If you are so good as to marry me, I am to be hidden away; I am to serve as a soothing syrup for shattered nerves; I am to be an antidote to bad music; I am to be ashamed of my own people, and to give up my old friends.
Shall I become the heiress of millions, or shall I be hidden away in a box by a husband who is ashamed of his wife?
I have always told you that I would not be hidden away, like a thing to be ashamed of.
This chapel, hidden away in the Casa dei Trovatelli at the top of Via S.
Crossing Arno by Ponte Solferino, and turning along the Lung' Arno Gambacorti to the left, we come suddenly upon a great Piazza in which an old and splendid church is hidden away.
He recalled the stainless purity of his boyish life, and it seemed horrible to him that it was here the fatal portrait was to be hidden away.
Was it to become a monstrous and loathsome thing, to be hidden away in a locked room, to be shut out from the sunlight that had so often touched to brighter gold the waving wonder of its hair?
I get hungry for her presence; and when I think of the wonderful soul that is hidden away in that little ivory body, I am filled with awe.
John had hidden the rusty pistol in one of the locked drawers of his Davenport; but it was not to be supposed that the fact of its discovery could be locked up or hidden away.
The yellow-striped waistcoat isn't among his clothes, and the money isn't hidden away anywhere.
He would sing with the tree toad hidden away in the fork of a tree somewhere.
She wanted to get out of her life and into some new and sweeter life she felt must be hidden away somewhere in the fields.
The boy is hidden away in the body of this strange bird-like man," she told herself.
About fifty years ago some people were digging in France, and they found eight costly crowns, all lying close together, having been lost or hidden away in the earth.
Pranks of this kind are all very well when the nest is hidden away in a hole; they would not do in an open nest to which crows and other birds of that feather have access.
How must the insects which lie hidden awayin the crevices of the bark tremble as they hear this feathered Nimrod battering at the walls of their citadel!
Nora Pemberton in the intervals of ecstatic delight over a white mouse, hidden away in a desk-mate's lunchbox.
Was it to become a hideous and loathsome thing, to be hidden away in a locked room, to be shut out from the sunlight that had so often touched to brighter gold the waving wonder of the hair?
He remembered the stainless purity of his boyish life, and it seemed horrible to him that it was here that the fatal portrait was to be hidden away.
God needs the faithful ones, unknown by name, hidden away in quiet corners, each the centre of a group which is touching a larger group, and so on, ever widening.
Unless the treasure was buried somewhere, or hidden away in the passage, it was non-existent.
No," answered Ida shaking her head, "I am sure it was not, I am sure the treasure is hidden awaysomewhere to this day.
Perhaps it does not much signify, when once the play is over, in what oblivion our crumbling relics are hidden away.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hidden away" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.