They will perhaps think me a presuming coxcomb," he thought; "but I care not.
There was present a Bonza, very considerable in his sect, and of good knowledge, but too presuming of his understanding, and as much conceited of his own abilities as any pedant in the world.
I do not wish to pry into your secrets, Senhor Pedro, but if it is not presuming too much I should like to know when we shall begin to move in the direction of our journey's end.
Upon this unexpected failure I abstain from presumingto make any remarks, or to offer any conjectures.
From the days of Constantine the Great the emperors assumed and actually exercised extensive authority over the church, presumingeven to dictate in matters which concerned the doctrine and practice of the church.
Adrian I had offended him by presuming to approve and publish the acts of the council of Nicaea, 787, without waiting for Karl's authorization.
The Naik, Juma's husband, had been presuming not a little on his position, and when Adam's favour was withdrawn from his wife he judged it best to apply for a transfer to another post.
The end came when, presuming on her lighter draught, she tried to draw away northward over a friendly shoal.
You do not mention the size of the plate, but presuming it is intended for labels for the inside of books, I shall have it made of a proper size for that.
For presuming to disregard the pope’s authority, this monarch was declared to be excommunicated and dethroned.
Such a doctrine, presuming upon God’s mercy, but ignoring His justice, pleases the carnal heart, and emboldens the wicked in their iniquity.
When crinoline came in, she thought it impudent in a servant to wear it; but when crinoline went out, she deemed it no less presuming in her to lay it aside.
This eloquent lady heartily berates the wives of tradesmen for presuming to copy the fashions of the rich and noble.
Mr. Elphinstone has restricted them to a clear spot on the breakfast-table, without presuming to fold or envelope.
I ampresuming that he has lost his bearings under the conditions named by my friend and that he has companions some where not many miles distant.
Presuming to oppose the progress of Hercules in his western march, he was slain by him.
Arriving at the pass, the churl presuming to bar the way, a desperate contest ensued, during which Falerina escaped.
Presuming that the Vice-President will have left the seat of government for Boston, I have not requested his opinion to be taken on the supposed emergency.
And I would from hence caution all to take heed of presuming to count themselves Jews, unless they have a substantial ground so to do.
The design of Satan is, to tell the presumptuous that their presuming on mercy is good; but to persuade the believer, that his believing is impudent, bold dealing with God.
I put 'servant,' as being less familiar before the public; because I don't like presuming upon our friendship to infringe upon forms.
However, I determined to try, and presuming my companions had all along understood and approved my plan, told them I was ready to go at once.
The nun I had observed seemed to be whispering with some person within, through the little window: but I hastened to get my coal, and left the cellar, presuming that was the prison.
If he were possessed of any tenderness, any tact, any manliness, he would go on, presuming that question to have been answered.
Presuming himself to be reticent for the future in reference to his darling Lucy, he might do as he pleased with himself.
Without presuming to investigate the nature or motives of this extraordinary conductor, we shall content ourselves with the more humble task of describing the extent and limits of Constantinople.
But Lucilian had no sooner recovered his spirits, than he betrayed his want of discretion, by presuming to admonish his conqueror that he had rashly ventured, with a handful of men, to expose his person in the midst of his enemies.
A Corinthian officer interrupted and rebuked him for presuming to speak before his time.
Conceive the sublime impertinence,' said Lady John, 'of an ignorant little factory girl presumingto stand up in public and interrupt a speech by a minister of the Crown!
Up there on the bench, presuming to teach, she woke a latent cruelty in the mob.
Pray assure him next time you meet he need not fear Archie or myself presuming on the relationship and asking him for help, and scheming for invitations to Elm Park.