We remembered rather the ineffable tenderness which shone through his gentle eyes, his childlike ingenuousness, his utter integrity, and his absorbing love of country.
Apparently satisfied, he returned to his friends, and they said no more to me upon the all-absorbing question.
But the fact remains that we have to get up unusually early in the morning to allow time for Mrs. Macdonald's absorbing occupation.
Another significant group of primitive beliefs, involving a similarly indirect argument by analogy, relates to the partaking of an animal for the sake of thus absorbing its typical qualities.
The chief justiceship being theabsorbing subject of interest, Miss Couzins suggested the name of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, since he seemed to have so much trouble in getting a man to suit.
To compensate for this the underground portion is so constructed that it can capture minute animals which exist in the soil, and has the power of digesting them and of absorbing the products of digestion.
Roots are capable of absorbing liquids only, and all fertile soils contain more or less soluble mineral matter which is dissolved by the moisture present.
Most buds are surrounded by brownish scales which are impervious to water, and thus prevent a loss by evaporation at a season when the activity of the roots in absorbing moisture from the soil is suspended.
Told in the spirited and absorbing way that Mr. Knox has of writing for boy readers.
When Johnnie and Cis were left alone, old Grandpa being already abed, Johnnie did not try to win her interest in the Handbook, or share with her the new and absorbing thinks it inspired.
The principle was put in idealistic form in the doctrine that the state is a supra-personal will, absorbing in itself the activities of its members.
The totem was eaten, it was conjectured, with the object of acquiring the qualities of the divine creature, or of absorbing them into the person of the worshipper.
His mind had never yet been filled with an absorbing passion; but it lay like a still twilight open to any wind, whether the low breath that wafts but odours, or the storm that bows the great trees till they strain and creak.
Let his absorbing passion, and the slow fever that was consuming his brain, be his excuse for the resolution which he had taken and begun to execute, before that time had expired.
Thus, while Go-Daigo constantly struggled to capture Kyoto, Komyo's absorbing aim was to retain it.
His absorbing purpose was to consolidate his base in the east, and he had already begun to appreciate that the military and the Imperial capitals should be distinct.
The ike-bana as conceived and practised in Japan is a science to which ladies, and gentlemen also, devote absorbing attention.
Shirakawa's absorbing belief in Buddhism created opportunities for the exercise of this influence.
Placed in the monastery of Kurama, as stipulated by Kiyomori, Yoshitsune had no sooner learned to think than he became inspired with an absorbing desire to restore the fortunes of his family.
Kwazan, originally a fickle lover, had ultimately conceived an absorbing passion for the lady Tsuneko.
The fact was that the overthrow of the Yedo Bakufu had begun to constitute an absorbing object with many of the high officials in Kyoto.
The people make sacrifices and are ready to make sacrifices for their soul, but not for murder," he added, instinctively connecting the conversation with the ideas that had been absorbing his mind.
That question is now absorbing the best minds in Europe.
Already she scented another absorbing romance to unfold itself before her eyes.
Preparing the little dinner was a triumph; reducing the kitchen to something like its old order, she foundabsorbing and exhilarating.
Her thoughts were glad to escape to more absorbing topics, she reviewed the happy afternoon, and thrilled to a hundred little memories.
Of all the passions to which the human mind can surrender itself, there is none more absorbing than the mania of book-collecting.
By the street windows sat the Honourable Brush Bascom, sphinx-like, absorbing wisdom and clouds of cigar smoke which emanated from the Honourable Nat Billings.
Three columns contained extracts of absorbing interest from the forthcoming biography and, on another page, an editorial.
By this time a deep and absorbing interest in a new aspect of Mr. Crewe's character had taken possession of Victoria.
While these and other conferences and duties too numerous to mention were absorbing Mr. Crewe, he was not too busy to bear in mind the pleasure of those around him who had not received such an abundance of the world's blessings as he.
Much in him was a type, or rather forerunner, of the intellectual spirit that broke forth when we were children, among our countrymen, and is now slowly dying away amidst the loud events and absorbing struggles of the awakening world.
It is an alkali, and is used for absorbingcarbonic acid, &c.
Such a spectacle could not fail to be of absorbing interest, and we can not admit the possibility of intelligent inhabitants on Venus without supposing them to watch the motions of the moon and the earth with the utmost intentness.
But for astronomers on Mars they would be objects of absorbing interest.
The unhatched or unborn reptile breathes by means of a vascular hood spread underneath the egg-shell and absorbing dry air from without.
Then there is the varied face of nature which, by absorbing some waves and reflecting others, weaves its own beautiful robe of colour.
And the great patches of dark absorbing matter which are known to exist in the Milky Way (see Fig.
I told him I had other investigations on my hands, even more absorbing than those of the laboratory; I had my granddaughter's evil fortunes to guard from further decline.
The all-absorbing researches upon which I had now entered had gradually drifted me away from family life, and almost from natural human interest in my kindred or my fellow-men.
It is to that phase of that absorbing bank issue at Washington that Mr. Tilden refers in the succeeding letter to Mr. Nelson J.
The restoration of the ten absent States to the Union, with the rights and privileges of the other States, and with their local governments in the hands of their white population, must be the absorbing question.