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Example sentences for "witching"

Lexicographically close words:
witched; witcheries; witchery; witches; witchetty; witchy; wite; witen; with; withaat
  1. By witching skill An' dawtit, twal-pint hawkie's gaen As yell's the bill.

  2. I smiled bitterly as I thought of the languid witching look my wife had given me when she said, "You do not seem to be old!

  3. Would that I had been a pillar of ice, incapable of thawing in the sunlight of her witching smile!

  4. The swinging measure of the slow Hungarian waltz, that most witching of dances, danced perfectly only by those of the warm-blooded southern temperament, now commenced.

  5. The curse is upon all who trust woman too far--the sorrow upon all who are beguiled by her witching flatteries.

  6. There was a peculiar velvety softness about her flesh and skin, a witching stoop to her shoulders that was decidedly continental, and in her deep, soulful eyes a half-wistful look that was most alluring.

  7. It was far past the witching hour of midnight, when graveyards proverbially yawn, before Craig returned in the car.

  8. This stealthy meeting under the old elm tree near the witching hour of midnight was quite to Hervey's taste.

  9. When these were filled they cast into the "witching waters" the early spring flowers, anemones and violets and white coral arbutus, which they had picked during the day.

  10. As the blazing logs at one end of the room cast alternately their glare and shadows around, the rude furniture seemed to be thrown into a witching dance.

  11. Concluding this old favorite air, she sang again, with sweetness, the witching song, "I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows.

  12. Amazed to see her, dressed in no way for travelling, carrying no other luggage than the purse in her hand, the old butler simply stared as he would have stared at any bogey of Melbourne come suddenly upon him in the witching hours.

  13. The very park, with its soft grasses, and deer in shadow pictures beneath the trees, could conjure up a vision of knights and pages and stately dames and all the witching pageantry of half-forgotten centuries.

  14. On this witching night children in Voigtland also light bonfires on the heights and leap over them.

  15. As before, Vershina enticed him in by her witching invitations, as before Routilov praised his sisters to him.

  16. Perhaps it was because she accomplished so little in the mornings that, when Jack betook himself to his study for his two hours of reading or writing in the afternoon, his witching wife would find such frequent need of entering.

  17. Oh, how sweet, luring, love-lighting were those witching waltz strains floating out upon the breathless air!

  18. She was so faint that she reeled and would have fallen, but for the friendly support of an arm that sustained her, and the witching tones of a voice that whispered: "Poor girl, remember that a cloister awaits you.

  19. He remembered how he had asked her if she loved him, and how, avoiding the words so difficult to speak, she had answered with the witching tones of her violin.

  20. What Mr. Delavoye's friends don't know about Witching Hill oughtn't to be worth knowing!

  21. We must keep a weather eye open for the evil that they did living after them on Witching Hill!

  22. It's Witching Hill, my man, it's Witching Hill from this night forth!

  23. Then you are writing something about Witching Hill House, Miss Brabazon?

  24. He spoke of some Turkish summer-house, or pavilion, mentioned in certain annals of Witching Hill, that he had skimmed for his amusement in the local Free Library.

  25. But Witching Hill hasn't called on Mrs. Ricardo since it found out that she was once on the stage.

  26. The other thing's only that I've been back to the Free Library in what the simple inhabitants still insist on calling the Village, and had another look into those annals of old Witching Hill.

  27. We've had scenes enough at Witching Hill, without this getting about.

  28. The baleful spirit of the notorious Lord Mulcaster still brooded over Witching Hill, and the innocent occupiers of the Queen Anne houses were one and all liable to the malign influence.

  29. I did think I should like to write a little story about Witching Hill House, and put in rather a bad character; at least he would begin by being rather undesirable, perhaps.

  30. It afforded a fine prospect of Witching Hill Road, from the level crossing by the station to the second lamp-post round the curve.

  31. On a night when the street lamps burst upon one at the last moment, like the flash of cannon through their own smoke, a house in Witching Hill Road was scientifically entered, and the silver abstracted in a style worthy of precious stones.

  32. She had come with him to Witching Hill Road as cook-general.

  33. It is the witching hour of half past ten," said my comrade, "let us turn in.

  34. You never will," Carmen answered, but she accompanied the doubt with a witching smile that denied it.

  35. Through the dun fields and from the glade Flash merry folk in masquerade-- It is the witching Hallowe'en.

  36. As we turned round by the hotel, the clocks struck the witching hour.

  37. It lays its gentle touch on the waterfall, transforming it into a torrent of molten silver, and causing each drop to glisten like topaz under its witching light.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "witching" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alluring; appealing; appetizing; attractive; beguiling; bewitching; captivating; catching; charismatic; charming; coquettish; delightful; enchanting; engaging; enthralling; enticing; entrancing; erwhelming; exciting; exotic; exquisite; fascinating; fetching; flirtatious; glamorous; hypnotic; illusive; illusory; interesting; intriguing; inviting; irresistible; lovely; luxurious; magic; mesmeric; piquant; prepossessing; provocative; seductive; sensuous; siren; sorcery; taking; tantalizing; teasing; tempting; thrilling; tickling; titillating; voluptuous; wand; winning; winsome; witching