This self-imprisonment day after day and self-imposed reticence is very unwholesome.
The duration of my imprisonment at Magdeburg was nearly ten years, and with the term of my imprisonment at Glatz, the time is eleven years.
In addition to this, he considered me as the vilest of men and traitors, seeing his King had condemned me to imprisonment so cruel, and his barbarity towards me was thus the effect of character and meanness of soul.
Imprisonment and chains to me were become habitual, and freedom in hope approached.
The Margrave had bestowed favours on me, during my imprisonmentat Magdeburg.
He had been sentenced to imprisonment before, but had been so far left at liberty.
Many people urge that the penalty of imprisonment for life would be all right if the culprit could be kept in prison during life, but in the course of time he is pardoned.
A large number of men convicted of murder are used as "trusties" in our penal institutions, even when their imprisonment is for a long term, or for life.
Repeatedly the insane are hanged without a chance, and sentences of death are pronounced, where before, a term of years, or life imprisonment would have been the penalty for the offense.
The demand is constantly made that such crimes as kidnapping, train robbing, rape and robbery should be punished with death, or at least with imprisonment for life.
Modesty, propriety, and convention were only words, and totally useless commodities when escape from imprisonment looked possible.
Later the man leaves for parts unknown and you are released, complete with the conviction that yelling to the Authorities about your imprisonment would be at variance with the report, the pictures, and the job's completion.
In one case, he was obliged to threaten the party, a captain from one of our southern ports, with imprisonment for contempt, before he could induce him to behave himself with proper decorum.
Your state and mine, and I would it were so with all others, no longer allow the imprisonment of the debtor as a means of coercing payment from him.
The penalty for the first offence (punishing an apprentice) is a fine of five pounds currency, or sixteen dollars, and imprisonment if the punishment was cruel.
Persons suspected of being the projectors of the disaffection, were dragged before incensed judges, and after mock trials, were sentenced to imprisonment in the city jail.
Will it convince people that capital punishment is worse or better than imprisonment for life?
It was decided that the lawyer must undergo his imprisonment under the strictest observation, in a garden wing of the banker's house.
But after Pinky's imprisonment there was a change.
On the second day of Andy's imprisonment he distinctly heard the old woman go out at the street door and lock it after her.
Merritt, fearing for his life, had threatened him with kidnaping and imprisonmentin the hospital.
He could pass the room again and again, alone and anxious, and never once think of the boat drifting away in the moonlight, and the night's imprisonment on the Wrecked Ship!
The verdict was Guilty; and the sentence was imprisonment for two years.
There isn't the shadow of a doubt that this fascinating lady has the double slur on her of having been found guilty of murder, and of having served her term of imprisonment for theft.
The House of Lords has always considered itself empowered to inflict fines as well as imprisonment for a fixed period.
On the trial of the King he voted for imprisonment and banishment in the event of peace.
Anne entered it with a sinking heart, anticipating an imprisonment of many months, and anxiously saying to herself, "Oh!
Mr. Fujinami Gentaro was sentenced to three years' imprisonment for causing bribes to be distributed.
It is not only that you object for ideal reasons to the imprisonment of these women; but it is your men who would object very strongly to having the eye of the policeman watching them when they paid their visits.
And this is some previous representation of that eternal imprisonment and banishment from the presence of God.
Your sins and iniquities have sold you to the righteous Judge of all the earth, as malefactors, and he hath passed a sentence of your perpetual imprisonment under Satan’s custody in hell.
It was cheerful to find her on the couch, relieved from the imprisonment of the bed.
A Legislative Act imposes a heavy fine or imprisonment on the illicit sale of spirits near cantonments.
Francis Smith was the publisher-- “who suffered a Chargeable Imprisonment in the Gaol of Newgate, in December last, for printing and promoting Petitions for the Sitting of this present Parliament.
They have caused punishments and even perpetual imprisonment to be inflicted, without trial, conviction, or sentence.
The punishment usually inflicted is imprisonment in the University prison.
It was by your wit in apprising me of your existence and imprisonment through the youth, Parthak.
Now I know that it must have been because she had learned that John Carter, Prince of Helium, was approaching to demand an accounting of her for the imprisonment of his Princess.
He was sentenced toimprisonment for ten years at hard labor.
Considering that I stood two contests for the county, an action for false imprisonment by a gauger, never had a lock on the hall door, kept ten horses at rack and manger, and lived like a gentleman.
William Tesimond was, for a great part of his life, a rigid Catholic, suffering imprisonment for his faith, although eventually he appears to have yielded.
For, as himself signify'd in a letter which he afterwards writ in the time of hisimprisonment in the Tower to Fr.
To hear Mass was to be liable to a fine of 100 marks and imprisonment for life.
His mother was Elizabeth Oldcorne, a rigid Catholic recusant, who had suffered imprisonment "for the Faith.
Margaret Tesimond, the wife of William Tesimond, also bore a more than lip testimony to the ancient religion by sufferingimprisonment for it.
This last penalty, of course, rendered unnecessary the having recourse to the penalty of 200 marks fine and imprisonmentfor life, since the greater included the less.
Mrs. Ardington, as well as Mrs. Ursula Wright, had suffered imprisonment for her profession of the ancient faith.
Mass was to be liable to a penalty of 100 marks and imprisonment for life.
When almost a year of Lady Dunfern's private imprisonment was about drawing to a close, she was beginning to partly believe the truth of her husband's dogmatic remarks.
That you have been aware of my imprisonment I can no longer doubt.