought my fair bodie to shame, All the request I ask of you is, Pray tell me what's your name.

  21. The ladie stude in her bour-door, In her bour-door as she stude, She thocht she heard a bridle ring, That did her bodie gude.

  22. O gude forbid,' the Earl he said, 'The like sud eer fa me, My bodie eer sud wear the brand That gars Young Waters die.

  23. Seeke after skille; deepe ignorance detest; Care so, I say, the flesh to feede and cloth, That thou harm not thy soule and bodie both.

  24. Symmetricians iudged his bodie to be aboue 200.

  25. Some men call them warners, bicause they are good for nothing else but to barke and giue warning when anie bodie dooth stirre or lie in wait about the house in the night season.

  26. In the time of Hadrian the emperour, the bodie of the giant Ida was taken vp at Messana, conteining 20.

  27. Drepanum (a towne of Sicilia called Eryx as he gesseth) the bodie of an exceeding high giant was discouered, three of whose teeth did weigh 100.

  28. Out of the bodie also of Trurie creeke breaketh another eastward a mile from Trurie, and goeth vp a mile and a halfe to Cresilian bridge of stone.

  29. To be short therefore, he caused his souldiers to cast downe the hill made sometime ouer the tombe, and finding the bodie in the bottome coffined in stone, after the measure therof taken, he saw it manifestlie to be 60.

  30. Romane standard, and by diuerse supposed to be the bodie of Orion or AEtion.

  31. I have bestow'd a watrie funerall On the halfe bodie of my butchered friend.

  32. As for the bodie it is so abus'd That no man can take notice whoes it was.

  33. His bodie was afterwards conueied to the citie of Auxerre, where he had béene bishop with great opinion of holines for his sincere doctrine and pure and innocent life.

  34. His bodie was first buried in the church of our ladie, but after that the church of saint Peter the apostle were builded, his bones were translated into the same.

  35. His bodie could not be ouercome with anie trauell, nor his mind vanquished with greatnesse of businesse.

  36. His bodie was conueied to Stonheng, and there buried beside [Sidenote: Gyldas.

  37. His bodie was buried in the Ile of Lindesferne.

  38. Is the breade and wine turned into ye bodie and bloode of Christe?

  39. Marke but how far-forth he endevoreth to give a thousand precepts to be kept in his places of exercises both of bodie and mind.

  40. A weake bending, and faint stopping bodie hath lesse strength to beare and under goe a heavie burden: So hath our soule.

  41. God forbid, saith some bodie in Plato, that to Philosophize, be to learne many things, and to exercise the arts.

  42. They are as great as Porposes, as white as any snow, their bodie and head fashioned as a grayhound, they are wont alwaies to abide between the fresh and salt water, which beginneth betweene the riuer of Saguenay and Canada.

  43. But the Duke, with a manly compassion gaue it freely; as holding it dishonourable both to value the bodie of a King, and make sale of a slaine enemie.

  44. The bodie of King Harold could not be knowen by his face, it was so deformed by death, and by his wound; by his armour and by certaine markes vpon his body it was knowen.

  45. His eyes were full of pleasant modestie; his countenance manly beautifull; in bodie both strongly and delicately made; in behauiour sweetely sober, which gaue grace to whatsoeuer he did.

  46. His bowels and eyes were buried at Roan: The rest of his bodie was stuffed with salt, wrapped vp in Oxe hides, and brought ouer into England; and with honourable exequies buried in the Monastery of Reading, which hee had founded.

  47. I cannot but esteeme the report for fabulous, that his bodie was fourteene foote in length.

  48. Onely so much of the arrowe as was without his bodie was found broken; whether with his hand, or by his fall, it is not certainely knowen.

  49. By another Concubine hee had a sonne named Robert, whom he created Earle of Glocester: a man for valour of minde and abilitie of bodie inferiour to none; in counsailes so aduised, as was fit for a right Noble commander.

  50. So they knit strongly together, and stood in close and thicke array, as if they had been but one body: not onely bearing the brunt of their enemies, but making such an impression vpon their squadron, that the great bodie began to shake.

  51. But within a few moneths after, the same Osulfe (as he ran with his horsse against a theefe) was thrust through the bodie with a speare, which the theefe held in his hand, and so died.

  52. His son the foresaid Walteof in strength of bodie and hardinesse did, not degenerate from his father, for he was tall of personage, in sinews and musculs verie strong and mighty.

  53. After his death, his bodie was buried in Caen, in S.

  54. Then shewed he that his verie right heire of his bodie lawfullie begotten was onelie the lord protector.

  55. For if one go to sanctuarie with another mans goods, whie should not the king, leauing his bodie at libertie, satisfie the partie of his goods, euen within the sanctuarie?

  56. And if no bodie maie be taken out of sanctuarie, that saith hee will bide there: then if a child will take sanctuarie, bicause he feareth to go to schoole, his maister must let him alone.

  57. Proper she was and faire; nothing in hir bodie that you would haue changed, but if ye would haue wished hir somewhat higher.

  58. For of the soule the bodie forme doth take, For soule is forme and doth the bodie make.

  59. So it the fairer bodie doth procure To habit in.

  60. For of the soule the bodie forme doth take: For soule is forme, and doth the bodie make.

  61. Pet: I see no bodie vse you at his pleasure, if I had, I would soone haue drawen: you know my toole is as soone out as anothers if I see time and place.

  62. Balt: Then nothing can be ill, for she is well, Her bodie sleepes in Capels Monument, 15 And her immortall parts with Angels dwell.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bodie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.