This afternoon Iris Wayne looked little more than a schoolgirl in her short skirt and brightly coloured jersey, a cap pulled well down over her curls, which nevertheless rioted over her forehead in entrancing confusion.
An entrancing garden was kept in order by a Japanese gardener who devised miniature lakes and forests, rockeries and waterfalls, so that the whole was a most unique and delightful place at any hour of the day.
Now I smite my lyre to swell For Estelle; Music's most entrancing spell O'er Estelle.
Augustus did much for Neapolis, and Tiberius sought refuge in that entrancing island, Capri, where to this day his infamies are a byword.
Not only on the Grand Canal, but in many of the quiet byways of the Silent City, one comes across beautiful examples of thatentrancing style of facade, the Venetian Gothic.
While I hastily cooked my supper, the colors of the hiding sun spread over the sky in entrancing variety.
That hardy mariner's entrancing diary fixed Tahiti firmly in the thoughts of the British and Americans.
So close to the shore the vessel passed, the nearer cliffs appeared to glide away as the land in their shade was disclosed, and this effect of soft motion was entrancing to all who experienced it.
It is scarcely necessary nowadays to offer an apology for sport, with its entrancing excitement, its infinite variety of joys and interests.
She is my guide, my comforter, my solace in my lonely hours, and tells me entrancing stories about the Tompkinses.
This is not my Suzanne--my dear, lovely, entrancing Suzanne.
In consequence, she went her way as gaily and yet as inoffensively as she could, trying to avoid the sadness ofentrancing anyone hopelessly and wondering what her career was to be.
Twas played on by the gentlest sighs, And to their breath it breathed again In such entrancing melodies As ear had never drunk till then!
It bears Upon its shining side the mystic notes Of those entrancing airs,[1] The genii of the deep were wont to swell, When heaven's eternal orbs their midnight music rolled!
They could not live to see all the future they eagerly hoped for, but they started a future for mankind that will far exceed in sweetness and light the most entrancing visions of their most imaginative dreamers.
The only regret one has in reading this entrancing work is, that it ends unexpectedly, for the End of Earth comes without a catastrophe.
There was an entrancing smell of Italy in the air.
He paused, and his face flushed; never could he confide to these ears how then and there the entrancing conviction had possessed his soul that the girl weeping by the poplars loved him.
Mona, whose sweet, entrancing spells had woven around the hard granite of his cynical and desolate heart a glittering network of golden sun-rays.
Oswald looked on her as an entrancing picture, as well as an adored woman.
All nature's charms seem mutually attracted; but the most entrancing and inexpressible of all is the mildness of the air.
How entrancing that first beam of intelligence between one's self and the being we adore!
The entrancing phantasmagoria of picture and incident which we think we see rising from the billowing sea of music is in reality nothing more than an enchanting fata morgana, visible at no other angle than that of our own eye.
Its theme is delicately mournful and the subject, in B major, simply entrancing in its broad, flowing melody.
The widely dispersed figure of the melody has an entrancing tenderness.
Was it then impossible to regain that Paradise he had forfeited so weakly, and of whose amaranthine bowers, but a few hours since, he had caught such an entrancing glimpse, of which the gate for a moment seemed about to re-open!
The landscape before us was indeed beautiful, entrancing as a vision, fair as the Happy Valley of Rasselas.
It is not an exaggeration to say, that in our journey from the foot to the summit of the Andes, we passed in rapid review some of earth's grandest and mostentrancing prospects.
The lively interest with which the two younger men gazed upon the entrancing scene betrayed the fact that it was new to them; while the third, a man of riper years, looked rather listlessly upon what was going on.
An invitation from Cologne and also one from St. Petersburg to play and display once more "that entrancing tone which he could coax out of the keys" aroused his wrath.
Even the unmistakably grizzling, though still thick, long, flowing hair, which the scissors of the tonsure have not dared to touch, detracts but little from the heart entrancing charm of his unusual individuality.
From Tours to Niort is 170 kilometres, and we stopped not on the way except to admire some particularly entrancing view, to buy gasoline for the automobile, and for lunch at Poitiers.
Perpignan is the most entrancing city between Marseilles and Barcelona.
For him, the years between had vanished; the entrancing shadows of years far away folded him round, and he was no more a man, but the boy who had climbed the wintry hills with her, and run down them again over the snow hand in hand with her.