And euer I thinke on Aesops tale, that when the lion had proclaimed that (on paine of death) there should no horned beast abide in that wood: one that had in his forehed a bunce of flesh, fled awaie a great pace.
And if thou come vnto him make no fault, least he take awaiethy life: remember that thou goest in the middest of snares, & that thou walkest vpon the towers of the citie.
For this thing onelie tooke awaie from him and all his companions their hope and courage, that they had to obteine an happie enterprise.
At lest wise, if it be a poinet of good service, to renne awaie at all times, when the countree hath most neede of his helpe to sticke to it.
Judgeyng that it is more for the benefite of one's countree to renne awaie in battaile, then to lese his life.
Also they tooke awaie certeine writings obligatorie, in the which diuerse persons were bound for the paiement of great summes of monie, and deliuerie of certeine wines vnto the hands of the said abbat.
The Spaniards and Genowaies tooke awaie with them foure English ships, which being vittellers, were left behind.
For both kings were subdued in fight, vanquished, and taken prisoners; with a great number of their noblemen, whereas they were in hope to haue gone awaie with the conquest, and to haue had renowme for their reward.
Secretarie, this morning, that diuerse Scholers of Eaton, be runne awaiefrom the Schole, for feare of beating.
The Latine copie hath Riui sanguinis, riuers of bloud, noting by the word the abundance and also the streaming course of the same, which was able with the violent current thereof to beare awaie the verie bodies of the slaine.
Furthermore, to put awaie as it were the reproofe of his captiuitie and imprisonment (by the reuiuing of his noblenesse, which he had in high estimation.
Item, to restore all the lands and possessions which had béene taken awaie from the sée of Canturburie, as they were belonging thereto in the yere before the departure of the archbishop Thomas out of England.
After consultation, casting awaie their weapons, they came foorth to the king, asking mercie; which somewhat hardlie they obteined.
He kept also the souldiers that had yeelded it into his hands, togither with the hostages as prisoners, and doubting to cope with his enimie, went awaie in the night with as still noise as was possible.
For what other thing should that be, but to plucke awaie the right of the church?
Maximianus thereof hauing aduertisement, raised his power and went against him, and so fighting with him diuers battels, sometime departed awaie with victorie, and sometime with losse.
The charets oftentimes wanting their guiders were caried awaie with the horsses, that being put in feare with the noise and stur, ran hither and thither, bearing downe one another, and whomsoeuer else they met withall.
Awaie in hast goes the Tailor and the seruing-man, and entering the house with the Constable, found them in the place where hee that reueald it, knew the broker alwaie laid such gotten goods.
A pleasant tale howe an honest substantiall Citizen was made a Connie, and simplie entertained a knaue that carried awaie his goods verie politickly.
This proclamation, comming to the vnderstanding of them in the duke of Yorks hoast, caused a great number that were there with him against the king, to get awaie & come to the kings side.
Those that thus fled, made the best shift they could to get awaie through gardens and backesides, through shrubs, hedges and woods, seeking places where to hide themselues, vntill that dangerous tempest of the battell were ouerblowne.
But now by the going awaie thus of his capteins and people, that purpose was disappointed.
So from the face of Mervyn Tewdor brave The Normans eftsoons fled awaie aghaste; And lefte behynde their bowe and asenglave.
I wylle awaie to Birtha bie thys nyghte: Albeytte fro mie woundes mie soul doe blede, I wylle awaie, & die wythynne her syghte.
Ynne Norman tymes, Turgotus and Goode Chaucer dydd excelle, Thenn Stowe, the Bryghtstowe Carmelyte, 15 Dydd bare awaie the belle.
Bryghte sonne han ynne hys roddie robes byn dyghte, From the rodde Easte he flytted wythe hys trayne, 735 The howers drewe awaie the geete of nyghte, Her sable tapistrie was rente yn twayne.
And gyf yee gette awaie to Denmarkes shore, Eftesoones we will retourne, & vanquished bee ne moere.
I moste awaie to Byrtha eyne, For yn her lookes I fynde mie beynge doe entwyne.
At length the said bishop vpon greefe conceiued that the king should be so heauie lord vnto him, got into a ship at London, and stale awaie into France, where he was well receiued of the French king, and greatlie cherished.
In the end whereof it so fortuned, that the Londoners had the vpper hand: and amongst other that were put to the foile, the steward of the abbat of Westminster with his folkes went awaie with the worst, to their great greefe.
He also took awaie from diuerse of the Nobilitie, and others of the better sort, all their liuings, and gaue the same to his Normans.
Incẽse is an abhominable thinge vnto me / I maye not awaie with your newe moones.
But the scripture teacheth / that there is but one only propiciatorie sacrifice / able and auaylable to take awaie synnes / whiche Christe Iesus offered in his owne fleshe vpon the Crosse.
Yea and if I be burned / or cast into exile for the confession of the gospell / do I not take miself awaie frõ myne by deathe / before my tyme?
They burnt 23 of his manors which he had in those parts of Wales, with his barnes, and did what hurt they could deuise, burning or taking awaie all his writings and euidences.
Winborne, yet he stole awaie in the night, and fled into Northumberland, where he was ioifullie receiued of the Danes.
Moreouer, he shewed how that such euill women, as well nuns as other, vsed to make awaie in secret wise their children which they bare out of wedlocke, and so filled the graues with dead bodies, and hell with damned soules.
To some others at these times hee teacheth how to make Pictures of waxe or clay: That by the rosting thereof, the persones that they beare the name of, may be continuallie melted or dryed awaie by continuall sicknesse.
But if hee flie, and turne awaie his face, Shee followeth straight, and grones to him for grace.
I am Pallas tree: Remoue awaieyour cluſters hence, the virgin wine doth flee.
And streightwaies throwing awaie the superstition of vanitie, required armour and weapon of the king, with a stoned horsse, vpon the which he being mounted, rode foorth to destroie the idols.
The Saxons the more valiant they had shewed themselues in battell, before that time, so much the more slow and vntowardlie did they shew themselues now in running awaie to saue themselues, so that an huge number of them were slaine.
But if anie man did put awaie his wife which he had lawfullie married, if he would be accounted a true Christian, he might not be coopled with an other, but so remaine, or else be reconciled to his owne wife.
Thus Constantius was made awaie in maner as before ye haue heard, after he had reigned (as most writers affirme) the space of fiue yéeres.
And there they sent awaie from the king, whom it pleased them, and set new seruants about him, such as liked better them than him.
And if she might happen to bring that to passe (as it were no great maistrie, we letting hir alone) all the world would saie, that we were a wise sort of councellors about a king, that let his brother be cast awaie vnder our noses.
Two: first, as water washeth away the filthines of ye fleshe: so ye bloode of Christ washeth awaie synne from my soull; secondly, I am taught to rise againe to neunes of life.
The washinge awaie of synnes by the bloode of Christe.
Awaie she went: so sweete a thing is golde, That (mauger) will inuade the strongest holde.
Awaie my Lord to Barwicke presentlie, The daie is lost, our friends are murdered, No hope is left for vs, therefore awaie.
Awaie with him, and send him to the Tower, And let vs go question with the man about [eaj100] His apprehension.
Soldiers awaieand drag him hence perforce: Awaie with the villaine.
Awaie with her, and wafte hir hence to France, And now what rests but that we spend the time, With stately Triumphs and mirthfull comicke shewes, Such as befits the pleasures of the Court.
Awaie my Lord for vengeance comes along with him: [eah061] Nay stand not to expostulate make hast, Or else come after, Ile awaie before.
Some troopes pursue the bloudie minded Queene, That now towards Barwike doth poste amaine, But thinke you that Clifford is fledawaie with them?
Sease on the shamefast Henry, [ear001] And once againe conuaie him to the Tower, Awaiewith him, I will not heare him speake.
Why I am not coopt vppe heere for defence, ·eas075· I will awaie to Barnet presently, And bid thee battaile Edward if thou darest.
Lo here a period of tumultuous broiles, Awaie with Oxford to Hames castell straight, For Summerset off with his guiltie head.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "awaie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.