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Example sentences for "easy matter"

  • It is true, as we said before, that Peter was no lover of cats, and the task of persuading him to afford board and lodging to a cat, of all cats the most odious and malignant, was therefore no easy matter.

  • He found it no easy matter to make his peace; and before he had quite done it, he called for his bill, and rose to depart.

  • Walter found, while he made search himself, that it was no easy matter, in so large a county as Yorkshire, to obtain even the preliminary particulars, viz.

  • But do you think it an easy matter absolutely to refuse the emperor what he seems so earnestly to desire?

  • His outward appearance may have been pleasing to the highest degree, but yet it was no easy matter to fathom what lay beneath it.

  • The selection of two characters for the tablet is an easy matter," suggested Chia Cheng, "but now go on and compose a pair of antithetical phrases with seven words in each.

  • This plan is certainly the proper one, for while trouble will thus be saved, the erection of the quarters will likewise be an easy matter; for had a distinct plot to be selected and to be purchased, it would involve far greater difficulties.

  • It is no easy Matter to describe our Circumstance, but it is miserable with this Aggravation, That it might be easily mended, and yet no Remedy endeavoured.

  • This therefore was the first Discourse he entertained her with, in which she found it no easy matter to quiet his Suspicions.

  • It was no easy matter, however, to overtake Sandy, for the horse had been on a run from the start.

  • A short invitation was not considered unusual in the country, so it was an easy matter to get all the children together in time for the farewell lawn party.

  • It was no easy matter to get the strap in place, but with much tugging and splashing of mud Harry succeeded.

  • He must therefore change his policy, and attach himself to the victor,--no easy matter, for Charles VIII was bitterly annoyed with the pope for having refused him the investiture and given it to Aragon.

  • But mighty as the pope's power was, to accomplish a design like this was no easy matter.

  • This was no easy matter, seeing that there was no sort of track, and the guns had to be lifted up and lowered by main farce, and each piece needed the arms of as many as two hundred men.

  • It was not such an easy matter to silence Bridget, who extended her claws towards her lord and master in a very menacing manner, calling down bitter imprecations on her own head if she wouldn't have her rights.

  • A subscription was necessary; and to raise this among a very impoverished people was no easy matter.

  • They knew, as well as we ourselves did, what we were out for, and it was no easy matter to restrain them.

  • For a law derives all its strength from custom, and this requires long time to establish; so that, to make it an easy matter to pass from the established laws to other new ones, is to weaken the power of laws.

  • But the sport will last long arter that; for arter his neck is broke, it ain't no easy matter to get the head off; the cords that tie that on, are as thick as your finger.

  • To dispose of them proved no easy matter.

  • This was no easy matter; for Godolphin was not a man to put himself lightly into the power of others.

  • The English complained that it was no easy matter to catch a Rapparee.

  • In his eagerness he had wandered far past the ravines which were known to him, and it was no easy matter to pick out the path which he had taken.

  • They were rich and I was poor, so that it was no easy matter for me to follow them.

  • Even then it was no easy matter to keep to the right track, for the moon had not yet risen, and the high cliffs on either side made the obscurity more profound.

  • As long as all these questions were unsolved, I felt that sleep would be no easy matter, either for Holmes or myself.

  • It was an easy matter to arrange things so the two houses could, in a way, be connected, as they are under the same long roof, and the porches divided by a railing only, that was removed for the one evening.

  • It is always an easy matter to find a little hill that will partly screen them--the country is so rolling--as they creep and crawl to position, ever mindful of the dreadful cactus.

  • It was no easy matter to get out of the hollow.

  • If they are all alone it will be an easy matter to capture them," said Randolph Rover.

  • It was no easy matter to transfer Pop to one of the lower staterooms, but once placed on a soft berth the Rovers did all they could for him.

  • It was an easy matter to locate the storehouses of the squirrels, and from each they took a quantity of nuts.

  • It was no easy matter to get the big bear on a drag and haul the carcass down to the ice.

  • They still possessed their old camp outfit and so it was an easy matter to gather the things together and get everything ready for the start.

  • This was an easy matter, for directly in front of the camp, on the lake front, grew a tall and slender sapling.

  • The locating of twenty sections of land was an easy matter.

  • The receiving of the herd in Williamson County was an easy matter.

  • From my sale accounts I made out a statement, and once my expenses were approved it was an easy matter to apportion each owner his just dues in the season's drive.

  • From there home was an easy matter, and after an absence of four months and five days the outfit rode into the Edwards ranch with a flourish.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "easy matter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    always accompanied; being asked; caused himself; court card; cream sauce; crossed the; during that; easy bowline; easy chair; easy circumstances; easy for; easy matter; easy sail; easy stages; easy task; easy victory; enter the; glass retort; her lap; higher plane; other conditions; plural marriage; they shall; through life; will immediately; your heart