But Ile Amerce you with so strong a fine, That you shall all repent thelosse of mine.
In stead of bringing in the blissfull prize And fastening on Thine eyes: Forfeit our own And nothing gain 230 But more ambitious losse at last, of brain; Chorus.
Though still I dy, I liue again; Still longing so to be still slain; 10 So gainfull is such losse of breath, I dy euen in desire of death.
Proud to haue gain'd this pretiouslosse And chang'd his false crown for Thy crosse.
For Pittie's sake, O, hide him quite From his mother Nature's sight; Lest for griefe his losse may move All her births abortive proue.
But god rebuked him with a likenesse sayenge: it greueth thyne hert for the losse of a vile shrobbe or spraye/ wheron thou bestoweddest no loboure or cost/ nether was it thyne handwerke.
How moch moare then shuld greue myne herte/ the losse of so greate a multitude of innocētes as are in Niniue/ which are all myne handes werke.
By which it appeareth that to any noble Prince the losse of his estate ought not to be so greeuous, as of his honour, nor any of them both like to the lacke of his libertie, but that life is the dearest detriment of any other.
Thus for your sake I daily dye, And do but seeme to liue in deede: Thus is my blisse but miserie, My lucre losse without your meede.
Upon the 'Change, where I seldom have of late been, I find all people mightily at a losse what to expect, but confusion and fears in every man's head and heart.
Smith's fleet is scattered, and three of them come without masts back to Plymouth, which is another very exceeding great disappointment, and if the victualling ships are miscarried will tend to the losse of the garrison of Tangier.
He tells me we are to owe the losse of so many ships on the sands, not to any fault of the pilots, but to the weather; but in this I have good authority to fear there was something more.
Thus we parted and my wife and I to bed, heavy for the losse of our friend.
Home at noon to dinner, and what with the going away of my father today and the losse of Mercer, I after dinner went up to my chamber and there could have cried to myself, had not people come to me about business.
Balty looked upon me like a man at a losse what I meant, thinking at first that I meant only that I had said the grace after meat instead of that before meat.
But thou that playnest of losse in richesse, hast founden the most dere-worthy thing; that thou clepest unsely hath made thee moche thing to winnen.
But thee therof have I excused; for thy losse and thy grete costages, wherthrough thou art nedy, arn nothing to me unknowen; but I hope to god somtyme it shal ben amended, as 140 thus I sayd.
But neither he nor his writing was once regarded: and so of necessitie he resorted to the castell of Guisnes, dailie skirmishing with the garrison of Calis, more to his losse than gaine.
What should I speak of Aniou & Maine, or the losse of the Ile of France, with the rich citie of Paris.
The losseof this place was of no small importance, being the verie keie and passage ouer the riuer of Seine, from France into Normandie, being distant from Rone onelie foure leagues.
Vpon the losse of his Mistresses Chaine, for which he made satisfaction.
After thy sorrow, 'twere her losse to live; 10 And her faire vertues in anothers line, Would faintly dawn, which are made Saints in thine.
It was his Merit, that his Funerall Could cause a losseso great and generall.
Seemes to informe a World; and bids it bee, In spight of losse or fraile mortalitie?
Such eyes should read the lines are writ of thee; But such a losse should have no elegie 40 To palliate the wound wee tooke in hir, Who rightly greeves admittes no comforter.
Not to venture thelosse of any one man Sub-section VIII.
Henry Lane, came home into England: which yeere was the first safe returne, without losse or shipwracke, or dead fraight, and burnings.
And whosoeuer shall withstand and not regard these our gracious letters shalbe in our high displeasure, and shal incurre thelosse of his life.
Didst thou at first, to flatter vs withall, Make vs partakers of a little gayne, That now our losse might be ten times so much?
Speake softly, or thelosse of those great Townes Will make him burst his Lead, and rise from death Glost.
Then let me stay, and Father doe you flye: Your losse is great, so your regard should be; My worth vnknowne, no losse is knowne in me.
With this losse our men were much danted, but our Admirall began againe to encourage them, declaring that the fortune of the warres was sometimes to win and sometimes to loose.
Gonzales sought the passage also by the riuer called Papamene, which riseth by Quito in Peru, and runneth Southeast 100 leagues, and then falleth into Amazones, but he also failing the entrance, returned with the losse of much labour and cost.
All the inhabitants thereof are free by the kings of Spaine: for these were the occasion that Mexico was woone in so short time, and with so little losse of men.
Which if he doone, no doubt but king Richard had beene in great ieopardie, either of priuation of his realme, or losse of his life, or both.
And when the losse of the battell was imminent and apparant, they brought to him a swift and a light horsse, to conueie him awaie.
What suertie shall be in this realme to anie person, either for life or goods vnder such a cruell prince, which regardeth not the destruction of his owne bloud, and then lesse the losse of other?
I lost a gret losse of hese departyng; for hyse sake, maystresse, shewe me the more favour.
Truly they can not saye that it is ony other / then bicause they wolde not ronne into the daunger of the losse of their Goodes / their estimacion and lyfe.
Regeneracion / can not iustifie / for he doth counte them to be but losse and dunge / which truly he wold not haue done / if they hadd such poure and vertue / that they could iustifie.
Beside this, to haue an amitie with his next neighbour the king of Scots, he winked at the losse of Berwike, and was contented to take a truce for fifteene yeares.
For in all battels you haue beene the gainers, but in leagues and treaties our wits haue made you loosers: so that you maie content your selues with the losse in treaties, for the spoile that you gat in warres and battels.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "losse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.