Hou be it he was sore mevyd with it, I wote it well, and glad to take avyse and comfort of other personez than of Masters Markham and Byngham.
Men sey ye will neyther folwe the avyse of youre owyn kynred, nor of youre counsell, but contynwe your owyn wylfullnesse, whiche, but grace be, shal be youre distrucion.
Sidenote: ner have no mor to do by my writynge that I sent yow thanne to avyse hough I shall take myn accion, and that in that accion I have as good titell as my Lord of Norwich hath to the chirch of Thorp.
I pray you send me yeur avyse how ye wyll that we doo a yenst the next shyr, whych shulbe the Monday next after Trynyte Sonday, as for callyng uppon the replevyn that the bests of Drayton wer delyveryd by.
I wolde avyse yow in ony wyse that ye xuld understond the mater wysely her ye com hom, for I sopose that Yelverton and he is confydett and acorde to geder.
I spak to hym of the same mater or he yed hens, and I pray yow, if it plese yow, to geve hym yowyr avyse what ye thynk is best to do ther in.
I avyse you that ye in no wyse take no charge therof tyll ye know more than ye doo yet; for ye may verely knowe by that your unkell Will.
Item, I sent to zow to have had zowre avyse qwat menys were best to make for the mater towchyng the Lord Scrop, qwere in I had an answer, but me thowthe it was not to the poynthe.
Here and se, and kepe thee stylle,[198:A] Whatsoever ye thynk avyse ye wele.
Your comfort hath yeven me suche hardinesse That now I shal be bold, withouten fayl, To do after your avyse and counsayl.
And doun fro thennes faste he gan avyse This litel spot of erthe, that with the see Enbraced is'; Troilus, bk.
And it is here avyse that the meyre shuld purveye for hem in sum other Freres.
Ryght worchipfulle Sir, yours goode cosynes and frendes avyseyow to come to Walsyngham, and that ye be there to morw betymes at vj.
And if ye can aspie that he come hider, send my maistresse word as hastily as ye may, and of your avyse and of all other thyngges as ye seme, &c.
Dyverse men of my freendis avyse me to entre in to the maner of Gresham by force of my writte of restitution, whiche I wole not do by cause the maner is so decayed by the Lord Moleyns occupacion, that where it was worth to me l.
And to fore I cam to Framyngham myn lord of Norffolk hadde wrytyn for Sir Robert Conyers, takyng promys of hym to be rewlyd in alle matterez as myn Lord of Norffolk wil avyse hym, and as an undirschireve ze schall be acounseill therof.
To myn welbelovid sone, I grete yow wel, and avyse yow to thynkk onis of the daie of youre fadris counseyle to lerne the lawe, for he seyde manie tymis that ho so ever schuld dwelle at Paston, schulde have nede to conne defende hym selfe.
Item, where my cosyn Inglose avyse me fully to take a speciall assise on the priorye of Hykelyng for my rent, I have abydden uppon my cosyn Paston that he and I shuld take one to ghedyr, and I vele hym no thyng spede in it.
Sende me worde ther off; it wer well doo, that ye wer a lytell sewrer off yowr pardon than ye be: avyse you, I deme ye woll her afftr ellys repent yow.
For Goddes love, and your brether go over the see, avyse them as ye thynk best for her [their] save garde.
Item, to avyse my modyr that she brek not for the yerly valew of Sparham above the x.
At the reverens of God, avyse hym zet to be war of hys expences and gydyng that yt be no schame to us alle.
And therfor I wold avyse yow, calle sharply upon my Lord, the Archebyshop, for ye ar not bond to undo your sylf for hym.
God kepe zow, and yeve zow grace to do as wele as I woold ze dede; and I scharge zow be war that ze sette no lond to morgage, for if eny avyse zow ther to, they arn not zowr frendds.
But I was never so well armyd for the werre as I have now armyd me for cold; wherfor I avyse yow, take exampyll by me, if it happyn yow to be seek, as ye wer when I was at Caleys, in eny wyse kepe yow warme.
Yf it like you to wryte your avyse in a bylle that I myght have it by Good Fryday at Seint Benettys, Williem Norwyche wol send it theder.
And I beseke you the rather for my sake, for at that tyme the conveyaunce of al materez shal be comounyd of; and I know verely your avyse shall peyse depper in my maisterys conceyt thanne bothyn thers shal do.
I comunyd onys togeder, cownsellyng her to take good avyse befor sche sold her wood at Wrenham; and he schuld knowe ther by weder Ponyngges wer in Kent ar nat, &c.
Wherfor that ye delygently labour for expedecyon of this mater, that encas ye can fynde ony moyan ther to have the seyd child, and we shal do feithefully owre delygens in lyke wyse her, as ye avyse us, &c.
My sone, from a feend men may hem blesse; My sone, god of his endelees goodnesse Walled a tonge with teeth and lippes eke, For man sholde him avyse what he speke.
And Caton seith: "avyse thee wel, and eschewe the wordes of swetnesse and of plesaunce.
And sin I oghte avyse me right wel To whom I yeve my good awey fro me, Wel muchel more I oghte avysed be To whom I yeve my body; for alwey I warne yow wel, it is no childes pley 1530 To take a wyf with-oute avysement.
Now hastily do fecche a book,' quod he, 'And if this knight wol sweren how that she This womman slow, yet wole we us avyse Whom that we wole that shal ben our Iustyse.
And sir, ye moste also dryve out of your herte hastifnesse; for certes, / ye ne may nat deme for the beste a sodeyn thought that falleth in youre herte, but ye moste avyse yow on it ful ofte.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "avyse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.