New Zealand's full participation in a number of defense alliances lapsed by the 1980s.
However, because of the EU's special status, this description is placed after the regular country entries.
The British system too, after its own way, has for a long period worked without any serious collision between the Houses,--the standing and obvious danger of the bicameral system.
Its leading features are popular representation more or less extensive, a bicameral legislature, and a cabinet or consolidated ministry.
The principal advantage of a bicameral legislature is that each house serves as a check upon the haste of the other and thus insures more careful consideration of bills.
The two houses of Parliament had made the colonists accustomed to the bicameral system.
The utility and excellence of a bicameral system has never, I believe, been seriously questioned in this country; but M.
Throughout several decades a preponderating political question was that of substituting for this essentially mediƦval arrangement a modern bicameral legislative system.
Under the provisions of these instruments Austria is constituted a limited monarchy, with a responsible ministry, a bicameral legislative body, and a considerable (p.
But there was established a bicameral legislature, by which the king's ministers might be impeached, and without whose assent no law might be enacted and no tax levied.
In structure it represents a curious cross between the principles of unicameral and bicameral organization.
Aside from its creation of a plural, republican executive, the most notable feature of the constitution was its provision for the establishment of a bicameral legislative system, until now generally opposed by French reformers.
For Paine's ideas on the right division of representatives into two chambers, which differ essentially from any bicameral system ever adopted, see vol.
Then on becoming states, each of the "old thirteen," except Pennsylvania, organized bicameral legislatures.
But the proposal of the bicameral congress proved a happy solution of the question.
The importance of the bicameral system is strongly insisted upon by the commentator of the Constitution.