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Example sentences for "barley water"

  • With an infant of three or four months it should be used at the beginning in the proportion of one ounce of the milk to sixteen ounces of plain boiled water or barley water.

  • For your jug of Barley Water ('Tis a drink by no means bad), Some two ounces and a quarter Of pearl barley add.

  • For a jug of Barley Water, Half a gallon, less or more, From the filter that you bought her, Ask your wife to pour.

  • For a jug of Barley Water Take a saucepan not too small; Give it to your wife or daughter, If within your call.

  • Prepare a barley water as above, and add to each cupful a tablespoonful or two of cranberry, grape, raspberry, or any tart fruit syrup.

  • By returning the barley to the stewpan with another quart of cold water, and simmering for an hour or an hour and a half longer, a second cap of barley water may be obtained, almost as good as the first.

  • Prepare a barley water by adding one pint boiling water to a pint of best pearl barley.

  • Barley water, and thin, well-boiled, and carefully strained oatmeal gruel thoroughly blended with the milk are also used for this purpose.

  • Add one drachm of sulphuric ether to half an ounce of syrup of marsh-mallows, and six ounces of barley water.

  • Mix one part of white vinegar with three parts of honey of roses, and twenty-four of barley water.

  • Mix one drachm of the tincture of asafoetida in a pint of barley water.

  • Emetics, frequent draughts of barley water, with castor oil and laudanum.

  • The cough must be allayed by the administration of small doses of morphia in gum water or barley water.

  • Gruel or barley water, either with or without the addition of a little common salt or oil, are generally so called.

  • If the symptoms are more severe and attended by fever and vomiting, all milk should be stopped at once, and only broth, barley water, or some thin gruel given.

  • If a thinner gruel (barley water) is desired, one half the quantity of barley should be used.

  • A thinner gruel (barley water) is made by using half the quantity of flour.

  • At the age of five months, or at any time thereafter, barley water may be substituted for boiled water in the formula.

  • The following is a good receipt: =Barley Water.

  • His common Drink should be Almond Emulsion, commonly called Almond Milk, or Barley Water, or fresh Water with a fourth part Milk.

  • The patient should drink copiously of mucilaginous beverages, such as linseed tea, slippery elm bark, barley water, with gum Arabic dissolved in it.

  • Then give a dose of castor-oil, and let the patient drink freely of flaxseed tea, barley water, or sweet milk.

  • After the violent symptoms have subsided, the patient should drink freely of flaxseed tea or barley water.

  • Rice or barley water can be added to this if the meat juice causes vomiting.

  • Dilute the milk or stop entirely and give only water, or lime water and milk, barley water.

  • The albumin water can be used alternately with the solution of acorn cocoa or beef juice or barley water.

  • Not knowing what she might, or might not, find in the way of remedies when she arrived at her destination, my friend took with her some strong barley water, bananas, and an enema syringe.

  • When using pearl barley for making barley water it must be well washed.

  • Those on low Diet to have Rice or Barley Water as above, with or without Wine or Brandy.

  • The thirst is usually intense and if vomiting is not present it can be moderately relieved by giving small quantities frequently of cool boiled water or mineral water or strained albumen or barley water.

  • The best substitutes are rice or barley water, either plain or dextrinized, the malted foods, chicken or beef broths, liquid peptonoids or bovinine.

  • They should be given a dose of castor oil or calomel and fed on barley water in the interval.

  • They should be specially taught to immediately discontinue milk at the first sign of intestinal trouble, to give a suitable dose of castor oil and to put the child on barley water as a food until the danger is passed.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barley water" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about the same date; among birds; barley bread; barley meal; barley water; begged them; cheerful heart; economic interpretation; innumerable company; mercantile business; move slowly; normal space; often before; plus grand; positive pleasure; possibly could; prisoners taken; reasonable cause; shall fail; should rather; single point; social progress; vast quantities; will raise