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Example sentences for "attractiveness"

Lexicographically close words:
attracting; attraction; attractions; attractive; attractively; attractor; attracts; attribuer; attributable; attribute
  1. Saint Francis had an irresistible attractiveness of figure and face, a temper and bearing of singular sweetness.

  2. They were equally endowed with loveliness of person, attractiveness of mind, elevation of character, and perfection of manners.

  3. The /Conway/ has no particular attractiveness as it passes Bettws, where David Cox's famous signboard may still be seen at the Royal Oak Hotel.

  4. Whichever way one looks, the scenery is charming in its attractiveness and rich in the romantic and the picturesque.

  5. He was of those who find the curious attractiveness of childhood in the unreality, and not, as claimed by the later school, the superior reality of the child's world.

  6. Everyone who knew du Maurier now speaks of his attractiveness and the simplicity and honesty of his nature.

  7. It has the attractiveness which du Maurier had such skill in giving.

  8. These facts, it may be added, have tended to increase the attractiveness of the Senate as a legislative body and to draw into it statesmen of larger ability than the lower house has been able to attract.

  9. To add to the attractiveness of such a dish, the toast may be cut round with a cookie cutter or a square piece may be cut diagonally to make two triangular pieces.

  10. After a little practice, it will be a simple matter to make butter balls that will add to the attractiveness of any meal.

  11. I am only affected by living with one who does,' Miss Asper observed, and the lofty isolation of her head above politics gave her a moral attractiveness in addition to physical beauty.

  12. Her feminine self-esteem was troubled; all idea of attractiveness expired.

  13. A fit of angry cynicism now and then set her composing phrases as baits for the critics to quote, condemnatory of the attractiveness of the work.

  14. Mr Croft was delighted to enter into this new channel of speech, and discussed with considerable fervor the attractiveness of autumn in Virginia.

  15. Her power is born of her beauty and her grace; these may vanish, but the old attractiveness remains, she thinks, if only as a tradition.

  16. Did Mrs. Cassilis dislike her for her fresh and unsophisticated nature, or for her beauty, or for the attractiveness which breathed from every untaught look and gesture of the girl?

  17. The idea of an attack upon the Dardanelles had a traditional attractiveness for the British mind.

  18. These opinions are not necessarily correct, since they are based, as unscientific opinions about music generally are, upon the attractiveness rather than on the intrinsic worth of the music as Church or ecclesiastical art-work.

  19. Not to be found wanting in the completeness of their scheme, the Exposition directors are still busy with plans which promise many events of unusual attractiveness for the Fall.

  20. In the desire to cater for luxurious tastes, richness of ornament has been carried to excess, nor do the ungainly forms with their twisted rococo handles compare in attractiveness with the modest shapes of earlier times.

  21. The decoration, rough and careless as it often is, has generally a certain attractiveness on account of its freedom from the fault of over-refinement.

  22. Colors which vary from the pure white detract considerably from the attractiveness and consequent value of the fur, and indeed, some pelts are so far off shade that they can only be used when dyed a darker color.

  23. The attractiveness of this work is as much due to the suggestive social and literary discussions with which it abounds as to the delicate and refined humor with which the ideas are expressed.

  24. Literature, art, and that vast diversity of topics which are loosely embraced under the general name of social science--upon all these he had something fresh to say, and he said it invariably with attractiveness and effect.

  25. Art glass in the window can scarcely fail to add to the attractiveness of the room.

  26. At this point there comes to her rescue the kitchen cabinet, which not only relieves the congestion in the pantry, but adds in no small measure to the attractiveness of the kitchen.

  27. The attractiveness of the handsome residences is quite secondary to that of nature, here revealed with a lavish profusion.

  28. Some of the avenues leading to the environs are lined with handsome trees, which add greatly to their attractiveness and comfort.

  29. And these have constituted in all ages, except the very earliest, the great attractiveness of Egypt.

  30. Beauty of character, charm of manner, attractiveness and graciousness of expression, a godlike bearing, are our birthrights.

  31. But here again his personal attractiveness and power gained for him the greater part of his success.

  32. The personal power and attractiveness of the man were large factors in gaining the practice which he now enjoyed.

  33. As Ferguson has said in his History of Architecture, St. Stephen's at Vienna is full of architectural errors and yet the attractiveness of the Cathedral remains.

  34. As is well known, however, there is an enduring interest about these old religious stories that makes them of much greater attractiveness than most ordinary historical traditions.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "attractiveness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adduction; affinity; allurement; amenity; appeal; attraction; beauty; blandishment; bloom; call; charm; drag; draw; elegance; enchantment; enticement; fascination; flirtation; glamour; glow; grace; gravitation; gravity; inducement; interest; invitation; loveliness; lure; luxury; magnetism; pull; seduction; sympathy; temptation; traction; tug; witchery; wooing