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Example sentences for "barl"

Lexicographically close words:
barking; barkings; barkless; barks; barky; barley; barleys; barm; barmaid; barmaids
  1. Tari Barl and his companion were returning.

  2. Writing his report on a leaf of his pocketbook Wilmshurst gave the paper to Tari Barl with instructions to deliver it to the company commander.

  3. Tari Barl was a typical specimen of the West African native from whom the ranks of the Coast regiments are recruited.

  4. Having given Tari Barl instructions to pack his kit the subaltern sent for Sergeant Bela Moshi.

  5. It was Tari Barl in search of his master.

  6. Tari Barl indicated that the scouts had followed two distinct spoors for more than a couple of miles without actually sighting any of the retiring enemy.

  7. The two men selected--Tari Barl and No Go--lost no time in starting upon their hazardous quest.

  8. Tari Barl departed on his errand, and returned presently, looking very crestfallen.

  9. In the midst of his investigations Tari Barl approached with a self-satisfied smile on his ebony features.

  10. Me tink MacGreg him come," replied Tan Barl after a brief survey.

  11. Sure I never carry my mushket here widout feeling as if it will go off in my hands; the barl gets nearly red-hot!

  12. There's the barl o' wather and the bishkit, and now there's the sail.

  13. Lots o' lobstas--could hab picked up a barl full, ony hadn't any barl to pick up.

  14. I expected him to be charmed with the sight of me, if not of Shelagh, for I was always a favourite with Barl and Barley; but the poor man was absent-minded and queer.

  15. I assured him fiercely that any one possessed of a mind at all would change it at sight of dear old Barl and Barley.

  16. Shelagh and I knew nothing until Barl came pounding at my door.

  17. It's more like a barl than anything else, but Ben kept me off looking at it close.

  18. So we promised and Mitch rolled the barl up to the winder and we both stood on it and looked in.

  19. We got down to the jail about dusk, and Mitch insisted on rollin' a barl up to the window and climbin' up on it, so as to make it as much like Tom Sawyer as possible.

  20. So the clerk says all right, and gave him fifty cents and took the barl in the store and put it in the corner.

  21. And it was out of that barl that Linkern became what he was.

  22. And after a few days this here clerk took the barl and turned it upside down and there was treasure.

  23. And this here feller that was killed and Duff fit here onct right in Oakford, because he pulled Duff off'n a barl where he was sleepin', and Duff got up and whooped him.

  24. Mitch was quiet for a minute and then said: "Don't you 'spose the man who sold the barl to Linkern knew the books was in there?

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barl" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    barley bread; barley meal; barley water