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Example sentences for "aesthetic"

Lexicographically close words:
aerostation; aery; aestate; aesthete; aesthetes; aesthetical; aesthetically; aestheticians; aestheticism; aesthetics
  1. Not that we are justified in fancying Alcaeus a mere vulgar toper: he retained Aeolian sumptuousness in his pleasures, and raised the art of drinking to an aesthetic attitude.

  2. I have often wondered whether it is this general beauty of form in the waders which has turned their aesthetic tastes, apparently, into such a sculpturesque line.

  3. Hence their aesthetic feeling seems rather to have taken a turn toward the further development of their own graceful forms.

  4. One cannot predict what her success will be when she attempts more ambitious flights, but thus far she seems to have probed the aesthetic heart of Germany to its centre.

  5. Even the plainest wading birds have a certain natural elegance of shape which supplies a primitive basis for aesthetic selection to work on.

  6. Insects, however, differ much from one another in their aesthetic tastes, and flowers are adapted accordingly to the varying fancies of the different kinds.

  7. Ahaz evidently was a king of aesthetic tastes, who was fond of introducing foreign novelties and curiosities into Jerusalem.

  8. I think we ought to have kept him for high aesthetic occasions and historical researches.

  9. She wore an aesthetic dress of creamy camel's-hair, whose colour pleased the eye as its softness would have flattered the touch.

  10. Conditions have been bettered in the course of time, since our young people have been allowed to benefit by the sanitary, hygienic, and aesthetic achievements of modern life.

  11. And I must carefully consider whether I am likely to laugh so heartily in the "aesthetic salons" of the fine Jewish houses as I did yesterday, when Simon told me the story of Teacher Sandberg.

  12. For the present I have found something else, which gives me more than I can expect from the stimulus of would-be aesthetic Jewish wives and maidens.

  13. Every question which in the end involves questions of aesthetic taste is as futile to argue as questions of the palate.

  14. In practice these three kinds of arguments, which turn on moral, practical, and aesthetic considerations, tend to be much mingled.

  15. I will briefly discuss a few of the main types of the argument of policy, grouping them according as they appeal chiefly to the sense of right and wrong, to practical interests, or to aesthetic interests.

  16. Arguments of policy, on the other hand, which argue what ought to be done, make their appeal in the main to the moral, practical, Or aesthetic interests of the audience.

  17. Finally, there are the arguments of policy which deal with matters of taste and aesthetic preference.

  18. Give two examples of questions of aesthetic taste which you have recently heard argued.

  19. The essential difficulty with all such arguments is that the aesthetic interests to which they appeal are personal, and depend on personal preferences.

  20. In ethical, psychological, and aesthetic matters, to give a clear reason for one's judgment is universally recognized as a mark of rare genius.

  21. Our aesthetic interests, which include our preferences in all the fields of art and literature and things beautiful or ugly in daily life, even more obviously go back to feeling.

  22. She has, for instance, wonderful aesthetic hair.

  23. His impatience with argument on the whole aesthetic claim was equally great, whether it was argument in defence of the sanctuary or in profanation of it.

  24. Writing in 1859, he said, "From my habits and the tendency of my studies I cannot help looking at things purely from an aesthetic point of view, and what I valued in Uncle Tom was the genius, and not the moral.

  25. They feared that the final outcome would be the materialization of the Negro, and the smothering of his spiritual and aesthetic nature.

  26. Aesthetic principles of a general character occupy a very subordinate place to these particulars.

  27. Or perhaps it would be truer to say that their aesthetic sense turned them away in disgust from dismembered corpses and mouldy clothes.

  28. In the Sala del Cambio, where in ancient days the money-changers rattled their embossed coin and figured up their profits, you may enjoy one of the serenest aesthetic pleasures that the golden age of art anywhere offers us.

  29. They were meant to yield scarcely to the Deity itself in grandeur, but the only part they play now is to stare helplessly at our critical, our aesthetic patronage of them.

  30. Vague to me the principle on which the pictures were originally gathered and of the aesthetic creed of the princes who chiefly selected them.

  31. We got back into the carriage and talked of profane things and went home to dinner--drifting recklessly, it seemed to me, from aesthetic luxury to social.

  32. I am for ever being reminded of the "aesthetic luxury," as I called it above, of living in Rome.

  33. In a former chapter I have endeavoured to show how great the aesthetic value of the daw is to our cathedrals.

  34. Of the bird's aesthetic taste he has the following anecdote.

  35. Warren's temperance epoch], and so ended the first attempt to establish aesthetic society in Boston.

  36. What a delicious, though somewhat voluminous biography, social, educational, and aesthetic in that brief question!

  37. In March, 1837, Emerson delivered in Boston a Lecture on War, afterwards published in Miss Peabody's "Aesthetic Papers.

  38. It was pleasant to meet artists and scholars,--the kind of company to which we are much used in our aesthetic city.

  39. Nine Englishmen out of ten took delight in the savage contempt poured upon what was known euphemistically as "the aesthetic craze" by the pet organ of the English middle class.

  40. Oscar sat at his feet and imbibed as much as he could of the new aesthetic gospel.

  41. It disturbed me to see someone jawing his food disinterestedly or poking at a meal which, in his opinion, lacked aesthetic appeal.

  42. A food's aesthetic appeal held little importance as long as the flavor was agreeable.

  43. This rendered necessary to the singer the most thorough aesthetic culture, going hand in hand with the culture of the vocal organ.

  44. We have been concerned only with direct sensuous pleasure or pain, not with aesthetic beauty.

  45. Such children would then, at the age at which at present instruction in singing begins, have already mastered all technical difficulties and be able to apply themselves chiefly to the aesthetic cultivation of their art.

  46. In German music the breathing is governed by aesthetic principles, and is regulated by the words of the song.

  47. We often stopped to inquire for them; but I fear my interest was wholly selfish, for invariably we were offered some refreshments, and in spite of my aesthetic delights in these Sabbath afternoon walks, they made me hungry.

  48. The illustrations are equally horrible and terrific, and both are calculated to shock the mind of the reader and retard mental composure and aesthetic culture.

  49. It fits man's hopes and aspirations, his aesthetic nature, his psychic powers and religious concept which have followed him through all the vicissitudes of his history.

  50. It is not the beauty of inspiring art that lifts us to the altitudes of aesthetic joy.

  51. Man's marvelous discoveries in science, his aesthetic culture and spiritual growth makes the future of the race the most persistently fascinating question of the age.

  52. Such antagonism impairs the usefulness of their works, and is an offence against public morals, public security, and man's aesthetic nature and psychic advancement.

  53. The linguistic and the aesthetic change were as nothing compared to the change in religion, for while the Hellene had been a pagan, the Romaios was essentially a member of the Christian Church.

  54. Ernesti considers Gesner as unquestionably the first who introduced what he terms the AEsthetic mode of criticism(568).

  55. Their task was extended from words to things; and what has been called AEsthetic annotations, were combined with philological discussion.

  56. I have long classed trout with flowers and birds, and bright sunsets, and charming scenery, and beautiful women, as given for the rational enjoyment and delight of thoughtful men of aesthetic tastes.

  57. The general object of these bas-reliefs was to commemorate the king's victories over his enemies and his conquests in the chase, rather than to produce a purely aesthetic effect.

  58. She had the strong aesthetic stomach of her time.

  59. It was egotism still: aesthetic disgust at the graceless contour of his conduct, but never a hint of simple sorrow for the pain he had given.

  60. Before Michael Angelo's statues and the pictures of the early Tuscans, he quite forgot his own infelicities, and picked up the thread of his old aesthetic loquacity.

  61. This represented, in the fashion of fifty years ago, a series of small fantastic landscapes of a hideous pattern, and the young sculptor had presumably torn it away in great scraps, in moments of aesthetic exasperation.

  62. Roderick's first fortnight was a high aesthetic revel.

  63. With Rowland alone Roderick talked a great deal more; often about things related to his own work, or about artistic and aesthetic matters in general.

  64. He was passionately interested, he was feeling his powers; now that they had thoroughly kindled in the glowing aesthetic atmosphere of Rome, the ardent young fellow should be pardoned for believing that he never was to see the end of them.

  65. Florence in midsummer was perfectly void of travelers, and the dense little city gave forth its aesthetic aroma with a larger frankness, as the nightingale sings when the listeners have departed.

  66. He was an awkward mixture of strong moral impulse and restless aesthetic curiosity, and yet he would have made a most ineffective reformer and a very indifferent artist.

  67. More than this, the fact that he in his anguish instinctively turns to art is the most eloquent proof that however great may be the sorrows of life there is for them an alleviating balm in aesthetic enjoyment.

  68. The question may be answered, but to those who most need to be instructed in regard to aesthetic values any answer must forever remain unintelligible.

  69. To a great extent is it also true that modern society expects a knowledge of social conditions and aesthetic affairs in the past.

  70. He who has never shared actual emotional experiences has never lived, it is true; but he who has not shared aesthetic emotions has never understood.

  71. But of his own generation, he often said that only Edmond de Goncourt and Ivan Tourgenief remained; with them he tasted the full joy of aesthetic conversation.

  72. I shall try to make it seen why the aesthetic critic is so much behind the historic and scientific critic; he has never had any base.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aesthetic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    aesthetic emotion; aesthetic experience; aesthetic pleasure; aesthetic value