The proud bragging white bore (which was his badge) was violentlie rased & plucked downe from euerie signe and place where it might be espied: so ill was his life, that men wished the memorie of him to be buried with his carren corps.
On the morow, being the sixt daie of Iulie, the king with queene Anne his wife, came downe out of the White hall into the great hall at Westminster, and went directlie into the kings Bench.
Allerton laid downe this course, and put them on this projecte.
So after praier they prepared for breakfast, and it being day dawning, it was thought best to be carring things downe to y^e boate.
Mean space I thinke to goe downe into Kente, & come up againe aboute 14.
But it may be objected, how comes it that they could not as well exactly sett downe their receits, as their returnes, but thus estimate it.
After they had cut downe their mast, y^e storme beat of their round house and all their uper works; 3.
After that, turne downe the head of the hiue on the ground, and with a sharpe knife cutte the crossed stickes asunder in the Hiue, or plucke them forth with your hand.
The quantitie of a pease in waxe swallowed downe of Nurses, or such women as giue sucke, both dissolue the milke courded in the pappes.
And tenne little péeces of pure newe waxe, vnto the biggenesse of a hempséede, drunke downe at one time, doeth cause the milke not to courde in the womans stomacke and breastes.
So they tooke them downe into the cabin, and gave them so much wine and aqua vita, that they were all merrie: and one of them had his wife with them, which sate so modestly, as any of our countrey women would doe in a strange place.
At twelve of the clocke wee weighed, and went downe two leagues to a shoald that had two channels, one on the one side, and another on the other, and had little wind, whereby the tyde layed us upon it.
At break of day wee weighed, the winde being at north-west, and got downe seven leagues; then the floud was come strong, so we anchored.
The nobill king Arthur had neuer ben abill to haue caried his armie to the fote of the mountaines to resist the coming downe of lucius the Emperoure if suche yerely exaction had ben taken of his people.
Oh Master, master I haue watcht so long, That I am dogge-wearie, but at last I spied An ancient Angel comming downethe hill, Wil serue the turne Tra.
What's he that knockes as he would beat downe the gate?
One time they were like to have been killed together by the fall at Albury of a grott, which fell downe but just as they were come out.
Sometimes he went not to bed in two or three nights, and would not come downe to meales till he had found out the quaesitum.
Deville, I commaunde the to go downe Into thi sete where thou shalle syt.
Although itt is seven yeers and more Since my daughter was in halle, She shall come once downe for your sake To glad my guestes alle.
And nowe the kinge with all his barons Rose uppe from offe his seate, And downe he stepped into the listes, That curteous knighte to greete.
And whan they came before the kyng, As it was the lawe of the lande, The kneled downe without lettyng, 75 And eche held up his hand.
And whan the came before the kynge, They knelt downe on theyr kne; And sayd, Lord, your officers grete you well, Of Carleile in the north cuntre.
He toke hys sword and hys buckler, And among them all he ran, Where the people were most in prece,[702] He smot downe many a man.
Downe came a lady faire and free, And sett her on the Carles knee: One whiles shee harped another whiles song, Both of paramours and louinge amonge.
Upon Sunday my lord sent two Aldermen to the Court for the suppressing and pulling downe of the Theatre and Curtain.
Sir, song in time past hath been downe a downe, And long it hath lasted in tower and towne, To have it much meeter, downe hath been added: But up is more sweeter to make our hearts gladded.
But then rose up Master Norton that Esquier, with him a full great companye; and then the Erles they comen downe to ryde in his companye.
And the third that came running violently against me, after that I had strucken him under the stomacke fell downe dead.
But Psyches fortuned to catch him as hee was rising by the right thigh, and held him fast as hee flew above in the aire, until such time as constrained by wearinesse shee let goe and fell downe upon the ground.
One of them which was the captain invaded me strongly, and drew me by the haire with both his hands, and began to beat me with a great stone: but in the end I proved the hardier man, and threw him downe at my feet and killed him.
Thus when they had spoken in memory of their slaine companions, they tooke cups of gold, and sung hymns unto the god mars, and layd them downe to sleep.
For as teares oftentimes trickle downe the cheekes of him that seeth or heareth some joyfull newes, so I being in this fearfull perplexity, could not forbeare laughing, to see how of Aristomenus I was made like unto a snail [in] his shell.
Darwin's home, known asDowne House, was built in the eighteenth century.
The life led by Darwin when at Downe was exceedingly quiet and regular, for he always went to bed at an early hour, and rising at six was enabled to get in a walk and breakfast before commencing work at eight o'clock.
Downe is a pleasant place, possessing a large village pond and a small church with a shingled spire.
The home of the great scientist is still standing in the little village of Downe in Kent.
Then she kneled downe saying, ‘Will you take it off before I lay me downe?
Their shoubes or gownes are hayrie on the outside, and open behinde, with tailes hanging downe to their hammes.
Afterward the Emperor sent for vs, giuing vs to vnderstand by Chingay his chief Secretary, that wee should write downe our messages & affaires, and should deliuer them vnto him.
Afterwarde the whole multitude kneeled downe in like maner, except our selues, for wee were none of his subiects.
Sidenote: A generall assemblie] Wee therefore with our Tartars assigned to attende vpon vs, tooke our iourney thither, and there were all the Dukes assembled, eche one of them riding vp and downe with his traine ouer the hilles and dales.
Torent taketh a dolefull way Downeinto a depe valay, .
But woldd{es} thow for thy gentry Do the lyonnys downe lye, That they nyee me nowght?
Whan that lady wasdowne fall, On Iesu Cryste dyd she call.
Torrent toke a dulful wey Downe in~ a depe valey 520 Be-syd a weAEsAEs strong.
They also Ordered the takeing downe of the Kings Armes and setting up the States, & the like by the Signe of the Kings head hanging before the doore of an Inne.
So was the Titanesse put downe and whist, And Jove confirm'd in his imperiall see.
But God it is that feeds them with his grace, The bread of life powr'd downe from heavenly place.
For age to dye is right, but youth is wrong; She fel away like fruit blowne downe with winde.
She threw downe the mantle, that bright was of blee, & fast with a redd rudd to her chamber can shee flee.
Shee threw downe the mantle, that bright was of blee, Ffast with a red rudd to her chamber can shee flee.
Shee threw downe the mantle, that bright was of blee, Fast with a rudd redd to her chamber can shee flee.
My lord Barnard shall knowe of this, Whether I sink or swim’; And ever where the bridges were broake He laid him downe to swimme.
He cut her paps from off her brest; Great pitty it was to see That some drops of this ladies heart’s blood Ran trickling downe her knee.
Soone as he Guyon saw, in great affright And haste he rose for to remove aside Those pretious hils from straungers envious sight, And downe them poured through an hole full wide Into the hollow earth, them there to hide.
And as she went along the high road, The weather being hot and drye, She sat herdowne upon a green bank, And her true love came riding bye.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "downe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.