Farther illustrations of the cunning of the prairie-wolf might be found in its mode of decoying within reach the antelopes and other creatures on which it preys.
Of course the deer or antelopes sprang out of the shrubbery or scoured across the plain only to tantalise them.
Antelopes were seen in great number during the march, and two were shot.
Game has been unusually scarce the past few days, but to-day a buffalo and some antelopes were seen, although we did not succeed in obtaining any.
Two or three antelopes fell to the prowess of the young stalker; and although he had had nothing to do with their capture, the professor gave them a no less welcome than he did when they appeared as haunches and cutlets.
Since the morning they had seen nothing pass but two or three antelopes through the high underwood, but at too great a distance for them to fire with any chance of hitting them.
The African hunter Cummings tells us that the skin of the eland, as well as that of most other antelopes just killed, emits the most delicious perfume of trees and grass.
The Hottentots eagerly devour the marrow of the koodoo and other antelopes raw, as a matter of course.
Up to a few years ago its valley and adjacent table-lands were peopled only by roving bands of Sioux, Cheyenne, Pegan, or Crow Indians, while vast herds of buffaloes and antelopes grazed upon its nutritious grasses.
I rode away to the west about two miles, and from the top of a high hill saw another band of forty or fifty antelopes on a table-land.
Immediately on riding up to the hotel he saw the antelopes in the yard, and told the proprietor gruffly that he had better put "them critters" in the corral, or his dogs would kill them.
But the antelopes of this section had evidently never seen soap boxes or bales of hay floating through the air, and had no desire to cultivate a closer acquaintance with such frightful looking objects as he exhibited to their astonished gaze.
This aroused the Mexican's ire, and he promptly offered to wager a goodly sum that his dogs would pull down one or both of the antelopes within a mile.
But when the parties got up the next morning they found the antelopes quietly grazing in the hotel yard.
There are also many of these Antelopes in the Zoological Gardens.
Sir Andrew Smith, in speaking of the antelopes of South Africa, says that in herds of about a dozen there was rarely more than one mature male.
We see this in the horns of stags and of certain kinds of antelopes in which the females are hornless.
Nevertheless he who attributes the white and dark vertical stripes on the flanks of various antelopes to this process, will probably extend the same view to the Royal Tiger and beautiful Zebra.
With antelopes it is sometimes difficult to imagine how they can possibly use their curiously-shaped horns; thus the springboc (Ant.
He says that the real antelopes are found mostly in Europe and Asia and Africa, and that these here goats are the only regular antelope that we've got in America.
I have never seen antelopes in full flight without thinking how nearly alike they are to swallows, both for swiftness and the manner in which they bound over the ground without seeming to touch it.
I told them that on the next day they should have all the hunting that would satisfy them and their horses, and this caused them to wonder how I knew antelopes might be near at hand.
I had no idea of hunting turkeys, for I knew that within the next few hours there should be a possibility of bringing down as many antelopes as Napoleon would be willing to carry.
The antelopes become more numerous as we proceed; one of them trotted up so near to our line as to fall a victim to his curiosity.
Now and then we would fall in with a prairie hen, a turkey, or a few rattlesnakes, but the deer and antelopes were so shy, that though we could see them sporting at a distance, we could never come within a mile of them.
I have often seen flocks of antelopes mistaken for droves of elks or wild horses, and when at a great distance, even for horsemen; whereby frequent alarms are occasioned.
On the plains of short grass between us and the river many antelopes of different species are calmly grazing, or reposing.
A few antelopes were seen on the rugged slopes, where some people too appeared lying down, taking a cup of beer.
Locusts and antelopes between them seemed to have turned all Africa into a desert!
I saw that the antelopes were heading towards the valley--the foremost were already into it, and would soon be on the spot, where I had just seen our little flock feeding!
My first thought was to get near them, and have a shot; and I was about to start off over the plain, when I perceived that the antelopes were coming towards me.
The eland is one of those antelopes that appear to be independent of water.
From all these marks Hendrik thought the little antelopes were "ourebis;" and such they were.
I did not halt till I had put several acres of antelopes between myself and the place where I had last stood; and then I made the best of my way to the wagon.
Hendrik was surprised, because he had not observed this creature before; but, indeed, he had not seen much of the antelopes until the moment of taking aim, and the grass had concealed the tiny young one.
Of all antelopes the "eland," or "caana" is the largest.
Antelopes are the principal game of South Africa--for Africa is the country of the antelope above all others.
They were antelopes of course--that species known among Cape colonists as the "hartebeest.
Indeed, many antelopes are more like to certain species of deer than to others of their own kind.
The cheeta is found throughout Africa and southern Asia, and has been employed for centuries in India and Persia in hunting antelopes and other game.
When a herd of deer or antelopes is seen, the car, which bears a close resemblance to the ordinary vehicles used by the peasants, is usually brought within 200 yds.
The horns of the antelopes are black and opaque; those of the saiga, on the contrary, are whitish and transparent.
The middling antelopes are about the size of the fallow-deer; their horns are very black, their belly very white, and their fore-legs shorter than the hind ones.
All the streams were timbered, some more heavily than others, and in the branches of the tall cottonwoods wild turkeys roosted by thousands, while deer and antelopes in great herds grazed in the grassy bottoms.
To add to the excitement a herd of about fifty antelopes appeared on a hill perhaps half a mile from camp.
Elephants and rhinoceroses, giraffes and zebras, hippopotami and wild boars, buffaloes and antelopes occurred in large numbers, and the northern extremity of the lake swarmed with crocodiles.
The sun sinks and the moon soars above the mimosa trees, the river shines like a silver mirror, antelopes are on the watch for the dangers of the night.
Many caravans march along them, and gazelles and antelopes find pasture here.
On his head he placed the antlers of a stag, and by creeping on all fours he could approach the antelopes quite closely and thus successfully shoot them.
The Apaches, according to the Mexicans, were experts at hunting antelopes in this manner.
In the meantime some of the antelopes and the mountain sheep began looking at us.
I had already seen this strategy of the antelopes and I decided to make use of it for the purpose of the hunt.
Sometimes the antelopes course for miles in their endeavor to outrun and cross in front of our horses and then, when they have done so, go loping quietly off.
I saw many huge herds of Mongolian antelopes running from five to six thousand, many groups of bighorns, wapiti and kabarga antelopes.
We even feared to shoot, although we met a great herd of antelopes numbering as many as five thousand head.
Other antelopesthat we should like to tell about have been described by travelers and hunters.
Then the material of which they are made is altogether different, for whereas the horns of the antelopes really consist of highly compressed hair, those of the deer are composed of lime, and are very much more like bone.
In theantelopes the horns are hollow, growing upon bony cores which spring from the skull, and remain all through the life of the animal.
They hunt in packs of from ten to fifty or sixty, which run with such wonderful speed that even the swiftest antelopes cannot escape them.
THIS most remarkable ruminant, which in its general structure nearly approaches the Deer, has points of affinity also with the antelopes and camels, besides very striking peculiarities of its own.
Numerous herds of antelopes were feeding, which on hearing the report of their guns, bounded over the plain in all directions.
The antelopes seen by Lander are by the Dutch called springbok, and inhabit the great plains of central Africa, and assemble in vast flocks during their migratory movements.
Snorting and neighing, our horses pranced after Tiger's flying piebald, and right and left amazed deer, and at a greater distance rapid antelopes leaped up.
The antelopes do not shed their horns like stags; they are formed more like goat's horns, and annually grow further out of the head: they are brown and bent back at the point like chamois horns.
I was obliged to promise them a visit at the parts where the buffalo still grazed, and the antelopes and stags had not so many feet as here.
I had crept through it and met nothing except a few old does that had their fawns hidden here, and when I stepped out on to the prairie I saw a herd of large male antelopes grazing about a thousand yards from me.
More antelopeswere feeding here together than I had ever seen, and the same was the case with deer.
Further on grazed many herds of migratory buffaloes, from which the prairies at this season are never quite free, and, here and there, antelopes were flying over the heaving sea of grass and flowers.
To these single shady trees the deer and antelopes fly in the midday heat, and lie down close together, so that you may be always certain to find game under these trees, so long as their leaves are standing.
We met a great many antelopes and deer, but only saw a few buffaloes at a great distance.
On the way, Stanley was struck down with fever and, borne along in a hammock, was indifferent to the herds of giraffes, and zebras, and antelopes that scoured the desert plain around him.
On the 16th of May the little caravan started off again, and after a march of fifteen miles, camped at Matamombo, in a region where monkeys, rhinoceros, steinboks and antelopes abounded.
The antelopes make use of such ant-hills as watch towers, from which lofty position they can observe an enemy at a great distance.
I managed at length to get a tolerable shot at one of the beautiful teel antelopes (Leucotis), by creeping up the broken bed of a water-course until I arrived at a white-ant hill.
Was it not you that shot the antelopes on the march, and gave me meat to eat when I was hungry?
Presently Abd-el-Kader had a shot upon my right, and I observed several antelopesbounding along upon the clear space in our rear.
On the east bank, where there is no forest, we saw giraffes, buffaloes, and antelopes in considerable numbers during the day.
Then, in the middle Miocene, the first antelopes appeared with tiny horns, which progressively increased in size among the ever-multiplying species of antelopes until the present day.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "antelopes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.