This company of Indians were in number twentie, and were gladde to beholde those fiue men commyng towardes them, and were desirous to sée suche straunge people and shippes, wherefore they came willingly altogither vnto Cortez his Tente.
The lords would not consent altogitherto laie downe their badges; but yet they agreed that none should weare any such cognizance except their seruants of houshold, and such as were in ordinarie wages by the yeare.
At this day also there are many honest and godlie men which haue this faulte, that they are too quicke of beléefe, and altogither ruled by others.
A litle below the Library is the Anatomy house, not altogither so weill furnished as that of Leiden: sundry anatomies of men, women, children, and embryoes.
Beyond this, about foure miles also is the Ile of horsses: and a little from that the hog Iland, which is not altogither vnfruitfull.
The colour of the rind is not much differing from the innermost shell of a chestnut, although it be not altogitherso brickle as is the pill of an onion.
Neuertheles it séemeth by our owne experience that we here in England suppose them altogither vnnéedfull.
And first beginning with himselfe and his souldiers, tooke order for a reformation to be had in his owne houshold, yéelding nothing to fauor, but altogither in respect of vertue, accounting them most faithfull which therein most excelled.
What his lawes were, it is now altogither vnknowne, as most things of this age; but that they were altered againe at the comming [Sidenote: Albion.
The barons highlie displeased herewith, refused to stand to the French kings award herein, bicause he had iudged altogither on the kings side.
And becaus that Electioun of Ministeris in this cursed Papistrie hesaltogither bene abused, we think expedient to intreat it moir largelie.
For altogither this is to be avoided, that any man be violentlie intrused[388] or thrust in upoun any Congregatioun.
I heare also of two welles not far from Landien, which stand verie neere togither, and yet are of such diuersitie of nature, that the one beareth sope, and is a maruellous fine water; the other altogither of contrarie qualities.
It hath fiue riuers verie much abounding with salmons, and other fresh streams not altogither void of that prouision.
But as such as walke in darkenesse doo often straie, bicause they wot not whither they go: euen so doo these men, whilest they seeke to extenuate the certeintie of our histories, and bring vs altogither to uncerteinties & their coniectures.
Herebie may such as altogither be not blinded plainlie see, that God, by his sentence, hath deiected all woman frome empire and dominion aboue man.
This agréeth not altogither with that which Hector Boetius writeth, as in the Scotish chronicle appéereth.
And if the duke should breake and go from the premisses, then are they altogither to ceasse from dooing him any seruice, till he reforme his misdooings.
In this meane time things happened so well to the purpose of king Edward, that by practise he alienated the hearts of the Flemings from the obedience of their earle, being altogither an earnest freend to the French king.
Edward, requiring him to send some power of men of warre into Britaine, to defend him against the malice of such as were altogither French and enemies to England.
But yet not altogither carelesse (though not so much as he ought to haue beene) of the place and cause from whence and for which he receiued so great reuenues, as came vnto his hands from that see.
In this meane time, of a small matter, and the same altogither false and fained, there was an open path made and beaten foorth, for a greater inconuenience to insue.
This beneuolent liberalitie was not altogitherfreelie giuen.
These came altogither into this land, and arriued at Flemesburke with fortie ships, as Matthæus Westmonasteriensis hath recorded.
Sidenote B: Scænits, be a people in Arabia, that dwell altogither in tents.
And being come thereunto, I found a building eight square, with a rare and wonderfull fountaine: which was not altogither amisse.
At which time the sunne (as some write) appeared to the earle of March like three sunnes, and suddenlie ioinedaltogither in one.
On the next daie in the morning, the Frenchmen altogither issued out of the towne, woone by assault the bastile of saint Lou, and set it on fire.
Now when the generall pardon was pronounced all the prisoners shouted at once, and altogither cast up their halters into the hall roofe, so that the king might perceive they were none of the discreetest sort.
Herewith the lords altogither besought his grace of mercie, at whose sute the king pardoned them all.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "altogither" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.