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Example sentences for "slue"

Lexicographically close words:
sluagh; slubber; slubbing; sludge; sludgy; slued; slug; sluggard; sluggards; slugged
  1. The abbat got armed men about him, and falling vpon the moonkes, slue thrée of them at the high altar, and wounded xviij.

  2. Whereof when the erle was aduertised, he hasted thither to reuenge the slaughter of his seruant, and slue both that citizen which had killed his man, and eightéene others.

  3. Northumberland, which slue manie of the Danes, and tooke great booties both of people and cattell, remaining in the countrie the space of fiue weekes.

  4. Ethelbert to come vnto him in the night season, slue him that once mistrusted not anie such treason.

  5. Danes departed from Northampton and Chester in breach of the former truce, and slue a great number of men at Hochnerton in Oxfordshire.

  6. Bernulfe which came against them to defend his countrie, they slue him in the field.

  7. Barkeshire men gaue the enimies battell, & vanquishing them, slue of them a great number.

  8. The same yeere, a great armie of Danes passing by the east parts of the land, as through Lindsey, Eastangle, and Kent, slue and murthered an huge number of people.

  9. Lord 711, one of his capteins named earle Berthfride fought with the Picts, betwixt two places called Heue and Cere, and obteining the victorie, slue an huge number of the enimies.

  10. Wales into the countrie of Westsaxons, on the coast of Deuonshire, where the Deuonshire men gaue him battell, and slue him with 840 persons of his retinue.

  11. He slue in battell an earle of his countrie named Oswin, who arrearing warre against him, fought with him in a pitcht field at Eadwines Cliue, and receiued the worthie reward of rebellion.

  12. Sertorius faightyng a battaile in Spaine, slue one, whom signified unto hym the death of one of his capitaines, for feare that tellyng the very same to other, he should make theim afraied.

  13. Afterwards his body was taken up and carried to a slue and washed off, and then sent off to Richmond.

  14. When they took his body to a slue and washed it off they put on it a shirt and drawers, and then put it in a box and sent it to Richmond.

  15. Englishmen gat the towne of saint Clou, with the bridge, slue & drowned nine hundred souldiors that were set there to defend that passage, besides 400 that were taken prisoners.

  16. Britaines and the Flemings tooke certeine ships of ours laden with merchandize, and slue all the mariners, or else hanged them.

  17. This cost the lord Fleming his life: for after it was knowne that he had disclosed to the earle of Northumberland what was meant against him, and that the earle therevpon was shifted awaie, certeine of the Scots slue the said lord Fleming.

  18. Wherevpon no small grudge rose betwixt those that so slue him, and the said lord Flemings friends.

  19. Sidenote: The knights that slue the archbishop Becket.

  20. This yeare the Welshmen slue Ranulfe Poer shirife of Glocestershire.

  21. It was Slue Foot, and he brought 'em a grub stake and some blankets.

  22. Slue Foot's eyes blazed as he drove his yellow fangs deep into his tobacco plug.

  23. I hated to think of poor Corky wearing those dirty wet socks, and I didn't want Frenchy to get an awful bawling out from Slue Foot for not taking care of his package, so I just took a new pair out of the wanagan and sent them to him.

  24. I've been watching Slue Foot, and I know that he's not going to start anything.

  25. Oi see yer game, an' Oi know now ut it wuz Slue Fut had a hand in the lasht year's loosin'.

  26. Slue Foot advanced one threatening step: "Who d'ye think ye're talkin' to?

  27. Thin Slue Fut'll be free to plot an' kape us from deliverin' thim logs.

  28. There was finality in Slue Foot's voice as he drew on his mittens, and turned from the fire.

  29. Ut's as ye say, best to let th' law deal with Slue Foot.

  30. Don't say nawthin' whoilst ye an' Slue Fut an' the Syndicate steals th' whole outfit.

  31. Slue Foot is the man who is in the pay of the Syndicate--and he borrowed your name.

  32. And certeine it is that some of them slue their wiues and children, as mooued thereto with a certeine fond regard of pitie to rid them out of further miserie and danger of thraldome.

  33. Wherevpon the Britains rebelling against Bassianus, ioined themselues to Carausius, who by their support vanquished and slue the said Bassianus, after he had reigned 6 or (as some affirme) 30 yeares.

  34. But others write that he was a verie tyrant, and vsed himselfe verie cruellie towards the lords of his land, wherevpon they rebelled and slue him.

  35. Their horssemen and charets skirmished by the waie with the Romans, but so as they were put backe oftentimes into the woods and hills adioining: yet the Britains slue diuers of the Romans as they followed anie thing egerlie in the pursute.

  36. The French king, after the yeelding of Tartas, remooued to saint Seuerine, which towne he tooke by force, slue three hundred persons, and tooke sir Thomas Rampston prisoner.

  37. And the lord Longueall tooke by stelth the castell of Aumarle, and slue all the Englishmen within it.

  38. The Englishmen leaped on horssebacke, and followed them so, that they slue and tooke aboue eleuen hundred persons, among the which were taken the baron of Coloses, the vicount of Rone, and others.

  39. And after by the waie, he met fiue hundred Frenchmen going a foraging, of whome he slue the more part, and chased the other to the campe.

  40. According wherevnto (the duke of Burgognie shrinking) he burnt townes, spoiled and slue manie people in Picardie.

  41. But the citizens, with helpe of such as were come foorth of the countrie adioining to their aid, so valiantlie defended the walles, that they slue aboue two hundred of Perkins souldiers at that assault.

  42. Cease publishing that I have beene a man Train'd up in murther or in crueltie, For fore this time, this time is all too soone, I never slue or did consent to kill; So helpe me God as this I speake is true!

  43. They also slue his men, and spoiled the abbie.

  44. If anie offended him, he slue him shortlie after in his wrathfull mood.

  45. And nobody would dast to start a brand between Funeral Slue and Cabin Hill," pursued Chuck.

  46. A mile wide here, twenty mile away between Funeral Slue and Cabin Hill she's a good thirty mile wide--one cracking big triangle of the best grass in the territory.

  47. Hee sailed on further vnto the Isle of Anglesey neere vnto Wales, and finding two harles therein (either of them being called by the name of Hugo) be slue the one, and the other hee put to flight, and so subdued the Island.

  48. Godredus sonne of Olauus returning out of Norway was created king of Man, who in reuenge of his fathers death, put out the eyes of two of Haralds sonnes and slue the thirde.

  49. But y^e French perceiving that that would be greatly to their damage allso, they came in their begining before they were well setled, and displanted them, slue 2.

  50. Wherevpon giuing the charge vpon him, they put him to flight, and slue manie of his people.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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