They prouide that the bodie of the sonne maye be wythout faute, and shulde bee made apte to do all manner thynges comelye, but the mynde, by whose moderacion all honeste wyrkes do stand, that they care not for.
But it is not good trustyng the lookes, vnder that frownynge face lurke oftẽ tymes most vnchaste and wanton maners, neyther is to be spoken amonge honeste men, to what shamefulnes these bouchers abuse chyldren by fearyng them.
The les your sylence, the lesse your credence, The les your credens the les your honeste, The les your honeste the les your assystens, The les your assystens the les abylyte 970 In you to do ought.
Says nocht ȝour sentens thus, skant worth a fas, Quhat honesteor renoun is to be dram?
Say thai nocht, I myne honeste haue degraid, And at my self to schute a but hes maid?
Quhar schame is lost quyte schent is womanhed; Quhat of bewte, quhar honeste lyis ded?
But here the end her husbande perceyuyng the honeste of her great pacience neuer after laye from her, but made good cheare at home with his owne.
And take better maners and more honeste Also hit is reherced that Iulius cezar was ballyd wherof he had desplaysir so grete that he kempt his heeris that laye on the after parte of his heed forward for to hyde the bare to fore.
The Senatours hearing and perceyuing his good and honeste disposition, greatly commended and extolled his fidelity and witte.
The steward very ioyful that he had gotten so honeste a man to be a witnesse of his accusation, approued his aduise, for that it agreed wel with his intent.
My wife is dead, by naturall fate and constellation, and bicause my doughter could continewe no longer in honeste and chaste life, death is befallen vnto her: whiche although it be miserable, yet the same is honourable.
Then speaketh the thirde to the honeste man that thought not to play:--"What?
Then, if there come a thing in controversye, must you be judged by the table, and then farewell the honeste man's parte, for he is borne downe on every syde.
That oon is honesteand leveful, and that other is deshoneste and unleveful.
Lordes may finden other maner pley Honeste y-nough to dryve the day awey.
Honeste vivere might mean to do no sin imperilling the soul; alterum non laedere would acquire the meaning of doing nothing to another which might impede his progress toward salvation.
Again, what new meaning might attach to the honeste vivere and the alterum non laedere of pagan legal ethics.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "honeste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.