In the Humanity Class, one day, a youth who was rather fond of showing off his powers of language, translated Hor.
We have seen such collections, in which many of the anecdotes are mere Joe Millers translated into Scotch.
How would this be as tersely translated into English?
San Tzu Ching, translated and annotated by Herbert A.
Other parts are restatements which if translated into operations might or might not prove feasible with the kind of army we Americans have or are likely to have.
But the actual program cannot be translated verbatim from one language to another; it must be transposed not only from one language but from one culture to another.
Seventy wise men are supposed to have translated the Old Testament, sitting in seventy different cells.
This phrase may be translated to mean either the "tall gentleman" or the "great lord.
The young gentleman already referred to, to whom in my fancy I promptly gave the Offenbachian name of Prince Paul, translated whenever there was a misunderstanding, and in a few minutes we were all intimate.
To avoid mistakes I told the fortunes in French, which wastranslated into Russian.
Hajek's book was translated into several languages and frequently quoted.
Spasovic, History of Slavonic Literature (written in Russian, translated into German by Trangott Pech, Gesch.
He was already king's chaplain; his appointment at Paris had been accompanied by promotion to the see of Hereford, and before he returned to take possession he was translated to the bishopric of London (October 1539).
His police stories, though not so convincing as those of Emile Gaboriau, with whom his name is generally associated, had a great circulation, and many of them have been translated into English.
Of older writers Bozena Nemceva, whose Babicka has been translated into many languages, and Benes Trebizky, author of many historical novels, should be named.
The De Discretione Spirituum treats of certain higher phases of mysticism; the Via Compendii ad Deum was well translated in 1876 by Henry Collins, O.
This work has been translated into English by Count Lutzow for the "Temple Classics.
This text, of which the beginning was translated in 1880 by Prof.
At the special desire of Alexander, the Countess Metchersky translated it into Russ.
Later he seems to have translated the whole into Gaelic.
She could thus have translated Mrs. Verver's tap against the glass, as I have called it, into fifty forms; could perhaps have translated it most into the form of a reminder that would pierce deep.
So general were studies of this nature at the time, that Potter's volume was translated into French, Dutch, and Latin.
Of prodigious trees of this kind you will see many instances in my Sylva, which Mr. Ray has translated and inserted in his Herbal.
This University was translated from hence to Oxford.
The Countess of Pembroke also translated "A Discourse of Life and Death, written in French, by Phil.
Wace then taught him Latin, and hunted with him; and 'twas then that he translated Gratii Cynegeticon, and dedicated it to his lordship, which will be a lasting monument for him.
He has also dramatized some of the legends of the saints, and has translated the "Antigone" of Sophocles and arranged it for the Oberammergau stage.
The sacristan said something in German to Brita, which she instantly translated to me as "Oh, ma'am, to think of it!
I only hope that the docile Brita translated for me literally what I said, as I handed him twelve cents more, with, "I gave one dollar because you had to get up so early in the morning.
Ceridwen is termed the Welsh Isis, and her name translated as "the producing woman.
The name for the physical sun was Huan, translated as 'the abode of divinity.
Whoever wrote it must have been perfectly acquainted with their religious ceremonies, for when I translated it to a company of Sabeans at Amara, they were dumfounded.
Narratives of the Rites and laws of the Incas, translatedby Clements B.
Egyptian name for cross symbol) which is sometimes transcribed as hur, her or heru, hor or har=and translated as Horus or Ra Harmachis.
YAHWE=Hebrew name for God, translated as "heaven," was pronounced Yahu.
Preceding inscriptions are made more clear by the following detached passages translated by Brugsch, which merit careful study.
His manner evoked a corresponding politeness from the Arab, whose reply, as translated by Mboda, was simply: "I have sworn an oath.
Thorlakson’s Grave-ode is superlatively fine, and I translated it this morning, as I breakfasted.
It was he who translated Borrow’s appeal to the Spanish Prime Minister to be permitted to distribute Scio’s New Testament.
Romantic Ballads, Translated from the Danish; and Miscellaneous Pieces, by George Borrow.
I have translated Ferroe’s “Worthiness of Virtue” for you, and the two other pieces I shall translate this evening, and you shall have them all when I come on Wednesday evening.
To-day I translated “The Duke’s Daughter of Skage,” a noble ballad of 400 lines.
Romantic Ballads, Translatedfrom the Danish; and Miscellaneous Pieces by George Borrow.
I sat down this morning andtranslated a hundred lines of the May-day; it is a fine piece.
Gifford translated Juvenal, and it was for a long time assumed that Borrow wished merely to disguise Gifford’s identity when he referred to his editor as the translator of Quintilian.
When this spiritual suffering begins to accumulate and is translated into physical suffering, the people see what is happening, how their very society is crumbling to ruin around them.
Its contents were written in an ancient form of Latin, which was translated and edited by Jonathan Dunn.
One prelate before the Reformation, Bishop Tonstal, and one since that time, Bishop Montaigne, were translated from London to the wealthier See of Durham; but from Dr.
Translated into English Verse from the Text of Sir G.
The letters of Columbus and Vespucci, describing their voyages and the countries they had found, were no sooner published abroad than they were translated into French and printed in Paris.
Translated from the original in the Archivo de Indias at Seville.
Translated in Eden's Decades of the new worlde, fol.
It was written in Italian; and the queen mother caused it to be translated into French by Antoine Fabre, and printed by Simon de Colines, the successor of Estienne.
Translated from the original in the Archivo general in Sijoncas Astado: Legajo 18, fol.
Translated from the original at Lisbon, in Archivo de Torre de Tambo, Corp.
Translated from the original, in the Archivo general in Simancos.
Ramusio, as he informs us himself, translated that paper from the French into the Italian and published it in the same volume, in conjunction with the Verrazzano letter, which he remodelled.
On the contrary, the line of coast from Cape St. Roman in South Carolina to Cape Breton is copied from the Spanish map of Ribero, with the Spanish namestranslated into French.
They were often very well written; some have been translated into French and produced with success on the Parisian stage.
In Europe, the 'Spy' was received with great favor, and was soon translated into French.
These fifty-eight Essays, so wise and so eloquent in their simple yet forcible diction, occupy the greater portion of the volume, and the editor has translated the Latin quotations and added some necessary notes.
I did not understand his words, but my companion did, and he quickly translated them for my benefit.
Something has gone wrong," remarked Mr. Raymond, as he translated the fellow's words to me.
In a Buddhist legend, an exemplary and altruistic hare wastranslated to the moon.
These songs have been collected in Scotland by Scott and Motherwell; their Danish counterparts have been translated by Mr. Prior.
This text is translated in our Bible, 'My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them!
Thence it was translated to the royal Convent of San Domingo in Madrid, where it has since been used for the baptism of the royal children.
Curiously enough, though Catharism translated the Scripture, it retained the Latin language in its prayers, which were thus unintelligible to most of the disciples, and it had its consecrated class who conducted its simple services.
Our own Bowditch translated it as a labor of love, and left by his will the means required for its publication.