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Example sentences for "themselues"

Lexicographically close words:
theme; themes; themperour; themself; themselfs; themselves; themselvs; then; thence; thencefoorth
  1. Our men now hauing won the strond, put themselues presently in battell ray; the empty boates returned to the ships, but after our people had taken the strond, the castle did neuer shoot shot.

  2. Whose steps many hundreds following sithins haue made themselues men of good esteeme, and fit for the seruice of her sacrid maiestie.

  3. Our people seeing themselues thus compassed with their enemies, behaued themselues most valiantly, so that many of the Spaniards lost their liues, and 80.

  4. Diligently, to plye the reading of holy scripture, that they themselues mighte perfectly knowe all thinges perteining to Christian religion, wherin thei are bound to enstructe other.

  5. Which when our men perceiued, they put themselues in order of battle xv.

  6. Of the abundance of fishes, which cast themselues vpon the shore.

  7. I was desirous to know the cause why these women would so wilfully burne themselues against nature and law, and it was told mee that this law was of an antient time, to make prouision against the slaughters which women made of their husbands.

  8. In this island towards south, there is the another kingdome called Simoltra, where both men and women marke themselues with red-hot yron in 12.

  9. For when any man offers to die in the seruice of his false god, his parents, and all his friends assemble themselues together with a consort of musicians, making him a great and solemne feast: which feast being ended, they hange 5.

  10. But that they may with lesse danger diue vnder the water, they take limons which they pil, anointing themselues throughly with the iuice therof, and so they may diue naked vnder the water, the hors-leeches not being able to hurt them.

  11. I dare be bold to saye thus much, that being warned and tamed, by this present penurie, they had rather plow and til the land, then they would suffer the same to be vncultured, by withdrawing themselues to armure.

  12. Whervpon Brutus perswaded the Romaynes, that they should cease from teares and other childishe lamentacions, and to take weapons in their handes, to shew themselues like men.

  13. In like maner the beautifull doe not councell men to loue them, or couet that is not lawful: But miserable men shewing themselues inferiour to all lustes and desires, doe in the ende accuse Loue to be the authour of their miserie.

  14. After they had recouered diuers of the Romaine cities, they proceded further, and in sondrie places spoiled and destroyed the same, encamping themselues fiue miles from Rome, besides the trenches called Fossas Cluilias.

  15. The Volscians perceyuing themselues greatly derided, for considerations before remembred, determined by common accord, to inferre warres vppon the Romaines, vnder the conduction of Actius Tullius, and Coriolanus.

  16. There they alight, in hope themselues to hide From the fierce heat, and rest their weary limbs a tide.

  17. So diuersly themselues in vaine they fray; 8 Whiles some more bold, to measure him nigh stand, To proue how many acres he did spread of land.

  18. Those that are in extremity of either, are abhominable fellowes, and betray themselues to euery moderne censure, worse then drunkards Iaq.

  19. I, but the feet were lame, and could not beare themselues without the verse, and therefore stood lamely in the verse Cel.

  20. The other is the purging of themselues by amendement of life from such sinnes, as haue procured that extraordinarie plague.

  21. And what causeth the Magicianes themselues to wearie thereof.

  22. The first entresse and prentishippe of them that giues themselues to that craft.

  23. What are the waies possible, wherby the witches may transport themselues to places far distant, And what ar impossible & mere illusiones of Sathan.

  24. For hee beeing the enemie of mans Salvation, vses al the meanes he can to entrappe them so farre in his snares, as it may be vnable to them thereafter (suppose they would) to rid themselues out of the same.

  25. Wales, where they kept themselues as in a place of greatest safetie.

  26. For after his deceasse, diuerse of them (as it were promising to themselues a new libertie to doo that which in his life time they were constreined sore against their willes to forbeare) deceiued themselues by their hastie dealing.

  27. Soone after, both the brethren approching neere togither, ech of them pitched their campe within the sight of other, preparing themselues to giue battell with princelie stomachs.

  28. And as these euill spirits are in themselues different in power, vnderstanding, and subtiltie: so can their seruants do more or lesse through their meanes.

  29. Thus, none can escape the reuenging hand of God, which pursueth those who haue infeoffed themselues to such vanities, and are besotted with these vnlawfull curiosities.

  30. The Seas into themselues retract their flowes.

  31. A Cobweb ouer them they throw, To shield the winde if it should blowe, Themselues they wisely could bestowe, Lest any should espie them.

  32. If thou but touch thy golden Lyre, Thou Minos mou'st to heare thee: 50 One of the The Rockes feele in themselues a fire, Iudges of And rise vp to come neere thee.

  33. And their affections so surpasse, As well it might be deemd, That th' one of them the other was, And but themselues they seem'd.

  34. Summon all the sweets that are, To this nuptiall to repayre; Till with their throngs themselues they smother, Strongly styfling one another; And at last they all consume, And vanish in one rich perfume.

  35. Endiue and Succory are much like in nature, shape, and vse, they renue themselues by seed, as Fennell, and other hearbs.

  36. IC There will the swarme build as kindely, as if they had of themselues beene cast.

  37. They will in either at the mouth, or sheere themselues an hole.

  38. These haue great rentes giuen them by the king for the sustayning of themselues and their suruants.

  39. The which being perceiued by them of ye kingdome, they did yeeld themselues to be subjectes and vassales vnto the king of China.

  40. This prison is so painefull and grievous, that many doo dispaire and kill themselues because they cannot suffer it.

  41. The Naimani also, and the people called Karakitay assembled and banded themselues at a certaine straight valley, where, after a battell foughten they were vanquished by the Mongals.

  42. And when the Mongals with their emperour Chingis Cham had a while rested themselues after the foresayd victorie, they diuided their armies.

  43. And in the meane season by blinde and hidden passages vnder the earth, assembling themselues they came against the Tartars in warlike manner, and suddenly issuing forth, they slewe a great number of them.

  44. They withdraw not themselues from the combate, till they see the chiefe Standerd of their Generall giue backe.

  45. The second company was called Sumongal, that is, the Water-Mongals, who called themselues Tartars of a certaine riuer running through their countrey named Tartar.

  46. They ran also vpon that one foote by hopping and leaping, and being weary of such walking, they went vpon their hand and their foote, turning themselues round, as it were in a circle.

  47. Of the hides of beasts being tanned, they vse to shape for themselues light, but yet impenetrable armour.

  48. For, except Christendom, there is no land vnder heauen, which they stande in feare of, and for that cause they prepare themselues to battel against vs.

  49. This their boate they tye vnto an horse tayle, causing a man to swimme before, and to guide ouer the horse, or sometime they haue two oares to row themselues ouer.

  50. After the death of Chingis Cham aforesayd, the dukes assembled themselues and chose Occoday his sonne to be their Emperour.

  51. Then I spake after this maner vnto the gouernors of the citie, or rather vnto their Lieutenants, because the gouernors themselues were gone to pay tribute vnto Baatu, and were not as yet returned.

  52. But the citizens of Sarguit hearing this, came foorth to meete them, yeelding themselues vnto them of their owne accord.

  53. These riuers do abound with plenty of fishes, but especially Volga, and they exonerate themselues into the Grecian sea, which is called Mare maior.

  54. All thinges being thus considered on, the vvhole forces vvere commaunded in the euening to embarke themselues into Pinnaces, boates, & other small barkes appointed for this seruice.

  55. But the Normans behaued themselues warilie and soberlie, spending all that night in praier and confessing their sinnes vnto God; and in the morning earelie they receiued the communion before they went foorth to the battell.

  56. Normans, and withall they imbattelled their footmen in a new order, so that their horssemen shifted themselues on the wings, readie to rescue the footmen if their arraie should happen to be disturbed.

  57. And therefore by permission of the king of England, the Women of Wales ioined themselues in marriage with Englishmen.

  58. Angels themselues must breake Baumont, that promise Beyond the strength and patience of Angels.

  59. In such a cause come doe not shame thy selfe: Such whose bloods wrongs, or wrong done to themselues Could neuer heate, are yet in the defence 85 Of their whores, daring looke on her againe.

  60. They are almost all cocks and putt together fight and destroy each other, and prepare themselues to fight like cocks though they seeme to haue no other offensive part butt the bill.

  61. Egbert: and therefore vpon good aduisement taken in the matter, they resolued to submit themselues, and therevpon sent ambassadors to him to offer their submission, committing themselues wholie vnto his protection.

  62. He caused diuerse kings to bind themselues by oth to be true and [Sidenote: Mascutius.

  63. He was diligent in inquirie how the iudges of his land behaued themselues in their iudgements, and was a sharpe corrector of them which transgressed in that behalfe.

  64. The Danes perceiuing themselues in danger, made suite for a truce & abstinence from war, which they obteined, and then departed backe to Yorke, where they soiourned the most part of all that yeare.

  65. And in the yeare 983, the armie of the Danes meaning to inhabit in Northumberland, and to settle themselues there, chose [Sidenote: Guthred ordeined king of Northumberland.

  66. But after that they had recouered themselues togither, and [Sidenote: Agnerus and Hubba.

  67. Ifaith they prooue themselues sheepe and calues That deale with them, or put their trust in them.

  68. And therefore is Loue said to be a childe, Because in choise he is often beguil'd, As waggish boyes in game themselues forsweare; So the boy Loue is periur'd euery where.

  69. They cloth themselues with Beares skinnes and Luzernes and Seales and other beasts skinnes.

  70. Hee would take none of the Indians, for not hindring himselfe, because it behoued him to giue them no leasure to gather themselues together.

  71. He planted in this Countrey the Ensignes and Armes of the king of France: so that the Spaniardes themselues which were there afterwarde, haue named this countrey Terra Francesca.

  72. The Gouernour had notice by Iohn Ortiz, that an Indian told him how they determined to gather themselues together, and come vpon him, and giue him battell, and take away the Cacique from him.

  73. Nobilitie as the Commonaltie were without respect made subiect to the intollerable bondage of the Normans, taking an occasion by the perill and danger that their neighbours were in, to prouide for the safegard of themselues and their countrie.

  74. About this time the archbishop Stigand, and Alexander bishop of Lincolne fled to Scotland, where they kept themselues close for a season.

  75. For if they happen to kéepe themselues in the morning within the Hyues, then doth the same declare a tempest to insue that daye.

  76. So that of themselues not giuyng ouer this eager battell, untill the one part be forced to turne the backe to the other, and flye away with expedition.

  77. In the night time they setle themselues to rest vnto the morning, vntil one of them by humming twice or thrice about, doeth so styrre them forward to flye out after the other.

  78. And the shéepe doe greately trouble the Honnye Bées, if so be they happen to fall or lighte into the Wooll of theyr backes, out of whyche, they cannot easylye wynde or gette themselues againe.

  79. Thus honourably with exceeding pleasure and great solace, this sumpteous feast beeing ended, euerie one framed themselues to sit downe.

  80. I did see a little obscure light, thorow the tops of the high trees, somewhat deuiding themselues ouer the water, and with the rest of their bodyes and branches, as it were seperating the heauens from my lifted vp eyes.

  81. But it wyll also prooue no whit displeasant, if with a lyttle patience, they restraine to glutte themselues with the walowish sweetnes of deceyueable delightes, and trye the taste of a contrarye vyand.

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "themselues" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.