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Example sentences for "bookless"

Lexicographically close words:
booking; bookish; bookkeeper; bookkeepers; bookkeeping; booklet; booklets; bookmaker; bookmakers; bookmaking
  1. The evils too obviously existed to be overlooked; but it is not my place to further expose them; a more pleasing duty guides my pen; others have done all this, lashing them painfully for their oft-told sins.

  2. What monuments of mathematics all massacred together!

  3. If he could write, but was a rough bookless man, his condition would be scarcely the more gracious, even if he were able to copy in his scrawl the fine Roman hand of the concealed poet.

  4. Had I to maintain the Baconian hypothesis, I would not weigh heavily on bookless Will's rusticity and patois.

  5. But his own bookless actor with a patois seems to him, as author of Venus and Adonis, almost inconceivable.

  6. Yet, despite Will's bookless rusticity, this poem with Lucrece, which displays knowledge of a work of Ovid not translated into English by 1593, was regarded as his own.

  7. The principal reason for this omnipresent unbelief is, I believe, the neglect of our foundations, the disregard of our own bookless religion, the almost disdain of Natural Religion.

  8. We must all have our own bookless religion, if the sacred books, whatever they may be, are to find a safe and solid foundation within ourselves.

  9. Young people come from these bookless homes to college each year, showing great confusion of ideas, vacuity of mind and utter lack of information.

  10. Can you imagine a world intellectually famine-smitten like that--a bookless world--and not shrink with horror from the thought of being condemned to it?

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bookless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.