The earle was assailed by the waie as he iournied, by a great number of rebellious persons, gotten into armour of purpose to haue spoiled him of such monie and things as he and his companie had about them.
They were lodged euen in the waie by the which the Englishmen must needs passe towards Calis, and all that night after their comming thither, made great cheare, and were verie merie, pleasant, and full of game.
On thrée sides thereof the clime is verie stéepe and headlong, and no waie easie to come or reach vnto it, but onelie one.
I had come to this citie rather as a friend than as a capteine *: neither should I haue thought scorne, being borne of most noble parents, and ruling ouer many people, to haue accepted peace by waie of ioining with you in league.
Therfore, to loue or to hate, to like or contemne, to plie this waie or that waie to good or to bad, ye shall haue as ye vse a child in his youth.
And by theis authorities and reasons am I moued to thinke, this waie of double translating, either onelie or chieflie, to be fittest, for the spedy and perfit atteyning of any tong.
For good precepts of learning, be the eyes of the minde, to looke wiselie before a man, which waie to go right, and which not.
In the meane while, the earle of Leicester passed forward on his waie so farre as Fornham a little village beside S.
Manie said by the waie as they iournied, "Behold the archbishop yonder, which in talke the last night would not for the pleasure of the king denie God, nor kéepe his honor in silence.
Now although he affirmed that he receiued the same by waie of gift, and not by waie of lone; yet bicause he confessed receit, he was condemned in that debt, forsomuch as he could not prooue the title the gift.
But what insued herevpon euen by waie of chastisement, but that which commonlie lighteth vpon tumult-raisers; namelie, either losse of life, or at least restraint of libertie?
But yet he promised to doo what he could by waie of intreating that he might be released.
Witsundaie, and leauing the siege, departed from thence, and tooke a certeine small fortresse by the waie as he marched, wherein he left a few souldiers to keepe it to his vse.
Wherevpon the said duke hauing knowledge by the waie that he should come too late thither, he encamped first vpon the side of the riuer of Andell, [Sidenote: Ueulquesine or Ueuxin.
This onelie resteth (I saie) that you make waie for you to enter the citie with force of your weapons.
The king followed hir verie earnestlie, and comming vnto Lincolne besieged it, assaieng on euerie side which waie he might best find meanes to win it, & enter into the same.
The Lord teach us the waie of Truth and Righteousness, that wee may profit in all things to advance the glorie of his name in the Kingdom of his Son, in whom I rest Your friend and servant.
Vpon Alhallowes eeuen, they came to castell Naudarie, and from thence they tooke the waie to Carcasson, into the which a great number of men of armes and commons were withdrawne.
On that sundaie morning, the Englishmen met with diuerse Frenchmen, that had lost their waie on the saturdaie, and wist not where the king nor their capteins were become.
Then was the prince counselled to returne and passe by Touraine and Poictow, and so that waie to Burdeaux.
Maister yong-man, you I praie you, which is the waie to Maister Iewes?
Be Gods sonties 'twill be a hard waie to hit, can you tell me whether one Launcelet that dwels with him dwell with him or no Laun.
Maister yong Gentleman, I praie you which is the waie to Maister Iewes Laun.
Item to eche prebendarye for every daie of his residence to be payd | by waie of Cotidiane distribucion out of the common possession | xvi^d ob.
Item to the deane for every daie of his residence to be payd by waie | of Cotidiane distribucion out of the common possession xii s.
Which things were construed to be signes that the crowne of the realme should some waie haue a fall; and so it came to passe.
And to the intent that he might spare the poorer sort of the commons (whome he euer desired to keepe in fauor) he thought good first to exact monie of the richest sort by waie of a beneuolence.
He glased the chancell of the parish church in that towne, and made a waie of foure miles long, three miles from Alesburie towards London, and one mile beyond Alesburie.
Now the English ambassadors, after they perceiued which waie the wind would blow, returned againe to their countrie, and nothing doone or agreed vpon in their matter.
But after he perceiued few or none to follow him, and that it was too late now to returne backe, he determined to trie the matter by dint of sword, and herevpon directed his waie from Yorke to Newarke vpon Trent.
Perkin perceiuing himselfe so shut vp, that he could no waie escape, of his owne free will came out of the sanctuarie, and committed himselfe to the kings pleasure.
Yet he permitted some of his souldiers to go on land, which being trained foorth a pretie waie from their ships, were suddenlie compassed about and beset of the Kentishmen, and at one stroke vanquished and driuen backe to their ships.
King Edward had euer good espials, to aduertise him still what his enimies did, and which waie they tooke.
For the citizens had laid such peeces of ordinance directlie in their waie, that although the passage had beene wholie open, they should haue had hard entering that waie foorth.
This politike prouision for danger that might haue insued (although there was none that waie foorth) serued yet before the end of the battell, to great good purpose.
The lords thus hauing eftsoones changed their purpose, not meaning as yet to fight with the king, directed their waie streight towards Berkelie, trauelling all that night.
And when he perceiued mens minds to bee well qualified with this feined deuise, he marched foorth till he came to Beuerleie, which stood in his direct waie as he passed toward Yorke.
His armes were also supported by two lords as aids to him all the waie as he went.
Albons, where they lodged the first night, and so to Dunstable, and by the waie such souldiers as were vsed to spoile and pillage, plaied their parts, not sparing to rob and ransacke as well religious houses as other.
Also he found such means that the pope in fauour of his cause wrote letters both to the king and to the queene, naming hir his coosen, but which waie that kindered should come about, as yet it was neuer knowen.
Hilarie, and so they departed euerie man to his home in a maruellous doubt what waie were best for them to take, sith they saw themselues in great distresse, if Ruscand did suspend or excommunicate any of them either iustlie or otherwise.
In those daies when Iesus went foorth toward his iourneie, and one meeting him in the waie running, and kneeling vnto him, asked him saieng: Good master what shall I doo that I may possesse eternall life?
Then vnto Waie or Wilemouth, by kings Welcombe, which is twentie miles from Pole, and whose head is not full foure miles aboue the hauen by northwest at Vphill in the side of a great hill.
For before the Romans found out and knew the waie vnto our countrie, our predecessors fed largelie vpon flesh and milke, whereof there was great aboundance in this Ile, bicause they applied their cheefe studies vnto pasturage and feeding.
And thus much as by the waie of our bees and English honie.
By this exchange of the waie also old Salisburie fell into vtter decaie, & Wilton which was before the head towne of the shire, and furnished with twelue parish churches, grew to be but a poore village, and of small reputation.
Resteth no waie for you to climbe sodainly, but by doing some straunge stratageme, that the like hath not bene heard of heeretofore, and fitly at this instant occasion is ministred.
In the dayes of Nero there was an odde fellowe that had found out an exquisite waie to make glasse as hammer proofe as golde: shall I saie, that the like experiment he made vppon glasse, we haue practised on the Gospell?
To see Italy throughout was my proposed scope, and that waie if shee woulde trauell, haue with her, I had wherewithall to relieue her.
To the Emperours Court wee came, where our entertainment was euerie waie plentifull, carouses wee had in whole galons in stead of quart pots.
My master and I hauing by the high waie side gotten some reasonable familiarities with him, vpon this accesse of myracles imputed to him, resolued to request him something in our owne behalfes.
By the waie as he went, he heard of another Earle of Surrey besides himselfe, which caused him make more hast to fetch me in, whom he little dreamed of, had such art in my budget, to separate the shadowe from the bodie.
A fourth, who being a person of suspected religion, was continually hanted with intelligencers and spies that thought to praie vppon him for that hee had, he could not deuise which waie to shape them off, but by making away that he had.
By the waie as wee went, my master and I agreed to change names.
Besides, in Spaine, none compasse anie farre waie but he must be examined what he is, & giue three pence for his passe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "waie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.