Many universities extended certain privileges to boys studying grammar, by placing their names on matriculation rolls, though such matriculationwas not part of the curriculum for a degree.
Kalipada, with very great difficulty, scraped together just enough money to pay his expenses till he passed his Matriculation and again won a scholarship.
He managed to pass the Matriculationand determined to go to College.
To prepare for the Matriculation Examination at London University which requires knowledge of:-- a.
He attended lectures at the Sydenham College, and, as has been seen, began to prepare for the matriculation examination of the University of London.
Scottish supporters are peculiar things to deal with, unless the exact terms of the patent of grant or matriculation are known.
In Scotland, where re-matriculation is constantly going on, two separate matriculations to the same line would not confer the right to two crests, inasmuch as the last matriculation supersedes everything which has preceded it.
Other than the occasional recognition of the cardinal's hat in former days, the only British official instance of the use of the ecclesiastical hat is met with in the case of the very recent matriculation of arms in Lyon Register to Right Rev.
This, however, does not interfere with the matriculation or exemplification of it in the case of existing arms in which it occurs.
The same peculiarity of supporters being surcharged upon a shield will be found, however, in the matriculation (1795) to Cumming-Gordon of Altyre.
Moreover the constant occasions of matriculation bring the arms frequently under official review.
As a matter of ordinary practice, the cadet matriculation is discarded.
A testimonial from my father attesting my capacity for the curriculum procured mematriculation without difficulty.
We break up on the 6th; but because of Dora's matriculation we are staying here until the 11th.
Gymnasium matriculation and Frau Doktor Steiner passed it too as an extra.
Last week Oswald had his written matriculation exam, he wrote a postcard every day and Mother was frightfully annoyed because he made such silly jokes all the time that we could not really tell how he got on.
Dora's matriculation is to-morrow, she's quite nervous about it although she is very well up in all the subjects.
But since they were all talking about the matriculation I was able to smooth it over.
Now that Dora has finished hermatriculation she will have to tell me a great deal more about certain things; she promised she would.
He won't be home until the 17th, for the matriculationdinner is on the 15th.
Dora said quietly: Maybe I shall show you that your sister can matriculate too; anyhow you have always said yourself that the chief thing you need to get through the matriculation is cheek.
Before the matriculation she was always so tired because of the frightful grind, but that is over now, and I never do any work in the holidays.
All persons soliciting matriculation in the night courses shall be admitted free of charge.
No dues are charged for matriculation or the examinations that may be necessary to get a diploma.
The examiners are ordinarily those appointed by the University for the ordinary matriculation examination.
The subjects required for matriculation are easy enough, according to our standards.
Capitan Tiago had named Padre Irene as his executor and willed his property in part to St. Clara, part to the Pope, to the Archbishop, the religious corporations, leaving twenty pesos for the matriculation of poor students.
The matriculation examination as it obtains at the London University embraces a hodge-podge of study, a great part of which is of no absolute service to the clerical student in his career.
Matriculation is a very small thing at the best, and Catholics do not object to it even in a state university, as in London, where they do not possess one of their own.
During the past year his studies had been directed with special reference to the matriculation examination.
There were two scholarships offered at each matriculation examination, one open to those coming from the city, the other to those from the country.
In 1676 he went to Glasgow to attend the classes in the University there, and his name still stands in the matriculation register of the University: "Franciscus Makemius .
Their sons, too, when they attended the classes in the University of Glasgow, signed the matriculation register as "A Scot of Ireland.
In his matriculation to the Arte de' Medici e Speziali, where the painters had to enroll themselves after their split from the Masonic Guild, he is written as "Andreas vocatus Tafi olim Ricchi.
The fines for those who absent themselves from the fete of the Patron Saints are the same as at Siena, and so also are the rules aboutmatriculation of members, the making of contracts, the introduction of foreign Masters, etc.
The best colleges at Oxford and Cambridge have shown by their matriculation examinations what the standard of classical knowledge ought to be at eighteen or nineteen.
In German universities, by student is understood "one who has by matriculation acquired the rights of academical citizenship.
During the first half of the seventeenth century, in the majority of the German universities, Catholic as well as Protestant, the matriculation of a student was preceded by a ceremony called the deposition.
Owing to his being under age, the London Matriculation certificate in respect of this examination was not forwarded until he had reached sixteen.
In order to have a clear road to Oxford University, he qualified in Greek at the London Matriculation Examination, January, 1914.
Matriculation examinations at any rate were in those happy days unknown.
It was October because it was before I came up here to join the matriculation class.
The first morning we met you asked me to show you the way to the matriculation class, putting a very strong stress on the first syllable.