Do you heare ought (Sir) of a Battell toward Gent.
Know then my name is Dowglas, And I do haunt thee in the Battell thus, Because some tell me, that thou art a King Blunt.
The Tragedie of Richard the Third with the Landing of Earle Richmond, and the Battell at Bosworth Field Actus Primus.
Away towards Salsbury, while we reason here, A Royall battell might be wonne and lost: Some one take order Buckingham be brought To Salsbury, the rest march on with me.
The Tragedy of Richard the Third: with the Landing of Earle Richmond, and the Battell at Bosworth Field.
Call vp Lord Stanley, bid him bring his power, I will leade forth my Soldiers to the plaine, And thus my Battell shal be ordred.
Bloody and guilty: guiltily awake, And in a bloody Battell end thy dayes.
The English Army that diuided was Into two parties, is now conioyn'd in one, And meanes to giue you battell presently Char.
I, and to wage this Battell at Pharsalia, Where Caesar fought with Pompey.
Prepare you Generals, The Enemy comes on in gallant shew: Their bloody signe of Battell is hung out, And something to be done immediately Ant.
Saint Albons battell wonne by famous Yorke, Shall be eterniz'd in all Age to come.
This battell fares like to the mornings Warre, When dying clouds contend, with growing light, What time the Shepheard blowing of his nailes, Can neither call it perfect day, nor night.
On everie side come monie man To behald quha the battell wan.
Bot no Frenche-man in all that land With him durst battell hand for hand.
It was no maruell though this battell was lamentable to the French nation, for in it were taken and slaine the flower of all the nobilitie of France.
The news of this bloudie battell being reported to the French king as then soiourning at Rone, filled the court full of sorrow.
But when both these armies comming within danger either of other, set in full order of battell on both sides, they stood still at the first, beholding either others demeanor, being not distant in sunder past three bow shoots.
The daie following he brought his armie into the field to fight with the Danish princes, who likewise in battell araie met them.
This battell begane in Chyviat an owar befor the none.
And when even-songe bell was rang, the battell was nat half done.
And boldely brente Northomberlond, And haryed many a towyn; They dyd owr Ynglyssh men grete wrange, To battell that were not bowyn.
As our noble kynge mayd his avowe, lyke a noble prince of renowen, For the deth of the lord Persë he dyde the battell of Hombyll-down; 64.
This was the hontynge off the Cheviat, that tear begane this spurn; Old men that knowen the grownde well yenoughe call it the battell of Otterburn.
So all together stird up strifull stoure, And readie were new battell to darraine.
The battell being once begun, the Galles that looked earst for gold, and not for battell, were easilie ouercome, such as stood to the brunt were slaine, and the rest by flight constreined to depart the citie.
And so the battell of horssemen was dangerous, and like in all points whether they pursued or retired.
Shortlie after came Cassibellane with all his power of Britains, and gaue battell to the Romans.
Furthermore he caused them to stand in battell arraie vpon the coast, where he heard how the Britains were in a redinesse to withstand his entrance.
Androgeus also and Tenancius were at the battell in aid of Cassibellane.
By which meanes, he gathered togither a puissant armie, to the intent by battell (sithens none other waies would serue) at once to make an end of all.
This battell was sore foughten, for hope of life was set aside on either part, & taking of prisoners proclamed a great offense, so euerie man determined to vanquish or die in the field.
On the other part, the earle of Warwike, at the verie breake of the daie, had likewise set his men in order of battell in this maner.
And in like case as at the west end the earles battell ouer-reached the kings, so at the east end the kings ouer-reached the earls, and with like successe put the earls people in that place to the worse.
The lord Stanleie led the wing on the right hand of the dukes battell with foure thousand men of Lancashire & Cheshire.
One tyme in a battell he had receaved a wound right dangerous, during the cure of this wound one tyme being some what veary and pained he called for a Story or Romance.
The order of the bishop of Norwich his battellagainst the Flemings.
After this the duke passed by saint Omers, shewing himselfe (about a mile off) with his host in order of battell aloft vpon a mounteine.
Some saie, there died of them in the battell and chase fiue thousand, some six thousand; and others write, that there were nine thousand of them slaine: and Thomas Walsingham affirmeth twelue thousand.
This battell was fought vpon a mondaie being the fifteenth of Maie.
This is that which I haue to answer, and I am readie to defend my selfe against mine aduersarie; I beseech you therefore of right, and to haue the battell against him in vpright iudgement.
Giue me thy hand Messala: Be thou my witnesse, that against my will (As Pompey was) am I compell'd to set Vpon one Battell all our Liberties.
Sidenote: Certaine noblemen of the king of England were with the Emperor in his battell against the Soldan of Iconium.
King Henries Noble men and subjects were present with the sayd Emperour in a battellof his against the Soldan of Iconium.
For they runne hurling on heapes, and for the most part they neuer giue battell to their enemies: but that which they doe, they doe it all by stelth.
For although they take great othes vpon them to doe the battell truely, yet is the contrarie often seene: because the common champions haue none other liuing.
But when they heard, How in that place straunge knight arriued late, 8 Both knights and Ladies forth right angry far'd, And fiercely vnto battell sterne themselues prepar'd.
Eftsoones he gan aduance his haughtie crest, 6 As chauffed Bore his bristles doth vpreare, And shoke his scales to battell readie drest; 8 That made the Redcrosse knight nigh quake for feare, As bidding bold defiance to his foeman neare.
When nigh he drew vnto this gentle payre 2 And saw the Red-crosse, which the knight did beare, He burnt in fire, and gan eftsoones prepare 4 Himselfe to battell with his couched speare.
If euer loue of Ladie did empierce 2 Your yron brestes, or pittie could find place, Withhold your bloudie hands from battell fierce, 4 And sith for me ye fight, to me this grace Both yeeld, to stay your deadly strife a space.
Eftsoones her goodly shield addressing faire, 2 That mortall speare she in her hand did take, And vntobattell did her selfe prepaire.
Now after his Battell ended hee hath surrendered the spirit, Clepsydra effluxit, his houre-glasse is now runne out, and his soule is come to its wished home, where it is free from the fetters of flesh.
Oftentimes hee would range from the maine battell with very fewe in his company; either to make discoueries, or to encounter such enemies as could not bee found with greater troupes.
Octauius and his Britains, by whome after a sore battell there striken betwixt them, in the end Traherne was put to flight and chased, insomuch that he was constreined to forsake that part of the land, and to draw towards Scotland.
For their horssemen by their capteins appointment trauersing ouerthwart by the fronts of them that fought, set vpon that battell of the Britains which they found before them.
There died of the Romans part in this most notable battell 400, and about the like number were grieuouslie hurt and most pitifullie wounded.
The pretorian bands stood in order of battell armed in the field that laie before their lodgings, through which field Caratake shuld come.
In remembrance of which victorie, Marius caused a stone to be erected in the same place where the battell was fought, in which stone was grauen these words, Marij victoria.
In this season as though trumpets had blowne the sound to battell through out the whole Romane empire, most cruell nations being stirred vp, inuaded [Sidenote: The Almans.
The battell is at hand, and the victorie approcheth; and if we shamefullie recule, or cowardlie flee; we and all our sequele be destroied, and dishonored for euer.
And so remoouing from London, he tooke his iournie towards Salisburie, to the intent that in his iournie he might set on the dukes armie, if he might know him in anie place incamped, or in order of battell arraied.
Sidenote: The lord Stanleie refuseth to set the earles men inbattell araie.
Displaie my banner with a good courage, march foorth like strong and robustious champions, and begin the battell like hardie conquerors.
Wherefore like a valiant capteine he first determined to set on them, and either to destroie or to take them into his fauour, and after with all his power and puissance to giue battell to his mortall enimie king Richard.
This battell was fought at Bosworth in Leicestershire, the two and twentith daie of August, in the yeare of our redemption 1485.
To the right wing of the battell he appointed sir Gilbert Talbot to be the leader.
Besides that, they aduised him to keepe the lord Strange as prisoner till the battell were ended, and then at leisure his pleasure might be accomplished.
Ouer this battellwas capteine, Iohn duke of Norffolke, with whome was Thomas earle of Surrie his sonne.
And when the losse of the battell was imminent and apparant, they brought to him a swift and a light horsse, to conueie him awaie.
Sidenote: The battellbetweene king Richard, and king Henrie the seuenth, called Bosworth field.
Afterward they consulted togither how to giue battell to king Richard if he would abide, whome they knew not to be farre off with an huge host.
Thair at some Gordones waxed wraithe, 145 And said he did them wrong; To lat this lord then they warre leath First to [the] battell gange.
The Baron of Grastoke ys com owt of the west, With him a noble companye; All they loge at your fathers thys nyght, And the battell fayne wold they see.
This was the Hontynge off the Cheviat; 165 That tear begane this spurn: Old men that knowen the grownde well yenoughe, Call it the Battell of Otterburn.
This battell begane in Chyviat 95 An owar befor the none, And when even-song bell was rang, The battell was nat half done.
Here Goffarius with such Galles as were assembled to his aid, gaue battell againe vnto the Troians that were incamped to abide his comming.
But his brother Porrex was readie to receiue him with battell after he was landed, in the which battell Ferrex was slaine, with the more part of his people.
Moreouer in this battell against the Hunnes were thrée yong damsels taken of excellent beautie, specially one of them, whose name was Estrild, daughter to a certeine king of Scythia.
In this battell Brute lost manie of his men, and amongst other one of his nephues named Turinus, after he had shewed maruellous proofe of his manhood.
This battell begane in Chyviat An owar befor the none, And when even-song bell was rang, The battell was nat half done.
This was the Hontynge off the Cheviat; That tear begane this spurn: Old men that knowen the grownde well yenoughe, Call it the Battell of Otterburn.
It does not appear difficult to identify the exact region of which Battell speaks.
The generation which succeeded Battell saw the first of the man-like Apes which was ever brought to Europe, or, at any rate, whose visit found a historian.
The victorie in this battell fell to the Frenchmen, so that almost all the Englishmen were slaine with the lord Wooduile, beside six thousand Britons.
This battell was fought on a saturdaie being the sixteenth daie of Iune, in this second yeere of his reigne.
Now when this battell was ended, and fought out to the extremitie, then it well appeared, what high prowesse, what manfull stomachs, what hardie and couragious hearts rested in the kings aduersaries.
Sidenote: The battell of saint Aulbin in Britaine, betweene the duke of Britaine and the French king.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "battell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.