For if hire (Fortune's) whiel stynte any thinge to torne Thanne cessed she Fortune anon to be.
Nether have I left any thinge I doubted of untried or unresolued, becawse I did Intend and desire to so take up the trewth of god, once discouered to me, as neuer to suffer yt to bee questioned any more In my owne consienc.
I know not what else to advize yow of for present, but, yf any thinge com to my remembrance heareafter, yow shall understand thereof per first.
For it is a greate thinge to knowe the secreates and marvailes of nature, of the Hearbes which he hath sent me.
As for Stermyn, he sayd at that tyme he durst not take no sute ayenst hem nother; but after that Ric.
The cost there of shall not be grete to that it myzt hurte yf the trety were broken by that meane and then ye may have hem nyer; and yf ye thynk it be to doo ye may have hem to go to ther mater after the seyd tyme, for of ij.
A later hand has here written in the margin: 'Hic postea fuit Sir John Paston senior, miles.
Bonde to hym; and thei excusid hem and seid thei had send hym to the Duke of Suffolk.
And so he comaundyd ous to a wayte uppon hym, for he wold be at London a yen uppon Tewysday next; and soo we have non awnswer as yet.
And fyrste of euerye thinge there be foure causes, efficient, materiall, formall and finall.
Certes, he is greetly esed, that dare his prevy mone discover to a true felowe, that conning hath and might, wherthrough his pleint in any thinge may ben amended.
Than, if richesse +causeth knot in herte, thilke richesse +is cause of thilke precious thinge being.
Wherefore I may wel at more leysar come to hem that me deserven; and if my cominge may in any thinge avayle, wete wel, I wol come often.
Right so it is in propertee of my servauntes, that they ben more affiched in steringe of litel thinge in his desyr than of mokel other mater lasse in his conscience.
This yeft hast thou yeven, I know it my-selfe, and thy Margarite thilke gift hath receyved; in whiche 135 thinge to rewarde she hath her-selfe bounde.
And sithen thou seest thyne flesshly body in kyndely power fayle, how shulde than the accident of a thinge ben in more surete of beinge than substancial?
But now in these thinges, after dyversite of reson, revers in one thinge may be seye without repugnaunce.
But after the sentence of Aristotle, every cause is more in dignite than his thinge caused; 5 wherthrough it foloweth richesse to ben more in dignite than thilke knot.
Every thing to whom is owande occasion don as for his ende, Aristotle supposeth that the actes of every thinge ben in a maner 105 his final cause.
A final cause is noblerer, or els even as noble, as thilke thing that is finally to thilke ende; wherfore accion of thinge everlasting is demed to be eternal, and not temporal; sithen it is his final cause.
Save only in that, I wot wel, that Nature, in fourminge of her, in no-thinge hath erred.
Lower writes : I have here [in South Wales] much otium and therefore I may cast awaye some of it in vaine pursuites, chusing always rather to doe some thinge worth nothing then nothing att all.
Also she said that when she wolde wyl him to do any thinge for her, she wolde say her Pater noster in laten.
Which thinge she brought to passe with sutch discretion, as hir mother agreed to hir request: and accompanied onely wyth hir gouernesse, and a young mayden, she repayred thither at the determined day and tyme.
Yet will I not prayse, but rather accuse aboue al faulty men, those that be so fondly Jealous, as echethinge troubling their mindes, be afrayde of the Flyes very shadowe that buzze about their Faces.
Mystresse" sayd the Neighboure, "I suppose that the lyttle Lykelihoode touchyng in you the thinge for the helpe whereof I come, hath made you feele some passion, contrary to the greefe of him that indures so mutch for your sake.
The first I understonde is this: What thinge of all the worlde it is, Which men most helpe and hath lest nede.
And if so be that he miscounteth To make in his answere a faile, There shall none other thinge availe, The king saith, but he shall be dede And lese his goodes and his hede.
I knowe you meane not to take a waye anye thinge from me, but rather to geue me some if I shoulde aske it of you.
As for stealinge, that is a thinge vsuall:--whoe stealeth not?
For what thinge doth chiefely cause these rowsey rakehelles thus to continue and dayly increase?
These begge money; eyther when they come at Farmours howses they wyll demaunde Baken, eyther cheese, or wooll, or any thinge that is worthe money.
But one thinge I can well assure you, that wee heere, do deeme her to be one of the beste Princesses, that euer raigned in this countrie, specially for that a yeare paste she went on foote to S.
Which thingeis not onelye marked in men, but also in brute beastes.
Whiche thinge he right willingly did, not looking that he should be bidden againe, and being recomforted with the warmth therof, he felt him selfe reuiued from death to life.
When Artabasus came to Araspas, he rebuked him, both for his infidelity in the thinge committed vnto his charge, and also for his wickednesse, iniurie, and incontinencie.
A man must expect th’ende of euery thinge whereunto it tendeth: for God plucketh vppe by the rootes many men, to whom hee hath giuen abundaunce of wealth and treasure.
All the rest of my dominions I giue to my sonne Antiochus, vppon whom in marriage, I haue bestowed my wife Stratonica, which thinge ought to contente you, because my will and pleasure is such.
Madame, tell me wherein I may do you seruice: and if it be a thinge honest, I will gladlye performe it, and the same being brought to passe, do as it shall please you.
Their mother then ioyfull for that fact, and of the reputation of her sonnes, kneeled downe before the Image of Iuno, humbly beseechinge her to giue her sonnes the thinge that were best for a man to attaine vnto.
This thinge seemed difficulte vnto the Gentlewoman: fearing that there woulde folowe reproche vnto her doughter.
Wherby ye may note, that there is great difference betwene one that doth a thynge of good will and mynde, and hym that doth a thynge by crafte and dissymulation; whiche thinge this noble and moste prudent prince well vnderstode.
Thus the man of lawe, neyther for fayre nor foule, coulde gette any other thinge of his client but Bea: wherfore all angerly he departed, and went his waye.
For, by that god that boughte us bothe two, 1165 In alle thinge is myn entente clene.
Than is this thingetorned in-to the contrarye,' quod she.
O ye ertheliche bestes, 20 considere ye nat over which thingethat it semeth that ye han power?
Ne it ne 60 suffyseth nat only to loken on thinge that is present biforn the eyen of a man.
The next thinge that she stumbled on 105 It was sir Gyles his heade; Sayes, Ever, alacke, and woe is me!
The first thinge that she stumbled on It was sir Gyles his foote: Sayes, Ever alacke, and woe is mee!
I will passe them ouer, and only deliuer to you a thinge knowen to fewe, [Sidenote: The ordeal taken away by the court of Rome, and after by Henry III.
Dreame of Chaucer, is his Temple of Glasse; as I haue seene the title thereof noted, and the thinge yt selfe confirmethe.
Incẽse is an abhominable thinge vnto me / I maye not awaie with your newe moones.
In which wordes he teachith / that it is lefte vnto our own will as a fre thinge to go / or not to go.
It is a glorius thinge to shutt vpp the eyes in a moment / with which men and the world wer seene / and forthewith to open the same to se Godd and Christe.
And thethinge which he dyd/ displeased the LORde/ wherfore he slew him also.
Which thinge onlye moved me to translate the new testament.
And the LORde sayde: Can I hyde from Abraham that thinge which I am aboute to do/ seynge that Abraham shalt be a great ad a myghtie people/ and all the nations of the erth shalbe blessed in him?
And he sayde: laye not thy handes apon the childe nether do any thinge at all vnto him/ for now I knowe that thou fearest God/ in y^t thou hast not kepte thine only sonne fro me.
But aboue all thinge brynge not my sonne thyther agayne.
And Iacob answerd: thou shalt geue me nothinge at all/ yf thou wilt do this one thinge for me: And then will I turne agayne & fede thy shepe and kepe them.
And male and female se that they be/ of byrdes in their kynde/ and of beastes in their kynde/ and of all maner of wormes of the erth in their kinde: a payre of every thinge shall come vnto the to kepe them a lyve.
Latine de medendi methodo, of deuise to cure diseases, there is no thinge more comfortable to the spirites then good and swiet odoures.
Wiche thinge I thinke and beleve you shal never by report knowe, unless by your selfe you hire.
The sadde Man whistled in a dismall sort, And the poore thinge slunk away, and hid his Tayle.
No living thingealong our Waie did passe, (Though dolours Grones in evrie House I herd).
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thinge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.