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Example sentences for "booking"

Lexicographically close words:
booke; booked; bookes; bookie; bookies; bookish; bookkeeper; bookkeepers; bookkeeping; bookless
  1. Well, one word led to another, and it ended at last in our booking a match, with which one party was no less pleased than the other.

  2. As I knew I had plenty of time to spare, I took little notice, and merely giving a look to my girths, I continued leisurely booking my bets.

  3. A brief but emphatic conversation both with the ticket collector and the booking clerk elicited the information that the bowler-hatted man might have alighted at one of the four intermediate stations.

  4. Long queues surged at the mouths of the booking offices, inside which soured clerks, sending lost sheep empty away, were learning once more their lesson of the innate folly of mankind.

  5. Garnet, having bought a ticket, after drawing blank at two booking offices, made his way to the bookstall.

  6. He had noticed the girl at the booking office.

  7. The booking clerks cannot state in a few words where tickets may be bought for any station.

  8. You could book both half-crowners and eighteen-pennies, which came next, and people put off their booking a good deal.

  9. But when the programme was out, the booking improved, and five people booked in one day.

  10. The booking of tours was as attractive as it was uncertain, attractive because it was uncertain!

  11. If they draw the money, what matter to the booking agent what amount of money has been invested?

  12. In other words, the booking agents gamble with them and allow them a percentage of the gross receipts according to the amount of his investment.

  13. The two months devoted to booking my tour for the coming season always afforded me unbounded joy.

  14. In those days, no arbitrary booking organization held sway; no peeping Izzies or Sols had access to our books; we were all on our own, masters of our own enterprises.

  15. Sort of secretary on the booking department, and a darn good one.

  16. My brother is coming from Chicago to take charge of the booking end and I am going out there after he comes on, and I'll see if he can use you.

  17. The chain didn't even begin to form before you took over the booking end.

  18. I want you to go over to Newark Monday afternoon and bring back a report on an act over there; and, by the way, you are to begin your new week in the booking department at twenty dollars.

  19. If my brother knew as much about the booking end as he does the realty, I'd have gone over long ago.

  20. There were nine Enterprise Amusement Theaters now, the newest red-headed pin on the circuit map as far west as Tulsa, their booking route as yet independent of any of the larger and recent vaudeville mergers.

  21. And from the booking department, a silk umbrella suitably engraved.

  22. I've got you in mind for the booking end of the business.

  23. Then to arrive at the station, not through the booking office, but in a freebooting sort of way by the sloping end of the platform.

  24. Then the rain fell faster and harder, and beat slantwise against the windows of the booking office and of the chill place that had General Waiting Room on its door.

  25. He wished now that he was going to spend Christmas in Cairo; but it was too late to change his booking without serious loss of time and money.

  26. In Naples it would be an easy matter to change his booking to New York.

  27. It might have been safer to telegraph, booking two berths.

  28. Half an hour before the train came in the little booking office was crowded with country passengers, all bent on visiting their friends in the great Metropolis.

  29. I hunch it that the managers and booking agents and so forth in the U.

  30. Before the military idea was going so strong on its present booking but a little while, wrist-watches had grabbed off a masculine standing for themselves, and six months before no real man would of been willingly found dead in one!

  31. It was just like the early days on the Small-Time when the booking depends on the hand and the hand was the one which fed us--and not any too much at that with the carrying expenses--and the hand was getting weaker.

  32. The Railway booking office, in Castle Square, is a specimen of the architecture of Brighton after this period; and under George IV.

  33. Union Square was the Rialto, the heart and center of the booking business.

  34. Although the Syndicate standardized the theatrical contract and made efficient and economical booking possible, it did not immediately secure the willing co-operation of some of the best-known traveling stars of the day.

  35. While the booking business waxed in volume the production end of the establishment did not fare so well.

  36. They decided that its only economic hope was in a centralization of booking interests, and they acted immediately on this decision.

  37. In those days the booking of road attractions was not made through syndicates.

  38. Charles realized this lack of booking facilities, and dedicated his talents and experience to remedying it.

  39. It required no capital to embark in the booking business in those days.

  40. The booking business had now grown so extensively that the office force was increased.

  41. Up to that era theatrical booking methods were different from those of the present time; there were no great centralized agencies to book attractions for strings of theaters covering the entire country.

  42. In a word, booking suddenly became standardized.

  43. The local manager was still more or less at the mercy of the booking free-lance in New York.

  44. He practically occupied the whole building, for his booking interests, which had now grown to great proportions, and which were in charge of Julius Cahn, occupied a whole suite of offices.

  45. Despite the efforts made by the booking offices conducted by Charles Frohman and Klaw & Erlanger, the making of routes for theatrical attractions in the United States was in a most disorganized and economically unsound condition.

  46. The booking agent himself only represented a comparatively few theaters and could not book a complete season for a traveling attraction.

  47. Two methods of booking were then in vogue: one by the manager of a company who wrote from New York to the towns for time; the other through an agent of out-of-town house managers located in New York.

  48. Before through-booking was introduced, a traveller between London and Inverness was compelled to renew his ticket and change luggage four times; between Darlington and Cardiff six times.

  49. There were difficulties in the way of through-booking which do not appear at first sight.

  50. The United Booking Offices, which do business at 1495 Broadway, is as complete a trust as any in America.

  51. Now-a-days your booking agent goes to the booking agent of one of the two big syndicates, each of which represents half of the theatres in the country, and that gentleman arranges a route while you wait.

  52. By this time the cab had driven up the sharp incline, and under the high pointed archway of St. Pancras terminus, and now drew up with a jerk against the steps leading to the booking office.

  53. And before Paul could protest, he had purchased tickets for all three, after which he laid an authoritative hand upon Mr. Bultitude's shoulder and walked him out through the booking hall upon the platform.

  54. So he walked into the lofty hall in which the booking offices are placed and waited there by the huge fire that blazed in the stove until he should hear the cab arrive which could take him back to Westbourne Terrace.

  55. UNION LABOR A Song and Dance Team (recently graduated from a Salt Lake City picture house) got eight weeks booking on the Cort Circuit out through the Northwest.

  56. A well known Booking Agency had just transferred one of the stenographers from the New York office to the Chicago office.

  57. So any Lady-Manager or Booking Agent can still converse with me with perfect safety.

  58. We had received a letter from a European Booking Office requesting us to play an engagement at Glasgow, Scotland.

  59. The ticket agent is the booking clerk (pronounced "clark").

  60. But when one of our parishioners who goes now and then to Keswick comes to the booking office, the ticket-collector calls him in and reasons with him gently.

  61. Yesterday morning I went early to the station, and there in the booking office I found my friend talking to the ticket-collector.

  62. Indeed, I began to think about booking my passage home inside of two weeks.

  63. He further, in the most obliging manner, suggested that he should take the ticket for the other seat to the booking office and leave instructions for its being given to the gentleman on his arrival.

  64. Mr. Carl Reitberg was without a doubt booking a seat for Bombay.

  65. Booking office of the railway," said Dick, ten minutes later, seeing Carl descend and enter an office so labelled.

  66. Alec squeezed himself through the throng of Europeans in the booking office, and managed to reach a spot just behind the magnate.

  67. Emmy sank exhausted on a bench in the booking hail, numb with cold, and too woebegone to think of her hair, which straggled limply from beneath the zibeline toque.

  68. Septimus went to the booking office and asked for two first-class tickets to London.

  69. Go get us a couple of slabs of pie at the automat, and then I'll go over to see Breit at the booking office.

  70. At the English stations the place where the tickets are bought is called the booking office.

  71. Do you know where the booking office is, Mr. George?

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "booking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appointment; booking; briefing; circuit; date; employment; engagement; enlistment; enrollment; entering; entry; inscription; insertion; listing; logging; matriculation; pickup; posting; recording; register; registration; registry; reservation; run; stand; tabulation; tour