He that shall carie his wife & children, or servants, shall be alowed for everie person now aged 16.
Which being done, I requested that the new letters of priuilege granted by his highnes vnto you might be forthwith dispatched to the intent I might carie the same with me.
They keepe also great heards of kine, and flocks of blacke sheepe, rather for the skins and milke (which they carie with them in great bottels) then for the vse of the flesh, though sometimes they eate of it.
To carie Glew, for that we haue plenty and want vent.
Carie with you for that purpose all sorts of garden seeds, as wel of sweete strawing herbs, and of flowers, as also of pot herbes and all sorts for roots, &c.
This hee doeth (as the Russe saieth) that his friend may haue a good horse to carie him to heauen: but it is likelier to declare his loue towards his dead friend, in that he will haue to die with him the best thing that he hath.
Also that one village of Armenia named Gilgat doeth carie yeerely fiue hundred, and sometime a thousand mules laden with silke to Halepo in Soria of Turkie, being 4.
He reporteth also in the same chapter of certaine strange sheepe as bigge as horses, and of dogs which vse to carie burthens of 50.
And one of these Indian women with one of these rolles on her head, will carie a pitcher of water without touching the same vp a lather.
Fitz-Henrie clarke of hir fathers kitchen, that she made him carie hir awaie on horssebacke behind him, onlie for his manhood sake, which presentlie was tried.
How much is it more commendable to lose our liues in defense of our countrie, than to carie about not so much as our heads toll frée, but dailie oppressed & laden with innumerable exactions?
Such as are kept also for burden, willcarie foure hundred weight commonlie, without anie hurt or hinderance.
For that which they could not carie with them, they consumed with fire, burning vp their innes and sleaing their hoasts.
And why you appointe twelue of them to euery Shipp: I thinke they maie carie the Shippe awaie, & become Pirates.
You shall meete in a morning seuen or eight hundred sleds comming or going thither, that carie corne, and some carie fish.
And moreouer the common people vse to carie in their hands one of their red egs, not onely vpon Easter day, but also three or foure dayes after, and gentlemen and gentlewomen haue egs gilded which they cary in like maner.
Their lying in the fielde is not so strange as is their hardnes: for euery man must carie and make prouision for himselfe and his horse for a moneth or two, which is very wonderful.
Hartes to Lampas to sell, and from Lampas carie them to a place called Colmogro, [Footnote: Cholmogori, near Archangel.
You shall haue some that carie corne to the Mosco, and some that fetch corne from thence, that at the least dwell a thousand miles off; and all their cariage is on sleds.
Whan this was seid, the hertes lif Of this Soldan departeth sone; And therupon, as was to done, The dede body wel and faire Thei carie til thei come at Kaire, Wher he was worthily begrave.
Wel coude she carie a morsel and wel kepe, That no drope ne fille up-on hir brest.
Wel coude she carie a morsel, and wel kepe, That no drope ne fille upon hir brest.
Being come on land, we might not enter into any house for victuals, but were to content our selues with our owne prouision, and that which we bought to carie with vs was taken from vs.
Also vnder the Venetians dominions no towne may spende any salt, but they must buy it of Saint Marke, neither may any man buy any salt at one towne to carie to another, but euery one must buy his salt in the towne where he dwelleth.
Yet vnderstanding afterwards they wrought this by a pollicie, he vsed them as drudges to hewe wood and to carie water, and other necessaries for his people.
For captaine Iames Ribault had taken away her furniture: I tooke away her ordinance onely, which was all dismounted, whereof I gaue nine pieces to Iames Ribault to carie into France, the other fiue I put into my ship.
There is an other sort that is more brode than these, which they call Lanteas, and carie eight ores on a side, with sixe men at euerie ore.
God gladlie and orderlie for conscience sake, not coldlie, and somtyme for maner sake, you carie all the Courte with yow, and the whole Realme beside, earnestlie and orderlie to do the same.
Among the mountaines be many and great lakes in sundry places of fresh water, into the which the Queenes vse tocarie their boats vpon their backs ouer lande, and thereby inuade and spoile the countrey of the Normans.
But when he sawe the charettes which Ioseph had sent to carie him/ then his sprites reviued.
And y^e sonnes of Israel caried Iacob their father/ ad their childern and their wyues in the charettes which Pharao had sent to carie him.
These men haue no beards at all, for we saw them carie a certaine iron instrument in their hands wherewith, if any haires growe vpon their chinne, they presently plucke them out.
The heads of their arrowes are exceedingly sharpe cutting both wayes like a two edged sworde, and they alwaies carie a file in their quiuers to whet their arrowheads.
Portugales to carie their sugar to their ship againe, purposing to make our selues readie for our defence.
The boates of these places are somewhat large and bigge, for one of them will carie twelue men, but their forme is alike with the former boates of the coast.
Aspers there: and the piece of 4 roials goeth for 40 Aspers, but oftentimes is sold for more, as men need them to carie vp into Turkie.
One day when the lady and her Carie were walking in the garden, the little girl, who had looked rather pale, put her hands suddenly to her head, and cried aloud.
Carie was indeed playing in her immediate vicinity when she was seized with that dreadful distress), "she has poisoned her.
Louise was busy with her drawing one morning, comfortably established in a shady corner of the porch, when her aunt called to her: "I wish you would keep an eye on Carie while Joanna goes on an errand for me.
Carie lifted her big blue eyes, all swimming in tears, saying, "I fought it was a bear.
Why, you are the girl who brought our Carie home yesterday, aren't you?
James was at work in the cellar; Mandy so occupied with her pantry shelves that she did not know when Louise passed through the kitchen; Sukey had taken Helen and Carie for a walk, and Aunt Zélie was at a lecture.
Carie held up her mouth for a kiss, and then allowed herself to be led away.
It was not likely her charge would give her much trouble, for Carie was quite capable of entertaining herself, and was at that moment promenading back and forth with an old parasol over her head, pretending she was going to market.
Carie in her long night-gown pranced wildly around a wonderful white bear, which moved its head and growled in a most natural manner when Carl wound it up.
I am going to see her, and take her a chocolate mouse," Carie suddenly announced, having been a silent listener while she captured a handful of mice.
Carie was good as could be, and we had tea out of the little cups.
I am sure I am glad," she answered, "and I do hope I shall seeCarie again sometime.
Aunt Mary would have to get another companion; Aunt Zélie belongs to us," answered Carl, who sat on the floor showingCarie pictures.
So while Joanna carried Carie off for a walk the others went down to the kitchen.
It was lonely at lunch with only us, but Nannie came over with a note from Miss Brown asking us to come and take five o'clock tea, Carie and all.
Then presently Louise saw her father and babyCarie coming up the street, and the Brown house was not mentioned again.
Carie immediately volunteered her share, and altogether it is probable that he really received more than he was entitled to.
The Admirall shall carie the light, and after his light be once put out, no man to goe a head of him, but euery man to fit his sailes to follow as neere as they may, without endangering one another.
Young men, by any meanes, losing the love of learning, when by tyme they cum to their owne rule, they carie commonlie from the schole with them a perpetuall hatred of their master, and a continuall contempt of learning.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.