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Example sentences for "praie"

Lexicographically close words:
pragmatism; pragmatist; pragmatists; prahu; prahus; praied; praieng; praier; praiers; praies
  1. Read also I praie you what Suetonius writeth of the consulship of Bibulus and Cesar.

  2. I praie God that in this behalfe our sinne be not like vnto that of Sodoma and Gomorha, whose [Sidenote: Ezech.

  3. I praie you intreate no more for the man, Woodcocke wilbe a woodcocke do what ye can.

  4. Thou being left alone as a withering trée in the middle of a field, call to remembrance (I praie thée) the vaine youthfull fantasie and ouertimelie death of thy fathers and thy brethren.

  5. Of those moonks and priests which came to praie (as before is mentioned) there died at that battell about the number of 12 hundred, so that fiftie of them onelie escaped by flight.

  6. And therefore (madame) I praie you be content, I trust in God she shall bring foorth a yoong prince that shall please you.

  7. Troweth the protector (I praie God he may prooue a protector) troweth he that I perceiue not wherevnto his painted processe draweth?

  8. I can no more but whosoeuer he be that breaketh this holie sanctuarie, I praie God shortlie send him need of sanctuarie, when he maie not come to it.

  9. And I praie God that my sonnes palace may be as great safegard vnto him now reigning, as this place was sometime to the kings enimie.

  10. Good frends I praie you seeke not to reuoke My fix’d intent of folowing Antonie.

  11. Like vnto the auncient Troie Whence deriu’de thy founders be, Conqu’ring foe shall thee enioie, And a burning praie in thee.

  12. And he and his wife and six children shall dailie praie for your Worship's health and happines!

  13. And both your said supliants and their children shal be bound dailie to praie for your Worship's health and happines with increase of honour!

  14. I praie forbere, Ynne quiet lett mee die; Praie Godde, thatt ev'ry Christian soule Maye looke onne dethe as I.

  15. But I praie you ergo old man, ergo I beseech you, talke you of yong Maister Launcelet Gob.

  16. I praie thee good Leonardo thinke on this, These things being bought and orderly bestowed Returne in haste, for I doe feast to night My best esteemd acquaintance, hie thee goe Leon.

  17. He that is giddie thinkes the world turnes round, I praie you tell me what you meant by that Wid.

  18. Maister yong-man, you I praie you, which is the waie to Maister Iewes?

  19. I praie the gods she may withall my heart.

  20. I, and a kinde one too: Praie God sir your wife send you not a worse Petr.

  21. Fare you well: praie heauen I be deceiu'd in you Cel.

  22. Nay, I will giue thee a kisse, now praie thee Loue staie Petr.

  23. Praie you sir stand vp, I am sure you are not Lancelet my boy Lan.

  24. Alacke the day, I know you not yong Gentleman, but I praie you tell me, is my boy God rest his soule aliue or dead Lan.

  25. Praie thee sweete Mistris Margaret, deserue well at my hands, by helping mee to the speech of Beatrice Mar.

  26. The Wolfe deuoureth and ea- teth of his praie all in feare, and therefore oftentymes he ca- steth his looke, to be safe from perill and daunger.

  27. O father Abram, what these Christians are, Whose owne hard dealings teaches them suspect The thoughts of others: Praie you tell me this, If he should breake his daie, what should I gaine By the exaction of the forfeiture?

  28. Praie you let's haue no more fooling about it, but giue mee your blessing: I am Lancelet your boy that was, your sonne that is, your childe that shall be Gob.

  29. Maister yong Gentleman, I praie you which is the waie to Maister Iewes Laun.

  30. You mistake sir, you mistake sir, praie what do you thinke is his name?

  31. I praie thee in lawfull maner to hang vp such as take Centum pro cento, for they are no better worthie as I doo iudge in conscience.

  32. I praie you shewe me by what occasion or meanes, this huge nomber of Beggers and Vacaboundes doe breede here in Englande.

  33. Ferst forto loke the Clergie, Hem oughte wel to justefie Thing which belongith to here cure, As forto praie and to procure Oure pes toward the hevene above, And ek to sette reste and love 3000 Among ous on this erthe hiere.

  34. If I for love have oght do so, Now asketh, I wol praie yow: For elles I wot nevere how Of Falssemblant that I have gilt.

  35. Sidenote: The seuenteenth of September they within Harflue praie parlee.

  36. Then it falleth to you Luigi: and as I have pleasure of soche a successour, so you shal satisfie your self of soche a demaunder: therefore I praie you, let us tourne to the matter, and let us lese no more tyme.

  37. Simon of Athens set fire in a night on a Temple, whiche was out of the toune, wherefore, the tounes menne goyng to succour it, lefte the toune in praie to the enemie.

  38. A fourth, who being a person of suspected religion, was continually hanted with intelligencers and spies that thought to praie vppon him for that hee had, he could not deuise which waie to shape them off, but by making away that he had.

  39. On his shield he set forth a lion driuen from his praie by a dunghill cocke.

  40. Be thou a praie vnto the house of Yorke, And die in bands for this vnkingly deed.

  41. Bishop farewell, Sheeld thee from Warwikes frowne, [ean018] And praie that I maie repossesse the crowne.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "praie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.