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Example sentences for "kept close"

  • The stewpan should be kept close covered.

  • The bacon must be covered with white paper, and the lid of the pan must be kept close.

  • If it is stewed till all the juices are drawn from the meat, the latter becomes quite unfit for food: and if the stewpan be kept close covered, there are the same objections to it as meat pies and puddings.

  • All the other hounds whined and kept close to him.

  • Riding to higher ground I kept close watch on the few open patches up on the slope.

  • He ran down the incline yelling all of the way, and I kept close to him, adding my yells to his, and gripping my revolver.

  • The plants preparing for ridging out early in February will require attention in airing, and watering with tepid water occasionally when dry, and to be kept close to the glass to produce sturdy growth.

  • To be kept close for a week, after which air may be freely given, avoiding currents of cold air.

  • We kept close watch on the edge of the jungle, but nothing menaced us, although the tangle of brush and creepers might have been full of men and we little the wiser.

  • I kept close watch on the clear spaces for tracks, and carried my two pistols in the front of my belt, Long Jim's pair well behind.

  • The captain and I kept close together, sneaking along with our pistols cocked, quiet as possible.

  • The wind being off shore, we kept close in with the coast, which consists of high cliffs full of fossils, we were told.

  • Finding the tide against us, we kept close enough in shore to be able to distinguish places with our glasses.

  • We kept close up the height, bolted our cold junk and biscuit, washing down with a stiff caulker, and looked every man to his tools.

  • Then I went gloomily down to my berth, where I kept close by myself till I fell asleep, though the gun-room steward was sent to me more than once to join the officers.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kept close" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    abolish slavery; all such; compulsory education; dead language; external appearance; fine open; kept back; kept down; kept from; kept quiet; kept repeating; kept right; kept saying; kept silence; kept silent; kept them; kept thinking; kept waiting; kept warm; large trade; may find; mental health; nine cents; real knowledge; really meant; thrown away