There were never many deep dug-outs in English trenches, but whenever the ground was suitable there were always a good many either under construction or proposed.
It was arranged that whenever a Brigade was in reserve, the various Battalions should always go to the same camp.
In addition, the Commanding Officers were supplied with funds to use at their discretion in brightening the sombre monotony of trench life whenever opportunity offered.
Casualties were few, and the men soon learnt the “unhealthy” spots in the line, and avoided them whenever possible.
These parties showed up several times as if about to rush the position, but whenever they appeared, Lewis gun and rifle fire kept them back, and the intended assault was not delivered.
It did one good to see his genial smile whenever he came round the line.
He will come into the house whenever the screen door is left open, and he seems to have a perfect mania for picking shoe-buttons and shoe-strings.
Whenever Peggy looked behind, during the remainder of her walk, he was following as closely and almost as silently as a shadow.
Whenever the spirit of God has breathed upon the souls of men the effect has been to awaken the sense of a great crisis.
Whenever the truths of religion are too much defended they are cheapened; and when cheapened they become incredible.
But whenever a human interest, great or small, is detached from its roots in reality and turned into a subject for the war of minds, every assertion made by the one side is a challenge to the other to assert the contrary.
She is so frightfully ill-tempered that whenever I am going to bake bread I am obliged to shut her up in this box, lest she push me into the oven and bake me with the bread, as she has often threatened to do.
This is a self-acting bell-punch, and it will ring wheneveryou say "Oh, dear!
And you will be able to come and walk in these avenues whenever you please.
Yet whenever he was in contact with his fellow-men, he was one living and walking apart.
And that he might breathe himself, and have every fibre cool, and every muscle ready, my hold upon his coat I loosed, and left him to begin with me whenever he thought proper.
Coming up to the tree there was the bear, standing up, and with his one arm raking the dogs whenever they ventured within reach.
The cabin is screened, but whenever the door is opened they come streaming in.
The day was clear and sunny, not very cold, about 39, but wheneverwe ran into a reach with the west or southwest wind ahead the boat pounded most unpleasantly.
Many large planters rent small lots to negroes, others to Italians, and sell on easy terms to either whenever they wish to buy.
So whenever one of these phobias comes into his mind Chesterton loses his poise and sings false.
He is like the tenor who had aelurophobia and was upset whenever a cat came into the room.
Whenever the rider tired, he could descend--comfortably at home again--and examine the cyclometer to see how far he had been.
Nothing can happen but the needless and most wasteful and pitiful killing of these poor lads, who make up the infantry battalions, the main mass of all the European armies of to-day, whenever they come against a sanely organized army.
Whenever I was thirsty I was in the habit of stooping down at the water's edge to scoop the fluid up in my curved hands.
He might present himself at the house whenever he liked without any fear of having his visits broken in upon.
Whenever a woman was walking in front of him, or coming in his direction, he would say: "Here she is!
Whenever speculative ideas had reached a certain elevation, he would mutter: "Oh!
I shook like an aspen leaf whenever I thought of our interesting interview; and I could observe that Eliza changed colour, and looked out of the window whenever I entered the room.
A few of the lesser lights of pugilism had their permanent headquarters at Brodie's, while some aspirants for champion honors and even real champions dropped in whenever happening to be in the neighborhood.
Arrived in Theatre Alley, we met the leader of the gang, who had the proud distinction of being about the only one who had a "home to go to" whenever he felt like doing so.
Emotional dog as he was, he never forgot to take care of the inner dog whenever an opportunity presented itself.
Sounding his defy in many cackles and muffled crows the black hero raced up and down the yard, dodging, whenever possible, under some of the unused wagons and trucks standing about.
The marvellous baby, whose rapid progress of late had reached the truly incredible point of raising his hands to heaven whenever he heard her sing the song-- Santa Maria, que mala esta mi tia!
In my eyes you might have read it whenever I looked at you.
The majority are not able to go beyond that, and full of zeal, they have no other ambition than to be able to show their fellows, whenever they can, this most noble disdain, which forms an integral part of their superiority.
Julia recalled some that he had forgotten, and wheneverthis happened he clapped his hands with delight, and enthusiastically praised his cousin's memory.
Whenever Miguel took her out for the evening to the house of any of their friends, she always felt constrained and awkward, without knowing what to say or do, and not taking her eyes from him, so that she might get courage.
Consequently the law authorizes me to marry whenever I wish, without my mother's consent.
Whenever an occasion presented itself to counterattack the enemy for the purpose of delaying his advance, that occasion was to be taken advantage of.
Then, too, they could hurl bombs into the Serbian positions with almost absolute impunity, for whenever the Serbian shells struck the heavy armor of these river fortresses they rolled off harmlessly.
Warsaw's inhabitants know now well the meaning of an aeroplane, and wheneverthey see one approach they run in wild terror into their houses and cellars.
The fire on board her grew worse and worse, and it could be seen blood-red through holes made by the shells from the Invincible whenever her hull showed through the dense clouds of escaping steam that enveloped her.
It seemed as if some all-engrossing subject in her own heart called her thoughts continually back from external things, whenevershe gave her mind to them for a moment.
Here, give this sealed packet to the Prince whenever he returns.
Earl--"but give it to the Prince whenever he comes.
The Indian could not bear his young master to be out of his sight for a moment, and was always most unhappy whenever the exigencies of work necessitated a separation of the two.
If, as you say, I have been able to help you I am glad, and shall be glad to help you again whenever and as often as you may need my assistance.
George Gage paid Margaret the most devoted attentions whenever he wished to pique Harriet, and at other times consigned her to the care of Hubert, as if he had too much delicacy to interfere with his brother's pretensions.
Margaret noticed that Miss Gage was always on the watch, and whenever her father was at a loss, from having only one hand, she supplied the deficiency; and that so quickly and quietly that few people would have been aware of it.
It's very bad for him to be worried, and whenever anything upsetting happens, it always brings on an attack.
Whenever complete silence falls upon any company, it is always twenty minutes past the hour.
Whenever I see a bad woman, I follow her eyes; I know she is looking for her mate.
My dear,' she said, 'whenever I see a bad man, I peep round the corner for the woman.
He laughedwhenever Launcelot Gobbo appeared; and tried hard to get Hiram to go out and take more lemonade between the acts.
Indeed, it may be said with truth, that the honest instincts of the people invariably rejected these pernicious and dangerous theories, whenever they were distinctly involved in the elections.
The orifice is closed whenever the insect is at home, enlarging its tunnel or peacefully enjoying the contents of its larder.
But the vapor machine was all ready to start generating the gas whenever it was needed.
Our friends, including Andy Foger, and the German, kept up a hot fire whenever a skulking black form could be seen.
No, Pompey, I must preach whenever I see a chance of being listened to, which I never did before; so now you must have it all together; and I hope you may remember some of it.
East, "but there again, that's just another of my difficulties whenever I think about the matter.
And whenever East comes in, you should see him hop off to the window, dot and go one, though Harry wouldn't touch a feather of him now.
And for the next year or two, whenever fights were being talked of, the small boys who had been present shook their heads wisely, saying, "Ah!
Some are vocal under a good influence, are pleasing wheneverthey are pleased, and hand on their happiness to others, as a child who, looking upon lovely things, looks lovely.
Whenever I'm in the room he stares and stares at me, as if I were some natural curiosity.
The moonlight that night fell on Celeste, kneeling in her own little room, praying for Louis and Archie, and sobbing in unrestrained grief whenever her eye fell upon the bright gold cross--his parting gift.
He always reminds me of death and his scythe whenever I see him.
But Madame Evelini was either too proud or too indifferent to heed these reports, and visited Louis in his studio whenever she pleased, leaving the world to say of her what it listed.
In the silence the voice of Yachkovich is heard with increasing shrillness; not having a front tooth, whenever he has to pronounce sz, he utters a prolonged hiss.
He recollected that whenever he had seen pictures by English artists, for example, he had been impressed, first of all, by the mental elevation of those artists.
Close to the pieces of wood a cock was scratching the ground among chips, and whenever he found a grain, or a worm, he called "Koh!
Whenever Antek thinks of this, he calls for a slat from the bedstead with which to crack Ostrynski's skull; but Ostrynski's preponderance does not astonish me.
It was evident that Hania liked him much, for whenever he entered the room she was more cheerful.
I was to be comparatively wealthy, hence I looked with calmness both on my future and Hania's, knowing that whatever fate was awaiting her she would always find refuge and support with me whenever she needed them.
But Pan Zolzik was in bad humor, and whenever he was in bad humor the mayor had to do everything himself.
During the life of Melnitski, wheneverhe took the old organist's place on great holidays and festivals, he sometimes forgot himself thoroughly at the organ.
I avoided even her glance, for I could not endure that prayer, as it were, for compassion which was depicted in it whenever she looked at my father or me.
Whenever I turn my eyes filled with tears, I see Thee, and when I see Thee I confess Thee.
Under these instructions the troops went over the border and down into the depths of the Sonora, jumping the Indian whenever an opportunity offered, never giving him any rest.
His motto was, "Follow the Indian wherever he goes and strike him whenever you can.
He gave him all the facilities for studying the government and administration of the British protectorate and helped him wherever and {174} whenever he could.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whenever" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.