And with that, breaking through the crowde, in upon those who held mee, ranne me into the body with a halbert, at the reynes of my back, at least foure inches.
A notable aduertisement touching the summe of all the foresaid historie, wherin the foure great and notable conquests of this land are brieflie touched, being a conclusion introductorie, as is said in the argument.
Also this same yere wente a werre in foure parties of Engelond, of every coost xxiiij schippes a werre.
Foure suitors att once unto her did goe; They craved her favor, but still she sayd noe; I wold not wish gentles to marry with mee.
Of redd gold shines the yate; Of twenty foure faire ladyes there, The fairest is my mate.
The candidates for matrimony were occasionally not over-honest, as--"Had a noise for foure hours about the Money.
The fact is thus set forth in his own words: "The Book named Cordyale: or Memorare Novissima: which treateth of The foure last Thinges.
On his person were attendant on horssebacke noble persons, and on foot foure persons, all apparelled in purple sattin.
After they tooke a burning water made by Necromancie, by the which they taking away his senses, made foure other woundes in his bodie.
He liued aboue fourescore yeares ago, or neare that time.
In the end both the Frier & the foure Monkes were all put to torments, and there confessed all the matter.
The host (as is declared) was deuided into foure parts, their instrumentes of warre were hunters hornes, and drummes called attabals made like a caldron and couered with vellam.
But seyng his Counsell and subiectes so determined to warre, he cömaunded foure Spaniardes whiche he had prysoners in a cage, to be sacrificed vnto the Goddes of warre, with a greate number more of Indians.
He bathed him in his hotehouse fouretimes euerye day.
Hircio hearing this answere, sent foure of his men, giuing credite to his message, and for the desire he hadde to inhabite there.
This day as ye haue heard, were fortie Spaniards sacrificed, and Cortes wounded in one of hys legges, and thirtie moe of his men: they loste a piece of Ordinance, and foure horses.
This worke was fiftie dayes a doyng, although there were foure hundred thousand më dayly working, truly a famous worke and worthy of memory.
Deputy, or Deputys, and to three or foure such other substantiall persons as shall be named by the Lord Chancellor of England for the time being, etc.
In the first, Of the persecucioun and destructioun of the Foure grete Realmes.
Two of these Bishops were attired like Deacons, with mitres; two like Sub-Deacons, with mitres; and foure with copes and mitres.
On Sunday, the 17th of October, the King sent foure Barons vnto the Abbey of Saint Remy, to fetch the holie oyle.
The Iland is square, with foure rounds at the corners, like Mount-Edgecumb.
So foure of them tooke a fall together, to wit, Cary bullock, Liskerd, Restormel and Lanteglos.
Agnes, Haynborough, the foure Boroughs, Roche, Carnbray, and the two Castellan Danis.
Most of the Cornish sheepe haue no hornes, whose wool is finer in qualitie, as that of the horned more in quantitie: yet, in some places of the Countie there are that carrie foure hornes.
Besides, though the price seeme very high, yet mostly, foure yeeres tillage, with the husbandmans payne and charge, goeth neere to defray it.
Foure daies before which, at Xaintes, the youth of all sorts, from 9.
This shee reuealed to her husband: and hee, putting the same in triall, found a worke, which in foure yeeres, was worth him welneere so many thousand pounds.
Wee traced along some foure miles, all the way as wee went having the pleasantest Suckles, the ground all bespred and flowing over with faire flowers of sundry colours and kindes as though it had been any Garden or Orchard in England.
My selfe and three or foure more walking into the Woods, by chance we espied a path-way like to an Irish pace.
He has them now foure yeres be/iegd to make th{e~} thrall.
Is not enoughfoure quarters of a man, Withouten sword or shield, an host to quaile?
Aurelius[886] would in one houre colourfoure faces.
Looke you, sir, he gave foure score and nineteene 455 mourning gownes to the parish when he died, and because he would not make them up a full hundred, they would not bury him; was not this good dealing?
Marry, sir, three or foure as honest divels and good companions as any be in hell.
An asse goes a foure legs; I go of two, Christ crosse.
Me thinketh foure colours are sufficient to shadow any countenance; and so it was in the time of Phydias.
Trewly, if I have well remembred, ye have sayde here above that all Certes, se jay bien retenu, uous aués dict cy dessus que touttes thynges elemented have all the foure complexions.
Of the foure tymes ben made the yeres, of yeres ben made the whiche et iuer.
Wherfore, of these foure proportionall numbers, the first and the fourth Multiplied, one by the other, do make as much, as the second and the third Multiplied the one by the other.
Neere vnto the Sea coast where wee dwelt, there are no kind of stones to bee found (except a fewe small pebbles about foure miles off) but such as haue bene brought from farther out of the maine.
And yet I say for all this, there were but foure of our whole company (being one hundred and eight) that died all the yeere and that but at the latter ende thereof and vpon none of the aforesaide causes.
For all foure especially three were feeble, weake, and sickly persons before euer they came thither, and those that knewe them much marueyled that they liued so long beeing in that case, or had aduentured to trauaile.
Enter Claudio, Prince, and three or foure with Tapers.
Going a little farther, we came into a little plot full of fine and beautifull strawberries, foure times bigger and better than ours in England.
We in England divide our people commonlie into foure sorts, as gentlemen, citizens or burgesses, yeomen, .
It is likewise ordered that there shalbe foure Generall Courts held yearely, to be summoned by the Governor, for the tyme being, and not to be dissolved without the consent of the major parte of the Court.
And in the meane time foure and twenty pounds by yeere, to be distributed unto three discreet and Godlie men in the Colony, which shall honestly bring up three of the Infidels children in Christian Religion, and some good course to live by.
Whether I haue beene too blame or no, I know not, Here's a petition from a Florentine, Who hath for foure or fiue remoues come short, To tender it her selfe.
Abuses Of Speech To these Uses, there are alsofoure correspondent Abuses.
This diversity of names may be reduced to foure generall heads.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foure" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.