Wherevpon the yoong man, being of an ambitious nature, and now pricked forward by the sinister counsell of his adherents, seeketh to obteine that by violence, which he thought would be verie long yer he should atteine by curtesie.
Wherevpon Gospatrike being latelie reconciled to the king & made earle of Northumberland, was sent against him, who sacked and destroied that part of Cumberland which the said Malcolme by violence had brought vnder his subiection.
Wherevpon the said Aluero Flores stayed there, vnder colour of keeping the siluer, but specially because of his disease, and for that they were affraide of the Englishmen.
Harborow, and there fired, and the other two we tooke in our company to the Sea.
What foole (saith he) ads to the Sea a drop, Lends Etna sparks, or angry stormes his wind?
For, what ciuill countrey hath euer suffered themselues to be conquered so few men as they were; to be depriued of their naturall King, and to be tyrannized ouer thus long, but they?
The Marchant Royal, a very braue and good shippe, and of great report.
Thomas Vauisor performed a very great fight, and stayed two houres as neere the Reuenge as the weather would permit him, not forsaking the fight, till he was like to be encompassed by the squadrons, and with great difficultie cleared himselfe.
The Oration or speech of the ambassadours sent from Conradus de Zoluer master generall of the land of Prussia, vnto Richard the Second, King of England, etc.
Besides, the wounds and brusings which she beares, Are such, so manie, so incurable, As to remoue her from this place of feares.
Wherevpon the pope granted that kingdome vnto king Henrie, with manie goodlie promises of aid to his furtherance for atteining the possession thereof.
The earle of Glocester and his complices began to feare the matter, and sent to him for peace, which could not be granted: wherevpon they appointed to giue him batell vpon Houndslow heath.
Wherevpon immediatlie he sent in commandement vnto the shiriffe of Notinghamshire, that going thither in his owne person, he should ruinat the said castell, & make it plaine with the ground.
Wherevpon when the said William Ralegh was returned from Rome to be installed, the king sent commandement to the maior and citizens of Winchester, that they should not suffer him to enter the citie.
Sutch is the Reuerence and Authoritie of the Sexe of man, wherevpon doeth ryse the comparyson of the wyfe, which doth resemble the man vnto the Sunne, and the Woman to the Moone.
His page that had the Dutch toong, going about the towne to change gold, and buy vittels, bewraied him, hauing by chance the kings gloues vnder his girdle: wherevpon comming to be examined for feare of tortures confessed the truth.
Wherevpon the lords of the Ile elected one Tancred to their king, a bastard sonne of Roger sometime king of that land, and grandfather to this last decessed king William.
Wherevpon king Richard wrote vnto Hubert archbishop of Canturburie in forme as followeth.
The newes of the taking of king Richard was anon bruted and blowne ouer all Germanie, wherevpon the emperour Henrie the sixt, the sonne of Frederike the first, [Sidenote: 1193.
But others write that he was a verie tyrant, and vsed himselfe verie cruellie towards the lords of his land, wherevpon they rebelled and slue him.
Wherevpon it came to passe on a morning, when he should pull on a new paire of hose, he asked the groome of his chamber that brought them to him what they cost?
Wherevpon he forbare to go foorth before dinner, but when he had dined and made himselfe merrie with receiuing more drinke than commonlie he vsed to doo, abroad he got him into the forest with a small traine: [Sidenote: Sir Walter Tirel.
Wherevpon Iohn Ribault being as glad as might be to see his men so well willing, determined the next day to search the most fit and conuenient place to be inhabited.
M75) But after we had skirmished a while with them, we procured a parley by one of the men of Saint Malo, whose ship rowed hard by vs: In which parley they required some of our men to come on shore vnto them: wherevpon wee requested M.
Wherevpon the boates were foorthwith laden with mill, after they had made our men as good cheere as they could deuise.
Wherevpon there insued a riot by the seruants of the mercers, haberdashers, & clothworkers in the citie of London, the tuesdaie before saint Edwards day.
Wherevpon most men were persuaded in their owne opinion, that by this heauenlie voice he was prouided & ordeined long before to inioy & obteine this kingdome.
At his comming backe (as some write) he charged certeine of the Nobilitie with treason, bicause they did not follow him: wherevpon shortlie after he punished them verie greeuuouslie, and peraduenture not without some ground of iust cause.
Wherevpon he deliuered the charge of the counties of Northumberland and Cumberland, vnto the lord William de Stuteuille, with all the castels, and other the appurtenances, which the lord Hugh Bardolfe before held, and had in keeping.
Wherevpon he fell in hand to practise with the citizens to win them with meed, curtesie, gentle speech, and great promises.
Wherevpon the capteins discharged and sent home a great number of the commons, reteining onelie the men of armes, yeomen, and freeholders, with the crossebowes and archers.
Wherevpon the king had caused them diuerse waies to be molested, but cheefelie in restreining them of libertie to haue any horsses or other cattell going to pasture within his forrests.
Northumbers rebelled against him, wherevpon he raised an armie, inuaded their countrie, and subdued them by force.
Queene Alfred also would haue ridden to the place where he laie, mooued with repentance (as hath beene said) but the horsse wherevponshe rode would not come neere the graue, for anie thing that could be doone to him.
Yorke, as a meane the sooner to obteine peace, offered to become christians, & to submit themselues vnto him: wherevpon he receiued them to his peace.
Wherevpon the king came to Bath, and though Adelwold shewed a countenance as if he would haue abidden the chance [Sidenote: Hen.
Wherevpon the pope had accurssed the English people, bicause they suffred the bishops sees to be vacant so long a time.
Wherevpon he assembled an armie, and entering the countrie of Glamorgan, did much hurt in the same, chastising the inhabitants verie sharpelie for their rebellious attempts.
Wherevpon the foresaid Ethelred and Burthred with their [Sidenote: Danes besieged in Notingham.
Musing vpon the diuersitie of these things, and not knowing wherevpon to settle hys iudgment, the deputies commaunded that the Woman Physitian should be admitted to speake with the patient.
Wherevpon after the losse of this field, he assembled the rest of his people that were escaped, and spake vnto them after this manner.
Wherevpon she earnestlie trauelled in treatie of a peace betwixt hir brother and king Egelred: which being brought to passe chieflie by hir sute, she was contented to become an hostage for performance thereof (as before is recited.
Then rested the whole rule of the realme in the kings hands, wherevpon he studied to preserue the people in peace, and ordeined lawes, [Sidenote: Hen.
Wherevpon he deuised how to conclude a league and amitie with his neighbour the king of Scots: who not long before had made diuerse incursions and roads into the realme of England.
Wherevpon the earle comming foorth to Fortescue, did there yeeld himselfe and the castell into the kings hands.
The occasion wherevpon the king and the duke fell out, is of diuerse folke in diuerse wise pretended.
Wherevpon he rode on with euill will, and that notwithstanding on the morow, rose from the feast, feining himselfe sicke, and king Richard said it was doone in hatred and despite of him.
But such was the fortune of France, that the duke of Burgognie was there murthered, as he kneeled before the Dolphin: wherevpon insued greater debate than before.
Wherevpon when the night was come, they came in secret wise vnder the walles, and there watched their time till the morning began to draw on.
Wherevpon the king, to the intent they should haue time to studie for a better answer, deferred the matter to an other parlement to be holden on the morrow after the feast of saint Hilarie.
Wherevpon the earle of Surrey hasted thitherwards, so that William Waleis and other of the Scotishmen which laie there at siege, raised the same, and departed from thence.
Wherevpon the abbats and priors were glad to follow the court, and sued to redeeme, not their sins, but their goods, with giuing a fourth part thereof.
The king hasted foorth to come to the rescue of his people, wherevpon Leolin and his brother Dauid retired with their people to Snowdon hilles, and fortified the castell there with a strong garrison of men.
Wherevpon whyle this eternall worde of God be our rocke and anker to sticke vnto, we will haue pacience with all the vayne inuentions of men, who labour so highly to magnifie their tongues, to exalt them selues aboue al that is God.
Wherevpon the king being somewhat troubled, by aduice of his councell, sent the bishop of Excester to Rome, (though he were then blind) to talke with the pope concerning that matter.
Wherevpon he prouided for wars with all his power, seeking aid from all places where he might get any, though the king his brother gaue him small leisure thereto, [Sidenote: K.
Wherefore it was determined, that the elect of Yorke should either acknowledge his subiection to the church of Canturburie, or else forgo his dignitie of archbishop: wherevpon in the end he came to London, and there vpon the 28.
Wherevpon he sent for his daughter the empresse to come ouer vnto him into Normandie, and hauing set his businesse in order on that side the sea, and taken hir with him, he returned into England before the feast of S.
Wherevpon he tooke order for the maintenance of the warre abroad, and the supplie of souldiers, and other things necessarie to be considered of for the suretie of his realme.
But he hauing his mind more inclined to England, refused to take the charge vpon him: wherevpon after that daie he neuer greatlie prospered in anie businesse which he tooke in hand: as some doo gather.
This Gerard therefore obeieng his commandement, did consecrate them all, William Gifford bishop of Winchester excepted; who refused to be consecrated at his hands, wherevpon he was depriued and banished the relme.
Wherevpon Claudius appointed Vespasian with an armie to go as lieutenant into Britaine.
Wherevpon the Britains rebelling against Bassianus, ioined themselues to Carausius, who by their support vanquished and slue the said Bassianus, after he had reigned 6 or (as some affirme) 30 yeares.
Wherevpon he marched straight to their campe and giuing them battell, vanquished them: and vsing the victorie as reason moued him, he lead his armie against those that inhabited the inner parts of Wales, spoiling the countrie on euerie side.
Wherevpon when the Hollanders came to ioine with them, they made fowle worke in sleaing and wounding them in most horrible wise.
Wherevpon the procurator sent them such aid as he thought he might well spare, which was not past two hundred men, and those not sufficientlie furnished either with weapon or armour.
Wherevpon immediatlie a legion of souldiers was sent thither in the [Sidenote: 414.
Bally, where one of their barks borded vs, telling vs that there we should find a Riuer of fresh water, and of all thinges els sufficient to serue our necessities, wherevpon we ankered.
Mauritius, that had already laden in her water, and hooped her vessels, wherevpon we began presently to do the like, and to visite our vessels that were almost spoyled.
North point, there lay three other great Portingal ships, we being not aboue half a mile from them, wherevpon wee helde in the weather and to seawarde Northeast as much as we might.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wherevpon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.