The questions, how electricities attract each other, what kind of electricity is drawn from the machine to the hand, how the hand was electric, are thus illustrated.
The two electricities of the jar, we know, attract each other, and if the insulating glass is too weak to hold them asunder, the spark will pierce it.
The bottle will therefore continue charged for a long time; in short, until it is purposely discharged or the two electricities combine by leakage over the surface of the glass.
It can be discharged by joining its two poles with a wire, and letting the two opposite electricities on its plates rush together.
The observations of Reid show that every violent shower cloud has the electricities disturbed, and portions of it are positive, and others negative.
Leyden jars, Ruhmkorff coils, or similar means, when the opposite electricities are able to accumulate at the terminals of conductors, and a discharge of sufficient electrical intensity passes through the non-conductors air or oxygen.
If the inside coating be charged with the quantity of electricity +q, on the outer coating a distribution of the electricitieswill take place.
The mingling of the electricities of the earth and the air must be continually going on.
When the distance between the clouds whose electricities are meeting, is small.
It will be my object to compare electricities from different sources, and especially common and voltaic electricities, by their power of producing these effects.
He considers the results as due to an actual combination of the elements, or rather of half of them, with the electricities passing from the poles in consequence of a kind of play of affinities between the matter and electricity[B].
It is a fact, too, that many philosophers are still drawing distinctions between the electricities from different sources; or at least doubting whether their identity is proved.
Table of the experimental Effects common to the Electricities derived from different Sources[A].
The great distinction of the electricities obtained from these two sources is the very high tension to which the small quantity obtained by aid of the machine may be raised, and the enormous quantity (371.
They are glass and resin, after which, as we mentioned, the two electricities were even named in the beginning.
This shows that the two electricities neutralize each other's effect when imparted equally to the same conductor.
Should the cloud be near the earth, or should it be very highly charged, the tension of the two electricities may be so great as to overcome the resistance of the intervening air; and if this resistance should prove too weak, what happens?
Footnote 3: We may speak of two electricities or two electric states without necessarily implying adherence either to the single or the double "fluid" theory.
The effort of the two electricities to unite, forces the ink through the tube and it appears on the paper as a succession of small dots.
The wire balances itself, and continues to oscillate with noise until the electricities of the two surfaces neutralize each other.
Hence he inferred the possibility of comparing, as regards quantity, electricities which differ greatly from each other in intensity.
Still, as regards the identity ofelectricities from various sources, it was at that day of great importance to determine whether or not the voltaic current could jump, as a spark, across an interval before contact.
Here was exerted his 'Electro-motive force,' which tore the combined electricities asunder and drove them as currents in opposite directions.
From all which it appears that kindredelectricities repel, and opposite attract, each other.
Still, in spite of this, the theory of the two electricities is generally accepted, as it apparently explains electric phenomena in a more satisfactory manner.
But a current of the opposite electricities passing through such a compound, might neutralize the electricity in each, and thus putting an end to their attractions, occasion decomposition.
The two constituents are called positive and negative electricity respectively, and of these two electricities we imagine the Aether to be composed.
For a long time the nature of the distinctions between the two electricities was not understood.
Let us now examine the distinction between positive and negative electricities somewhat more closely, aiding ourselves by two cases which are somewhat analogous.
We express the facts in the well-known law that like electricities repel each other, and unlike attract.
Franklin proposed to call these electricities positive and negative.
The theory of two imponderable fluids or electricities having strong attractive and repellant forces, is adopted because probable, and it helps make the discussion intelligible.
In either case the opposite electricities that strongly attract each other, and whose concurrence produces the destructive discharge near the earth’s surface are held apart by the stratum of air between them.
In escaping it electrifies the surrounding air, and this, according to the law that "like electricities repel each other," has a reacting force on the wire arms.
This seems to indicate a difference between the electricities of the wax and the glass, the former of which has therefore been called negative, and the latter positive.
Is it the union of the two electricities which produces the electric spark?
The hydrogen combines with the oxygen, and their opposite electricities are disengaged in the form of caloric.
No, for in particles of the same nature the same electricitiesmust prevail, and it is only the different or opposite electric fluids that attract each other.
Caloric affording the two electricities is decomposed, and one of them uniting with the oxygen, restores it to the aëriform state.
That I should think might be done by combining the oxygen and hydrogen together; for in combining they would give out their respective electricities in the form of caloric, and by this means would be condensed.
The oxygen combines with the amalgam of the rubber, which is of a metallic nature, much in the same way as the oxygen of the acid combines with the zinc in the Voltaic battery, and it is thus that the two electricities are disengaged.
The caloric which is gradually produced by the two electricities during combustion, keeps up the temperature of the burning body; so that when once combustion has begun, no further application of caloric is required.
And is this heat and light produced by the union of the opposite electricities of the alkali and the acid?
These electricities seem to me to be a kind of chemical spirit, which animates the particles of bodies, and draws them together.
If it is known, then, with which of the electricities bodies are united, it can be inferred which will, and which will not, combine together?
But, if the electricities of both machines are similar, why not use the common machine for chemical decompositions?
Yes, and the heat and light are produced by the union of the two electricities which are set at liberty, in consequence of the oxygen combining with the wood.
The simplest electricities are often meet to discover the most precious.
These arenas are open to the sky, for electric effects are not exhibited in roofed buildings, from fear of the explosions which would probably occur were antagonistic electricities brought in contact with each other in a covered space.
By the electricity of light most other electricities are affected.
The error had arisen from the fact that electricities of every kind possess certain properties in common: thus, air electricity enters into the composition of them all.
Some electricities are diffused and attenuated; some are concentrated; others are so tenacious of the body to which they belong that they are all but steadfast.
Although all electricities contain air electricity, and are similar in some other respects, yet each differs from all others by reason of some properties peculiar to itself, the species being different, though the genus is the same.
If certain electricities are wanting, though it might be faultless in other respects, both the supplies, within and without, are stopped until means have been taken to infuse the deficient electricity.
We have pearls, diamonds, and other precious stones of a very remarkable kind, whose electricities are supposed to have a certain influence over the wearer.
The electricities proper to the earth and trees being very sympathetic to the human frame, they readily mingle with the electricity of the patient and assist in repelling the unhealthy gases and impurities in his body.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "electricities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.