Not second in importance to any department of the journal is the reporting; that is, the special reporting as distinguished from the more general news-gathering.
If the reporting department needs strengthening and reduction to order in the American journal, we may also query whether the department of correspondence sustains the boast that the American, newspaper is the best in the world.
He began at seventeen by reporting a runaway from the point of view of the hostler.
They are the outcome of journeys made expressly with the intent of investigating and reporting upon the actual situation and apparent prospects of the places and regions described.
Reporting requires as high ability as editorial writing; perhaps of a different kind, though in the history of American journalism the best reporters have often become the best editors.
I didn't know," said the young man, whose usual occupation was reporting sports, and who had a dim idea that every big will must be contested.
I am inclined to think that the reporting department is the weakest in the American newspaper, and that there is just ground for the admitted public distrust of it.
Intelligent and honest reporting of whatever interests the public is the sound basis of all journalism.
And the press of no other country shows more occasional brilliant feats in reportingthan ours: these are on occasions when the newspapers make special efforts.
Let him be the machinery and tool foreman, reporting directly to the Cost-Analysis Engineer, and subordinate to no other foreman.
Most industrial organizations to-day resemble military organizations, with their generals and intermediate officers, down to sergeants, each man reporting to but one man higher in rank.
The transfer clerk should maintain records of orders in progress, which will be duplicates of the office records, reporting all transfers to the office on the form shown in Fig.
Parliament concedes the freedom of reportingits proceedings.
Clive says, in a letter to Pigot, reporting this affair a few days afterward: "You must know our march from Mayapur to the northward of Budge Budge was much against my inclinations.
He HAS been trying you--has been reporting on you to these friends.
Holz, reporting to Beethoven, tells of an interview at the hospital when he met the woman at her son's bedside.
Karl, in reporting the fact to Beethoven, expressed his belief that the Schotts would sell for fear that if they did not Schlesinger would reprint the work in Paris without permission.
Schindler in reporting the fact to Beethoven added: "I did not know what to reply and so it was omitted this time.
And away I hurried toward the spot where I saw the launch approaching, for the double purpose of reporting to Mr Perry the news of the captain's fall, and dispatching the surgeon to see if life still remained in the body.
Up you go again, Dixon, and keep your eye on that vessel, reporting any noticeable thing about her that may happen to catch your eye," said I.
Daily and fondly had he watched the preparations, reporting to Brown: 'My church is almost ready for the organ and the bell.
All I am able to tell you is that my reporting of Mr. Jordan was a regrettable but military necessity.
It is against the regulations for a cadet to call another to account for reporting him officially.
With face flushed, Mr. Jordan walked over to the instructor, reporting himself as directed.
Jordan, old fellow, you don't mean that you'd call a cadet out for reporting you officially?
I wonder if my reporting him to-day has made the fellows take more notice of him?
Very rarely, indeed, the silence is given to a cadet; it is more especially applicable if he be a cadet officer who is in the habit of reporting his fellow classmen for what they may consider insufficient breaches of discipline.
Shall I tell you what I think of you for reporting me?
Further, Prescott, you may feel yourself wholly at liberty to explain, at any time, what your orders from me were that led to your catching and reporting Mr. Jordan.
The list of injured was very much larger--how much will probably never be known, since many, assisted by their friends, returned to their homes without reporting their hurts.
Then, along with the remainder of the men, I returned to our old trench, reporting to the only Officer we had left the death of our Captain.
We were off with a volley behind us, but got safely back, reporting the incident to the Captain.
That evening I arrived at my depot, and, after reporting myself at the Guard Room, made my way toward the block of buildings which my unit occupied, these particular barracks being the depots of three units.
Fremont's command, faithfullyreporting them, and in relieving that officer, thereby incurring the enmity of all his partisans.
Curtis had the satisfaction of reportingto Hal-leck as follows: The Flag of the Union floats over the Court House of Springfield, Mo.
Reporting Agency, the English Chancery Division protected election reports on the last-named ground alone.
I shall have great pleasure in reportingyour gallant conduct to the commander-in-chief, when the time comes for doing so.
The German newspapers in reporting police court and other judicial proceedings often omit names and it is possible in Berlin for a man to prosecute a blackmailer without having his own name in print.
On May 13th he rendered the greatest possible assistance in taking messages under terrific shell-fire to various parts of the line, and reporting on various local situations.
He lost no time in bringing it across the channel and reporting for duty, just as though nothing unusual had happened.
Later developments showed the French officers in the fighting line had again been optimistic to a point of inaccuracy in reporting Lizerne captured.
But they came back later, reporting that the slopes of Langer Heinreich on the right and the sharp kopjes on the left made the thing impossible.
Our staff returned before dark, reporting an eventless day, with intermittent fighting.
But in July he wrote to Colonel Blount reporting that his losses were trifling, and that he had regained his old post from the enemy.
From his camp at Great Swamp, near North River, he wrote to Governor Nash in November, 1780, reporting the repulse of the enemy.
It is clear that, so far as the verbal expressions go, the observer is reporting meanings and not processes.
Among other committees reportingwas that on Church work, Miss Laura De Merritte (Me.
It told of the House Judiciary Committee reporting the resolution on Dec.
That night the lookouts on the Idaho were constantly reporting that the ship was being shadowed.
Had he died in the split fraction of a second and was his disintegrating mind reporting the startling fact of death by telling him that the sun was jumping?
They insensibly assumed the license ofreporting whatever they could observe of the conduct either of the magistrates or private citizens, and were soon considered as the eyes of the monarch and the scourge of the people.
Omitting from the computation the lines not reporting operations, the gross earnings of the roads actually operated equaled 12.
This includes even the capitalization of new lines and others notreporting operations.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reporting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: analyzing; computing; publication; scanning; sorting