Surely the causes which produce the ridges on a human or anthropoid finger cannot be quite the same biologically as lead to the formation of similar patterns in the skin of the zebra.
It is in man and the anthropoidapes that we first find the correspondence between hand and brain that promises mastery.
There were some who hoped to show that the races of men corresponded to three primitive anthropoid stocks, linked to the three kinds of anthropoid apes.
In the anthropoid apes it would not be easy to discriminate them from those of human beings.
Of much more importance now is the relation to human beings to the great anthropoid stocks.
Many claim that it is a relic of anthropoid man, while others contend that it is a useful and important part of the anatomy.
The females of certain anthropoid apes, as stated in a former chapter, are somewhat less hairy on the under surface than are the males; and here we have what might have afforded a commencement for the process of denudation.
That anthropoid ape is nothing to be afraid of: you're right on that.
Must we run in fear because an anthropoid ape has come into this clearing?
In his laboratory at Montecito, California, Hamilton has from time to time kept anthropoid apes, but without special effort to investigate their ideational behavior.
The results obtained suggest the desirability of testing thoroughly the ability of monkeys to use objects as only the anthropoid apes and man have heretofore been thought capable of using them.
I have the satisfaction of being able to present in the present report the first systematic experimental study of any feature of the behavior of an anthropoid ape.
In 1915, a long desired opportunity came to me to devote myself undividedly to tasks which I have designated above as "prospecting" for an anthropoid station and experimenting with monkeys and apes.
Ways of using objects as tools which apparently are perfectly natural to the anthropoid apes and to man are rarely employed by the lower primates.
In the construction of this large apparatus, it was necessary to make provision for the extremely destructive tendencies of monkeys and anthropoid apes,--hence the apparent cumbersomeness of certain portions.
It is definitely known that anthropoid apes as well as monkeys can be successfully kept, bred, and reared in the West Indies.
It is obviously important that such tests be applied in the same manner to individuals not only of the different genera of anthropoid apes, but of different ages, sex, and condition of training.
All the interesting features of these skulls that clearly indicated the transition from the anthropoid to the man were declared by Virchow to be chance pathological variations.
All the peculiarities of urogenital structure that distinguish the mammals from the rest of the Vertebrates are found in man; and in all special structural features he resembles the apes, particularly the anthropoid apes.
The most distinguished of these works for impartial treatment of the question of affinity is Robert Hartmann's little work on The Anthropoid Apes.
The differences we find in this respect between man and the anthropoid apes are much slighter than the differences between the various species of apes.
In the production of the ova men resemble most of the anthropoid apes.
While these important results of comparative embryology have been throwing further light on the close blood-relationship of man and the anthropoid apes in the last few years (Chapter 1.
Thus the direction of the hair on the lower part of our arm reminds us to-day of that useful custom of our anthropoid ancestors.
None of these existing anthropoid apes is among the direct ancestors of our race; they are scattered survivors of an ancient branch of the Catarrhines, from which the human race developed in a particular direction.
It is wanting in most of the anthropoid apes; it seems to have been lost in their case (and in man) by atrophy.
But our later simian ancestors, which we have in common with the anthropoid apes, abandoned the use of these muscles, and they gradually became rudimentary and useless.
Footnote 1: Mr. Atkinson's theory is based on the idea that our supposed anthropoid ancestor was eminently unsocial.
The fatal bar to a higher platform was a heritage from theanthropoid ancestor, and, as such, eminently characteristic of an animal stage.
The known habits of primitive groups, as well as the habits of the anthropoid apes, argue to that effect, and the evidence from the well-known promptings of human nature enforces the same view.
The influence of the leisure class is not consistently for or against the rehabilitation of this proto-anthropoid human nature.
On both tests it was found by experiment that the blood of man and of the anthropoid ape behaved in such a way as to prove that they were closely related.
The anthropoid apes are not social, but live in families, and are very unprogressive.
We seem to have the most plausible explanation of the divergence of man from his anthropoid cousins in the fact that he left the trees of his and their ancestors.
He is not at all likely to have been behind the anthropoid apes, and we saw that they were well developed in the mid-Tertiary.
The far more important question is: How did this one particular group of anthropoid animals of the Miocene come to surpass all its cousins, and all the rest of the mammals, in brain-development?
We may at least assume that the ancestor of man was on a level with the anthropoid ape in the Miocene period, and we know from their skulls that the apes were as advanced then as they are now.
It is hardly necessary to say that science does not regard man as a descendant of the known anthropoid apes, or these as descended from the monkeys.
We may expect this "unteachability" in a far more stubborn degree in the anthropoid apes, which have been adapted to an unchanging environment for a million years.
That there is a general blood-relationship, and that man is much more closely related to the anthropoid apes than to any of the lower Primates, is no longer a matter of controversy.
Such a change would lead to a more consistent adoption of the upright attitude, which is partly found in the anthropoid apes, especially the gibbons.
On the one hand, the anthropoid apes were highly developed by the Miocene period, and it would be almost incredible that the future human stock should linger hundreds of thousands of years behind them.
Pygmy chimpanzee, a species of anthropoid ape (Pan paniscus) resembling the chimpanzee, but somewhat smaller; also called bonobo.
Defn: An arboreal anthropoidape (Simia satyrus), which inhabits Borneo and Sumatra.
Defn: Having a broad breastbone, or sternum; -- said of anthropoid apes.
A hypothetical genus of primates intermediate between man and the anthropoid apes.
Of or pertaining to the anthropoid apes in particular, or to the higher apes of the Old World, collectively.
Defn: A West African anthropoid ape allied to the gorilla and chimpanzee, and by some considered only a variety of the chimpanzee.
Defn: An African anthropoid ape, supposed to be a variety of the chimpanzee.
There is no more striking proof that man and the anthropoid apes have the same anatomical and physiological nature, and require the same food, than the similarity of their blood.
Between man and theanthropoid apes there are the closest anatomical and physiological resemblances.
In accord with this fact, it was logical to infer that the anthropoid apes, being next to man in the scale of nature, must have the faculty of speech developed in a corresponding degree.
The first and last in order of the anthropoidapes is the gibbon; he is much smaller in size, greater in variety, and more active than any other of the group.
Like a cat the heavy anthropoidscampered up the bole of his sanctuary.
That you and I exist today must be due to the preparedness of some shaggy anthropoid of the Oligocene.
The anthropoid apes can easily break a cocoanut with their teeth, and Guyot-Daubes thinks that possibly a gorilla has a jaw-force of 200 pounds.
In this respect they present an approximation to the genitals of the anthropoid apes, among whom the orang-outang alone shows any tendency to formation of the labia majora.
Let us limit ourselves, therefore, to fixing attention upon one important point: The marble anthropoid was protected by a tomb absolutely like the rude tombs contiguous to it.
In one of these tombs was also inclosed a monolithic sarcophagus of white marble of the form called anthropoid and measuring 2.
Its small ears lay back, its jaw protruded in that fearful ferocity of the anthropoid tribe, and we saw it peering from right to left in suspicious cunning.
In fact, anthropoid apes, such as gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-outangs, are much more closely related to man than they are to other kinds of monkeys.
Anthropoid life, of which man is the highest type, originated in the tropics, and nearly everything necessary for his highest physical development grew prodigally in that country.
Sidenote: Comparison of blood from man and apes] Late studies upon the growth of the embryo of anthropoid apes have shown that they were at certain periods almost indistinguishable from human embryos.
Each individual has transmitted to his offspring the same type of digestive organs and functions that he himself inherited from his remoteanthropoid ancestors.
Sidenote: Man's relation to anthropoid apes] The scientist is not concerned with this theory; he only claims that man is very closely related to certain monkey-like forms known as anthropoid apes.
This plane of life is best seen today in the case of savages unacquainted with fire, and in the case of anthropoid apes.
The first appearance of the primates is in Eocene times and the anthropoid apes in the Miocene, probably five millions of years ago.
The monkeys and anthropoid apes appeared at the same time in different countries.
The anthropoid apes, as well as most of the monkey tribe, are essentially arboreal in their structure, whereas the great distinctive character of man is his special adaptation to terrestrial locomotion.
But there is one group of this great tribe in which this resemblance is greatest, and they have hence been called the anthropoid or man-like apes.
It is quite in accordance with this view that we find the most pronounced distinction between man and the anthropoid apes in the size and complexity of his brain.
In seeking to determine the particular areas in which his earliest traces are likely to be found, we are restricted to some portion of the Eastern hemisphere, where alone the anthropoid apes exist, or have apparently ever existed.