Suffer not my just resolutions to abate with my outward Forces; let a good Conscience alwaies accompany me in my solitude and desertions.
Alwaies keep up solid piety, and those fundamental Truths (which mend both hearts and lives of men) with impartial Favour and Justice.
Though I be driven from among them, yet give Me grace to walk, alwaies uprightly before thee.
I would have You alwaies propense to the same way, when ever it shall be desired and accepted, let it be granted, not only as an Act of State-policie and necessitie, but of Christian charitie and choice.
Those are never unseasonable, since this is alwaies uncertain: Death being an eclipse, which oft happeneth as well in cleer as cloudy dayes.
The Italian and also most strangers that are commorant in Italy, doealwaies in their meales vse a little forke when they cut their meate.
The earles and barons that belong to the duke, which were neuer my leeges, for the honour which I haue done to their master, they haue now doone homage and sworne fealtie to me, the couenants betwixt me & the said duke alwaies saued.
For because no standing marke can be taken (the Heavens alwaies running about) it must needs bee difficult.
The third distinction is by the shadowes, which bodies doe cast vpon the earth, iust at nooneday; for these doe not alwaies fall one way but diuersly according to their divers scituation vpon the Earth.
Wee alwaies beholde halfe the heauens aboue vs, which could not bee if the earth had any sensible proportion to the heauen.
These of all parts of the earth are worst inhabited, according as extremity of cold is alwaies a greater enemy to mans body, then extremity of heat.
Brooke, hees welcome: bid him come vp, Such Brookes are alwaies welcome to me: A Iack, will thy old bodie yet hold out?
Thou knowst that I haue alwaies loued thee deare, 5 And thou hast oft times swore the like to me.
Prouiding alwaies that he shall receiue but one marriage gift.
It is manifest that in many points they were at variaunce among themselues, and that they haue shewed by their contrary writings: yea and many times they are contrary to themselues, and therfore they haue not alwaies thought aright.
This place they call =Abrahams= bosome, and Hell (for Hell doth not alwaies betoken a place of torment, but also generally the state that soules are in after this life.
The Diuell would like it well, if we would alwaies stand in feare of him.
Prodigium, is a thing which albeit it often chaunce by course of nature, yet notwithstanding it doth alwaies betoken some euill thing, being called Prodigium, as it were of porro agendum, to be done afterward.
They looke diligently vnto themselues so long as they liue, least the enimie of mankinde, who is readie at all assaies, and lieth alwaies in waight, should bring them into mischiefe, and take further vauntage to vexe and hurt them.
Was the Priesthood alwaies thought thus insignificant, and do the Antient Poets palt it in this Manner?
In Spain the Sees generally are better endowed than elswhere, and Wealth alwaies draws Consideration.
Tis possible a Poet may not alwaies have Sense enough by him for such an Occasion.
His best Plays are almost alwaies Modest and clean Complexion'd.
Virgil's Jupiter is alwaies great, and solemn, and keeps up the port of a Deity.
And was Licentiousness and irreligion, alwaies a mark of Honour?
Father alwaies gives us a Birthdaye Treat; soe, contrived that Mother shoulde take us to see my Lord Cardinal of York goe to Westminster in State.
Father delighteth in sparring with Patteson far more than in jesting with the King, whom he alwaies looks on as a Lion that may, any Minute, fall on him and rend him.
I lacked Spiritt to sue my Lord for the Words, he being soe free-spoken as alwaies to dash me; howbeit, I mind they ran somewhat thus.
I think I shall write to Father for them to-morrow; he alwaies likes to heare from us if he is twenty-four Hours absent, providing we conclude not with "I have Nothing more to say.
Alexander the greate, alwaies did inure hymself to doe thynges, and manfullie to assaie that he enterprised.
THis Nero, at what tyme as his mother was con- ceiued of him, she dreamed that she was conceiued of a Uiper: for, the young Uiper alwaies killeth his dame.
I do not trust time, as that like pleasure shouldalwaies remaine, or that fruictes should alwaies of like sorte abounde.
But you will saie parauenture, mariage is a greate bon- dage, alwaies to liue with one.
Wolue passeth in crueltee and desire of bloode, alwaies vnsaciable of deuouryng, neuer conten- ted with his pray.
WHat kyngdome can alwaiesassure his state, or glory?
The chastest Cupids, and the gamesom’st Graces, Are alwaies mingled in your Deare-embraces.
Live ever there, and leave me here distressed With mortall cares and cumbrous worlds anoy; But where thou dost that happiness enioy, Bid me, O bid me quicklie come to thee, That happie there I maie thee alwaies see.
Well weened he, that fairest Florimell It was, with whom in company he yode, 8 And so her selfe did alwaies to him tell; So made him thinke him selfe in heauen, that was in hell.
Rosemary is for remembrance Between us daie and night, Wishing that I might alwaies have You present in my sight.
The poem in which these lines are found, is entitled, 'A Nosegay alwaies sweet for Lovers to send for Tokens of Love.
They do chose vnto them selues also an other doctrine / which is / that they which be regenerat / muste alwaies doubte of their saluatiõ.
And alwaies Augustine bringith this sentence to persuade men to suffer the Iues / which is writẽ in the 58.
By Ioue, I alwaies tooke three threes for nine Clow.
Humbly desiring your Lordships' accustomed good favor towards me, I reste to spend my life alwaies at her Majestie's pleasure, and at your Lordships' devotion.
Thankes, neighbor, set it downe; Honny is alwaies welcome to the Beare.
And, sith thou hast been 20 alwaies partaker of my triumphes, thou shalt bee partaker of my torments.
But in this respect there presents a very rare mystery, and worthy of observation, that the complete perfection of things fals out alwaies on the fourth day, as of the light.
Let your speech be alwaies with grace, seasoned with salt.
It renewes and rejoyceth all with vitall heat, it illustrates and illuminates all, tending alwaies upward, with agility and incomparable speed.
He had the happinesse of a very Honourable, and that very numerous acquaintance, so that he was noway undisciplined in the Arts of Civility; yet he continued semper idem, which constancy made him alwaies acceptable to them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alwaies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.