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Example sentences for "aghast"

Lexicographically close words:
aggressively; aggressiveness; aggressor; aggressors; aggrieved; aght; agile; agilely; agilis; agility
  1. He is a very smart specimen, Augusta," explained Mr. Hastings to his wife that evening, when she looked aghast at the idea of harboring Tode for the night.

  2. Kyu[u]bei looked at him aghast as he took in the meaning.

  3. Aghast they had followed the confession of Sakurai Kichiro[u], with full intention to deny its truth.

  4. Salis looked at him aghast once more, just as if he had been indeed drinking; but his friend's acts belied his words, for he uttered a low groan, laid his arms upon the table and let his head sink down.

  5. The Normans rose aghast at this sudden intrusion of death, and gazed wildly around.

  6. Well might they stand aghast who gazed upon this awful portent, which had seemed to set the southern heavens on fire.

  7. As Austin Ambrose had said, his friends were glad to see him, but they were aghast at the change which a few weeks had wrought in the old light-hearted Blair; and the pace he was going alarmed even the most reckless of them.

  8. Guilfogle was the more aghast at hearing him bawl this no one knows.

  9. William Crosbie stood trembling and aghast as the storm, which had now reached the climax of its fury, rolled along the sky in terrible majesty.

  10. The wild winds rag'd and the lightnings flashed, While the sea ran mountains high; And the good ship's crew all stood aghast As they gaz'd on the stormy sky.

  11. Such were we upon earth, wondering aghast at the effects of pestilence.

  12. Can you wonder that we are all aghast and mourn, when this appears changed?

  13. A moral tempest had wrecked our richly freighted vessel, and we, remnants of the diminished crew, were aghast at the losses and changes which we had undergone.

  14. Ryland was a man of strong intellects and quick and sound decision in the usual course of things, but he stood aghast at the multitude of evils that gathered round us.

  15. She gazed on some flowers that stood near in a carved vase: that morning she had arranged them, they were rare and lovely plants; even now all aghast as she was, she observed their brilliant colours and starry shapes.

  16. He saw the aghast looks of her auditors, changing from horror to fury--the names of those already sacrificed were echoed by their relatives, now assured of their loss.

  17. By degrees, as strength returned to me and dispelled the torpor that had numbed my brain, I understood Prilukoff's ravings, and was aghast at them.

  18. When the bewildered assistants, aghast at what they had done, laid the sufferer back on his pillows, the slaying had been accomplished.

  19. Not more aghast the matrons of renown, When tyrant Nero burned the imperial town, Shrieked for the downfal in a doleful cry, For which their guiltless lords were doomed to die.

  20. Dame Partlet, ever nearest to his side, Heard all his piteous moan, and how he cried For help from Gods and men; and sore aghast She pecked and pulled, and wakened him at last.

  21. I was aghast at the freedom of treasonable speech with which this very debonnaire gentleman ventured to address an utter stranger.

  22. For a spell I was too thunderstruck to speak, aghast at this catastrophe.

  23. Should I speak it here, Ye would stand aghast with fear; Am a Prince of mighty sway!

  24. Jims bounded out of his crib and ran across to me, his face quite aghast above his little blue flannel pyjamas.

  25. Ben started, and looked aghast for a moment, but soon recovered himself and told his tale of blood with a strange mixture of satisfaction and awe, washing his hands in the air nervously all the time.

  26. He ceas'd: they gnawing, sat, their lips, aghast With wonder that Telemachus in his speech Such boldness used.

  27. He ceased; they gnawing stood their lips, aghast With wonder that Telemachus in his speech Such boldness used.

  28. He ended, and each gnaw'd his lip, aghast At his undaunted hardiness of speech.

  29. Gaze on oppression, till at that dread risk, Aghast she pass from the earth's disk.

  30. The local undertaker, who respectfully yet promptly put in an appearance, was aghast at her intention of arranging for the burning of her father's body.

  31. Ye Princes of the Earth, ye sit aghast Amid the ruin which yourselves have made, Yes, Desolation heard your trumpet's blast, And sprang from sleep!

  32. He is--to use a vulgar term--aghast with surprise.

  33. Graspum, as he let fall a package of papers, and sat aghast and trembling.

  34. The innocent Evan stood aghast at the terrible secrets of the boudoir that were revealed.

  35. For a brief instant he seemed to catch a glimpse inside himself and was aghast at what was stewing there.

  36. Priesthoods, occupied with the externals of their function are aghast at the assertion of a living and working God.

  37. When young men first look into these matters for themselves, having heretofore taken certain notions on trust, they are apt to be aghast at the unsettlement, and at the call on them to use their own judgments and make up their minds.

  38. The civilized world stood aghast when General Butler issued his infamous "Order No.

  39. Perhaps a shaft of compunction touched her flinty soul at the sight of his aghast and speechless face, for she had the grace to look away.

  40. The dame was aghast at this, but she could not answer it--for well she knew the Tylwyth Teg were often seen in the woods of Cardigan.

  41. The girl flushed, aghast at the thought of her father whirling in the midst of that whirling throng.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aghast" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    afraid; agape; aghast; agog; amazed; anxious; ashen; astounded; awestruck; beguiled; bewildered; bewitched; blanched; breathless; captivated; confounded; cowed; dumbfounded; enchanted; enraptured; enthralled; entranced; fascinated; fearful; flabbergasted; frightened; frozen; gaping; horrified; hypnotized; intimidated; mesmerized; overwhelmed; pallid; paralyzed; petrified; puzzled; scared; scary; spellbound; staggered; staring; stunned; stupefied; surprised; terrified; thunderstruck; undone; unmanned; unnerved; unstrung; wondering