For trewely, that swete wight, Whan I had wrong and she the right, She wolde alwey so goodely For-yeve me so debonairly.
Agayn hir dar I not misdo, For alwey biddeth she me so To yeve no lover leve to kisse; For who therto may winnen, y-wis, He of the surplus of the pray 3675 May live in hope to get som day.
And alweypore we us feyne; But how so that we begge or pleyne, We ben the folk, without lesing, That al thing have without having.
That men shulde alwey loven, causeles, 590 Who can a reson finde or wit in that?
But first were chosen foules for to singe, As yeer by yere was alwey hir usaunce To singe a roundel at hir departinge, 675 To do Nature honour and plesaunce.
Were streite gloves, with aumenere Of silk; and alwey with good chere Thou yeve, if thou have richesse; And if thou have nought, spend the lesse.
Alwey in herte I rede thee Glad and mery for to be, 2290 And be as Ioyful as thou can; Love hath no Ioye of sorowful man.
To winne is alwey myn entent; My purchas is better than my rent; For though I shulde beten be, Over-al I entremete me; 6840 Withoute me may no wight dure.
He hadde a book, that gladly, night and day, For his desport he wolde rede alway; He cleped it Valerie and Theofraste, At whiche book he lough alwey ful faste.
She many a beste to the shippes sente, And with the wyn she gan hem to presente; 1095 And to her royal paleys she her spedde, And Eneas alwey with her she ledde.
I pray you send me woord by John what answer I may geve hym; he delyth alwey ryght frendly with yow.
Whiche matiers considerid, my counseil hath alwey conceyved that the tretees he offred hath be to non othir entent but to delaye the matier, or ellis to entrete me to relese my damages, for title hath he non.
And y alwey redy to doo yowe servyse with Goddes grace, who have yow, my right worshipfull and my moost best beloved Lord Fadre, ever in His blessid kepyng.
That is, we may read-- And pietous and Iust, alwey y-liche.
Thre tymes Litell Johnn shet aboute, And alwey he slet the wande; The proudë sherif of Notingham By the markës can stande.
But alweythought Lytell John To quyte hym wele his mede.
Ye, blessed be alwey a lewed man, 3455 That noght but oonly his bileve can!
And thogh he never so longe have leyn in sinne, the mercy of Crist is alwey redy to receiven him to mercy.
And after this, thanne shul ye kepe yow fro alle straunge folk, and fro lyeres, and have alweyin suspect hir companye.
A fair persone he was and fortunat, 25 And kepte alweyso wel royal estat, That ther was nowher swich another man.
But worldly Ioye may nat alwey dure 2055 To Ianuarie, ne to no creature.
Receyved hath, by hope and by resoun, The emprenting of hir consolacioun, Thurgh which hir grete sorwe gan aswage; 835 She may nat alwey duren in swich rage.
But loke alwey that thy conseillours have thilke three condiciouns that I have seyd bifore; that is to seyn, that they be trewe, wyse, and of old experience.
And pitous and Iust alwey yliche (with first syllable deficient).
Sir, ye ne be nat alwey in lyke disposicioun; / for certes, som thing that somtyme semeth to yow that it is good for to do, another tyme it semeth to yow the contrarie.
He cleped it Valerie and Theofraste, At whiche book he lough alwey ful faste.
For oyther joies comen nought yfeere, Or elles no wight hath hem alwey here.
But folye þat lieth alwey to hym self may not chaunge þe merit of þinges.
As whoo seiþ he mot ben alwey agast lest he leese þat he wot wel he may leese.
And Pandarus, to quike alwey the fyr, Was evere y-lyke prest and diligent; 485 To ese his frend was set al his desyr.
Hir advertence is alwey elles-where; For Troilus ful faste hir soule soughte; With-outen word, alwey on him she thoughte.
For certeyn, Phebus and Neptunus bothe, 120 That makeden the walles of the toun, Ben with the folk of Troye alwey so wrothe, That thei wol bringe it to confusioun, Right in despyt of king Lameadoun.
And dredelees, his ire, day and night, 1755 Ful cruelly the Grekes ay aboughte; And alwey most this Diomede he soughte.
And yif he woot that it is chaungeable, he moot alwey ben adrad that he ne lese that thing that he ne doubteth nat but that he may lesen it; as who seith, he mot ben alwey agast, lest he lese that he wot wel he 115 may lese it.
But al for nought; his hope alwey him blente; 1195 For which at night, in sorwe and sykes sore He wente him hoom, with-outen any more.
For wel fele I alwey my love encresse, And hope is lasse and lasse alwey, Pandare!
Upon his brest she leyde, and loste speche; Hir woful spirit from his propre place, Right with the word, alwey up poynt to pace.
Certes,' quod I, 'it ne remembreth me nat that evere I was so free of my thought that I ne was alwey in anguissh of som-what.
And Pandarus, to quike alwey the fyr, Was ever y-lyke prest and diligent; 485 To ese his frend was set al his desyr.
And for this ther ne acordeth no wight lightly to the condicioun of his fortune; for alwey to every man ther is in som-what that, unassayed, he ne wot nat; or elles he dredeth that he hath assayed.
Also in this yere rood dame Alice Perrers, as lady of the sune,[65] fro the tour of London thorugh Chepe; and alwey a lady ledynge a lordys brydell.
King David hadde many a love, Bot natheles alwey above Knyhthode he kepte in such a wise, That for no fleisshli covoitise Of lust to ligge in ladi armes He lefte noght the lust of armes.
The which Crist of his souveraign mercy and noble pite plese alwey to kepe in al maner of worship and joye.
My theme is alwey oon, and ever was-- 'Radix malorum est Cupiditas.
One of the most delightful passages in the poem is that in which the Black Knight declares how ready she always was to forgive and forget:-- Whan I had wrong and she the right She wolde alwey so goodely For-geve me so debonairly.
He cleped [called] it Valerie and Theofraste,[1] At whiche book he lough alwey ful faste.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alwey" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.