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Example sentences for "bookkeepers"

Lexicographically close words:
bookie; bookies; booking; bookish; bookkeeper; bookkeeping; bookless; booklet; booklets; bookmaker
  1. The manager praised both the bookkeepers and we--us girls.

  2. He had watched his bookkeepers at their work, and it seemed to him that their main business was turning and flattening the springy pages of the bulgy ledger.

  3. Books" to him meant the doleful books that bookkeepers keep.

  4. The day after Joel took train up the river to his academy Luke took the position his father secured for him and entered the little back room where the Butterly Bottling Works kept its bookkeepers on high stools.

  5. Jamie's manner, unconsciously to himself, had changed since that first row of gold coins had gone into the black tin box; the tellers and the bookkeepers had observed it, and they began to watch his mail again.

  6. If the bookkeepers have the current month's charges in the ledger, it saves referring to the bills at the bill clerk's desk for information or the current month's charges.

  7. It is especially convenient for bookkeepers to sort duplicates of the invoices alphabetically, and save a great deal of time in posting to loose-leaf ledgers arranged alphabetically, in the same manner.

  8. He had six or seven lady pupils that are now employed as bookkeepers in New York.

  9. Bookkeepers are usually employed ten hours a day.

  10. Saleswomen and bookkeepers there enjoy as a class a good reputation, but the same cannot be said of sempstresses.

  11. In female institutions of learning, and in benevolent institutions, lady bookkeepers might be very well employed.

  12. At a large store, where saleswomen were employed, I was told they find lady bookkeepers more accurate in their accounts, and not so likely to appropriate money that don't belong to them.

  13. And, before they were able to recover their dazed senses, Beard slipped out of the office and lost himself among the small army of clerks and bookkeepers in the outer room.

  14. Instead, the detective saw a score of clerks, bookkeepers and tellers seated gloomily at their desks, gazing at one another in appalled silence.

  15. When he had finished he beckoned to Dick to come into his cubby-hole den where an opening afforded him a chance to keep his eye on all that was going on in the store, from bookkeepers to the clerks behind the various counters.

  16. Tellers and bookkeepers started back to work, with various significant smiles and nods.

  17. There are also several bookkeepers among them.

  18. Some are bookkeepers or shop girls, others are drawing teachers, or music teachers, like the duchess.

  19. The overseer was changed three times during the five years of the record, and the bookkeepers were generally replaced annually.

  20. More bookkeepers and accountants worked for him this week than last.

  21. The map clerks loafed and the bookkeepers joked with one another.

  22. That is very true, Mrs. Bounce," said a young man, who was a newcomer in the neighborhood and one of the bookkeepers of the great firm.

  23. These one of the company's bookkeepers doled out.

  24. The city's full of cheap bookkeepers who can't do nothing else.

  25. One of the two bookkeepers appeared in the doorway.

  26. Bookkeepers were ordered to close up books.

  27. This is usually done when a broker wants to hide from his bookkeepers that he or an associate is taking the other end of the customer's trade.

  28. The Alameda smile is the smile of scorn worn by the bookkeepers who prepare the balance-sheets for the great merchants of San Francisco.

  29. All good bookkeepers have, even yet, this pitying contempt for those whose chief assets are ideas--the legal tender of the spirit.

  30. The first thing he noted was that Jafferay, one of the bookkeepers of the C.

  31. One of the bookkeepers mailed them to himself, at his home address, while you were still at the First National.

  32. Men bookkeepers show their best wage average in the wholesale business, clerks in transportation, and stenographers in manufacturing.

  33. The small office gives better wage opportunity to women bookkeepers and men stenographers; the large office favors women stenographers and men clerks.

  34. Why not frankly admit that a railway is too unlike a department store to put all the cashiers and bookkeepers on a single floor?

  35. I do not understand that a bank considers its bookkeepers more honest than its tellers or vice versa.

  36. Returning once more to the bank for inspiration and for light, do the bookkeepers of a chain of associated banks report to a head bookkeeper in a central office in a distant city?

  37. His fellow bookkeepers harangued him from morning till night.

  38. Purposely Mr. Bingle had stayed away from the bank, where, as its first vice-president, he was wont to spend much of his time looking after the comfort and advancement of the bookkeepers and clerks.

  39. Illustration] The use of the day book was formerly universal, but it has been discarded by modern bookkeepers as its use involves unnecessary labor.

  40. During the next hour a score or more bookkeepers came to him with bills, letters and papers of all descriptions.

  41. Clinton Kendale showed himself to be a thorough actor in carrying out a part carefully, as he followed the boy through the main office, where all of the bookkeepers were at work, toward the little office in the rear.

  42. In an instant half a dozen of his fellow bookkeepers were about him, frightened beyond words at this unusual scene and inquiring what could be the matter.

  43. The unusual disturbance soon brought a throng of cashiers, bookkeepers and clerks flocking to the scene.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bookkeepers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.