We haue verie oft awak'd him, as if to carrie him to execution, and shew'd him a seeming warrant for it, it hath not moued him at all Duke.
You haue paid the heauens your Function, and the prisoner the veriedebt of your Calling.
Happely You something know: yet I beleeue there comes No countermand: no such example haue we: Besides, vpon the verie siege of Iustice, Lord Angelo hath to the publike eare Profest the contrarie.
This is the verie Mab that plats the manes of Horses in the night, And plats the Elfelocks in foule sluttish haire, Which once vntangled much misfortune breedes.
Now if you should deale doubly with her, it were verie weake dealing, and not to be offered to anie Gentlewoman.
And an olde hare hore, and an olde hare hore 115 is verie good meate in Lent: But a hare thats hoare is too much for a score, if it hore ere it be spent.
In this bathe of Scipio, there be verie small chinckes, rather than windowes, cut out in the stone wall, that without hurt of the fense they should let the light in.
And bicause you be yong and haue no children, it were a verie great losse and detriment to lose such a house and ligneage as yours is.
This garden was towred at everie corner, and railed with railes gilt; all the banks were set with flowers artificiall of silke and gold, the leaves cut of green sattin, so that they seemedverie flowers.
Then the king shifted him, and came to the queene, and sat at the banket, which was verie sumptuous.
This suit was soone granted, in so much that the pope directed his especiall letters vnto him, conteining the same absolution in verie ample and large manner, as Matth.
King Henrie being certified from them within of the composition thus made, was driuen to a verie hard shift: for he doubted nothing lesse than that any such thing should haue chanced.
The veriesame night before the cockcrowing he issued foorth by a little posterne gate, and taking with him onelie two moonks of the Cisteaux order, the one named Robert Canne, and the other S.
The realme of England was brought on all sides into verie good quiet; [Sidenote: Geffrey the kings brother rebelleth.
Maurie, that is the fiftéenth of Ianuarie, about sun setting he was beheaded, in the verie place in which the duke of Glocester was arrested by king Richard.
Herevpon as duke of Guien, he tooke vpon him to succor and defend them against all men, as their verie lord and souereigne, and so sending awaie the messengers, promised to send them aid verie shortlie.
In whose dispraise I find little, but to his praise verie much, parcell whereof I will deliuer by the waie as a metyard whereby the residue may be measured.
Then began the fight verie cruell, till the earle of Kent came to the rescue: [Sidenote: A great fight by sea.
What pleasure or what felicitie could he take in his princelie pompe, which he knew by manifest and fearfull experience, to be enuied and maligned to the verie death?
The townesmen were not verie earnest in pursuing of them, bicause of the kings proclamation and ordinance before time made in fauour of the Jewes: [Sidenote: The slaughter made of the Jews at Lin.
Cleremont, spoiling all the countrie by his forrais as he went, so that he wan great pillage, wherewith his souldiers were loden and made verie rich.
For till his comming, the castell of Windsore was not woone, the siege being but slackelie followed by the archbishop of Rouen, who had diuerse of his fréends within it, and therefore was not verie earnest against them.
But the bishop of Chester had verie ill lucke with his collections; for hauing gathered a great summe of monie to the kings vse, he was spoiled thereof in one night, as he lodged neere vnto Canturburie, being vpon his iournie towards the king.
Thou liest hypocrite (said the king) to thy verie face, for all the world knoweth that I haue not one daughter.
These were the statutes which this famous prince did enact at the first for his nauie, which sithens that time haue been verie much inlarged.
They sett vpp their sacrifice for the quicke and deade / the verieabhomination and God Maozim: which thinges they do defẽde wyth moste peruerse obstinacie.
The roote is thick and knobbie of a finger long, and like vnto those of the anemones (as it doth in all other parts verie notablie resemble) whereof no doubt this is a kinde.
It chanced vpon a small occasion, that verie sore and dangerous warres followed out of hand, betwixt king Henrie and Lewes surnamed the grosse king of France: the beginning whereof grew herevpon.
Moreouer at the verie same time also fire burst out of certeine riffes of the earth in so huge flames, that neither by water nor otherwise it could be quenched.
Which thing in those parties they brought verie well to passe: for after they were setled there, they valiantlie resisted their enimies, and made verie sharpe warres vpon them, sometimes with gaine, and sometimes with losse.
In like maner, the Winter was verie extreame cold with frosts, by reason whereof at the thawing and breaking of the yce, the most part of all the bridges in England were broken and borne downe.
But after he perceiued that his enimies were all in a redinesse, andverie well prouided to resist him: he staied and drew backe a little while.
Which request being verie agreeable to the quietnesse and wealth of his realme, and especiallie at that time, he did fauorablie grant and agree vnto.
Examples in this booke be diuerse, among which one is verie memorable, mentioned in the thirtie & ninth yeare of Henrie the sixt.
In this verie season, Charles the French king receiued the ladie Anne of Britaine, as his pupill into his hands, and with great solemnitie hir espoused, hauing with hir in dower, the whole duchie of Britaine.
The which matter might seeme verie strange, how such trouble and mischeefe should grow thereof, if the time were not considered, in which it happened.
The next yeare after there was a great plague, whereof men died in manie places verie sore; but speciallie and most of all in the citie of London, where died in that yeare thirtie thousand.
But pray ye, Maide, it will be verie good To take the shade in this vnhaunted wood.
Nay, my maister is damn'd, I'll be sworne, for his verie soule burnes in the firie eye of his faire mistresse.
In respect that it is solitary, I like it verie well: but in respect that it is priuate, it is a very vild life.
This is the verie false gallop of Verses, why doe you infect your selfe with them?
Why who cries out on pride, That can therein taxe any priuate party: Doth it not flow as hugely as the Sea, Till that the wearie verie meanes do ebbe.
Most shallow man: Thou wormes meate in respect of a good peece of flesh indeed: learne of the wise and perpend: Ciuet is of a baser birth then Tarre, the verie vncleanly fluxe of a Cat.
Here comes a payre of verie strange beasts, which in all tongues, are call'd Fooles Clo.
Comparable with this was the evidence of Margerie Sammon who "sayeth that the saide widow Hunt did tell her that shee had harde the said Joan Pechey, being in her house, verie often to chide and vehemently speaking, .
They had questioned the conjurer, and had found that he fumbled "verie ill favouredlie" in the repetition of the Lord's Prayer.
It is curious that she should “geave to my veriefrend Mrs. Blaunche a Parr a little gilt bowlle w^{th} a cover to it.
Turne vpon your right hand at the next turning, but at the next turning of all on your left; marrie at the verie next turning, turne of no hand, but turn down indirectlie to the Iewes house Gob.
Marrie God forbid, the boy was the veriestaffe of my age, my verie prop Lau.
Tis verie true: O wise and vpright Iudge, How much more elder art thou then thy lookes?
The old prouerbe is verie well parted betweene my Maister Shylocke and you sir, you haue the grace of God sir, and he hath enough Bass.
Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome hether, If that the youth of my new interest heere Haue power to bid you welcome: by your leaue I bid my verie friends and Countrimen Sweet Portia welcome Por.
To be briefe, the verie truth is, that the Iew hauing done me wrong, doth cause me as my Father being I hope an old man shall frutifie vnto you Gob.
Sir, you are verie welcome to our house: It must appeare in other waies then words, Therefore I scant this breathing curtesie Gra.
Confesse and loue Had beene the verie sum of my confession: O happie torment, when my torturer Doth teach me answers for deliuerance: But let me to my fortune and the caskets Por.
Also he had benches and stooles, the roome being verie large, for Gentlemen to sit about his schoole to behold his teaching.
Nonneus sustained, one which was appointed to defend those parties, an approoued capteine, & with continuall trauell in warres verie expert.
He was also a prince of much bountie, and verie liberall, whereby he obteined great loue both of his nobles and commons.
She therefore to encourage hir people against the enimies, mounted vp into an high place raised vp of turfes & sods made for the nonce, out of the which she made a long & verie pithie oration.
For as it is euident by writers of good credit, he came first ouer into Britaine with the said Aulus Plautius, and serued verie valiantlie vnder him, as before in place we haue partlie touched.
Thus were the Romans, as commonlie in all their martiall affaires, so in this incounter verie fortunate, the happie issue of the conflict falling out on their side.
Tay, in such wise putting the inhabitants in feare, that they durst not once set vpon his armie, though it were so that the same was verie sore disquieted and vexed by tempest and rage of weather.
He was a verie wise and politike [Sidenote: He died in the yéere 306.
But the souldiers yet séemed to beverie desirous of battell, requesting him to bring them to it, protesting that nothing was able to resist the force of noble prowes.
And hee verie friendly granted my request, but still seming to doubt that thereby the same might, contrarie to his former determination be Imprinted.
To him quick wits are "even like over-sharpe tooles whose edges be verie soone turned.
For you doo all complaine, that the nomber of the Catholikes is verie small, the greater part of men being diuided into sundry sectes, and the multitude of Epicures daily increasing.
Melancholike persons, and mad men, imagine many things which in verie deed are not.
Whiche wordes truly in my iudgement may also be verie aptly vnderstood of those wandering spirites.
De mirabilibus scripturæ saieth, that holie Scripture doeth sometimes applie the verie names of thinges to the Images and similitudes of the same.
What maruel is it then, if afterwards, yea and that verie quickly, diuers errours croape into the Churche, and multiplyed excéedingly?
Testimonies out of holie Scripture, and one example whereby it is prooued, that such kinde of apparitions are not to be credited, and that we ought to bee verie circumspect in them.
The same man affirmed, that in all the time of his madnesse he liued a verie pleasant life, vntill the Phisitian had cured him of his disease.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "verie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.