And at their rising in the dawning of the daie, they sent about priuilie to their seruants in their Ins & lodgings about, giuing them commandement to make themselues shortlie readie, for their lords were to horsse backeward.
And there they sent awaie from the king, whom it pleased them, and set new seruants about him, such as liked better them than him.
Vpon which messages, manie of their folke were attendant, when manie of the lord Riuers seruants were vnreadie.
Wherevpon there insued a riot by the seruants of the mercers, haberdashers, & clothworkers in the citie of London, the tuesdaie before saint Edwards day.
Tis much, seruants leaue me and her alone: Madam vndresse you, and come now to bed La.
Oh Noble Lord, bethinke thee of thy birth, Call home thy ancient thoughts from banishment, And banish hence these abiect lowlie dreames: Looke how thy seruants do attend on thee, Each in his office readie at thy becke.
When the kings seruants of houshold saw this (for it was doone before them all) they dispersed themselues, some into one countrie, and some into an other.
The lords would not consent altogither to laie downe their badges; but yet they agreed that none should weare any such cognizance except their seruants of houshold, and such as were in ordinarie wages by the yeare.
For as the seruants of GOD, publicklie vses to conveene for seruing of him, so makes he them in great numbers to conveene (though publickly they dare not) for his seruice.
The workman on his stuffe his skill doth show, And yet the stuffe giues not the man his skill; Kings their affaires do by their seruants know, But order them by their owne royall will.
Will lugge your Priests and Seruants from your sides: Plucke stout mens pillowes from below their heads.
It may so be: for as soone as they did see our seruants (our seruants were Preuzaretes) they iudged them to be Indians: many of their wordes sounded vpon the Persian tongue, but none of vs coulde vnderstand them.
The 18 day certaine of the kings seruants came to vs, and we tooke one pound two ounces, and one eight part of gold.
The voyage of Richard Rainolds and Thomas Dassel to the riuers of Senega and Gambra adioning vpon Guinea, 1591 with a discourse of the treasons of certaine of Don Antonio his seruants and followers.
They bid vs to their houses to eate and drinke, and when they found vs not, or we were not willing to go with them, they bid our seruants and slaues, causing them to sit downe with the first.
Gregorie the seruant of Gods servants, to the seruants of our Lord.
Now when he saw that his father bare out his sicknesse longer time than he would haue wished, he practised with physicians and other of his fathers seruants to dispatch him by one meane or other.
But whereas we commonlie begin with the most grosse food, and end with the most delicate, the Scot thinking much to leaue the best for his meniall seruants maketh his entrance at the best, so that he is sure therby to leaue the worst.
West, saith that he was slaine with a dart which one of king Harold his seruantsthrew at him, & so ended his life.
And if the good man and wyfe be not in the way, he procureth of the ch[i]lldren or seruants a fleece of wool, or the worth of xij.
Let seruants once serued, thy cattle go serue, least often ill seruing make cattle to sterue.
The lesse of thy counsell thy seruants doe knowe, Their dutie the better such seruants shall showe.
Call quarterly seruantsto court and to leete,[E448] write euerie Couerlet, Blanket, and Sheete.
When Dinner is ended, set seruants to wurke, and follow such fellowes[1] as loueth to lurke.
Call seruants to breakefast by day starre appere,[E435] a snatch and to worke, fellowes tarrie not here.
Such seruants are oftenest painfull and good, that sing in their labour, as birdes in the wood.
Where husband and huswife be both out of place, there seruants doo loiter, and reason their cace.
E448] "Call quarterly seruants to court and to leete," that is, call to account.
Good seruants hope iustly some friendship to feele, and looke to haue fauour what time they do weele.
Yong children and chickens would euer be eating, goodseruants looke dulie for gentle intreating.
Erle John the kings brother aduertised hereof, raised such numbers of men as he might make of his freends, seruants and tenants, [Sidenote: Earle John winneth the castels of Notingham and Tickhill.
Magitians, Iuglers, Inchanters, and Necromanciers, are no other than seruants of the Diuel: do you not thinke their maister reserueth some cunning vnto him selfe?
For albeit Angels are great, yet are they seruants and ministers.
And therfore he neuer ceased to crie, and to commaunde his seruants to driue them out of his doores.
For when they had said: These men are the seruantsof the most high God, shewing vnto you the way of saluation: The Apostle not content herewith, commaunded the prophecying spirite vnto silence, and to come foorth of the mayd.
Hee was a man of faire vse of speach, and liuely in witte, which hee made seruants to licentious designes; but both in birth and behauiour base, and shamelesse in dishonestie; a very bawde to all the Kings purposes and desires.
In reuenge 1551 whereof not long after, the saide Lieu-tenant with some of his company, was villanously slaine by certaine roysters, which were once seruants to the parties beheaded.
Ile of Cyprus, notwithstanding the two other ships, which were in their company before in the same hauen, were drowned with diuers of the kings seruants and men of worship, among whom was M.
And as these euill spirits are in themselues different in power, vnderstanding, and subtiltie: so can their seruants do more or lesse through their meanes.
The abbats seruants getting knowledge hereof, came thither by night, but they missed their purpose, for he was gone; but they caught diuerse of his men, whome they caried streict to prison.
Your Seruants euer, Haue theirs, themselues, and what is theirs in compt, To make their Audit at your Highnesse pleasure, Still to returne your owne King.
Enter a Sewer, and diuersSeruants with Dishes and Seruice ouer the Stage.
As it hath beene sundrie times publiquely Acted, | by the KINGS Maiesties Seruants | at the Globe.
Benuo: Here were the seruants of your aduersaries, And yours close fighting ere I did approch.
A wittie and pleasant Comedie, As it was Acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Blacke-Friers and the Globe.
By his Majesties seruants playing vsually at the Gloabe on the Bancke-side.
As it hath beene sundrie times publikely Acted, by the Kings Maiesties Seruants at the Globe.
As it hath beene sundrie times publiquely Acted, by the Kings Maiesties Seruantsat the Globe.
As it was acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Blacke Friers and the Globe.
As it hath beene sundry times Acted, by his Maiesties Seruants at the Globe on the banke-side.
As it hath bene sundry times Acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Globe on the Bancke side.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seruants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.