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Example sentences for "moued"

Lexicographically close words:
motus; moucher; mouches; mouchoir; moue; moues; moueth; mouf; mought; moughty
  1. There was another cause also that moued Anselme to doubt of the archbishop of Yorke his meaning, as after it appeered.

  2. Wherefore being moued herewith, he began to practise an amendment of his former lewd life.

  3. One other rare and strange accident, leauing others, wil I mention before I end, which moued the whole Countrey that either knew or heard of vs, to haue vs in wonderfull admiration.

  4. Wherefore the principall occasion that moued me to come hither, is now dispatched.

  5. And thus moued with diuers tempestes, and disquieted with sundry thoughtes, hauing his eyes inflamed with great rage and furie, he said vnto him.

  6. Which maketh me thinke (quod she) that God being moued against myne hypocrisie, hath permitted this false accusation to be raysed against me by the Earle of Pancalier, whiche I will paciently suffer, sithe his will is so.

  7. But she no more moued than a fierce lion enuironed with cruell beastes, stood still and helde her peace, her harte so constrayned for sorrow and despite, as she was not able to aunsweare a word.

  8. An other day, perchaunce, you will perceiue, what occasion moued me.

  9. Aganippus notwithstanding this answer of deniall to receiue anie thing by way of dower with Cordeilla, tooke hir to wife, onlie moued thereto (I saie) for respect of hir person and amiable vertues.

  10. The Romans would haue had Geta created king of Britaine, bearing more fauour to him because he had a Romane ladie to his mother: but the Britains moued with the like respect, held with Bassianus.

  11. There is a controuersie moued among our historiographers, whether the church that Lucius builded at London stood at Westminster, or in Cornehill.

  12. Wherevpon he marched straight to their campe and giuing them battell, vanquished them: and vsing the victorie as reason moued him, he lead his armie against those that inhabited the inner parts of Wales, spoiling the countrie on euerie side.

  13. King Henrie had sent to the prince an herauld of armes with a letter, requiring to know of him for what cause he moued warre against him, sith he had neuer offended him.

  14. What moued these learned men to affirme thus much, I know not, or to what ende so many and sundry trauellers of both ages haue allowed the same: [Marginal note: We ought by reasons right to haue a reuerent opinion of worthy men.

  15. For the first it is cleare that with out supernaturall violence it cannot bee moued in any streight motion, that is, vpward downewarde, or toward any side; it cannot bee shoued out of his place.

  16. I haue knowne the Iudges moued diuers times, for their opinion touching the erecting of some, & found them of seueral resolutions, which giueth little encouragement to an innouation.

  17. The woman after was taken to a place to be drowned, and albeit shee had a chyld sucking on her breast, yet this moued nothyng the vnmerciful hartes of the enemies.

  18. The king was greatly moued at her speach, 2 And all with suddein indignation fraight, Bad on that Messenger rude hands to reach.

  19. With that he stiffely shooke his steelehead dart: 2 But sober Guyon, hearing him so raile, Though somewhat moued in his mightie hart, 4 Yet with strong reason maistred passion fraile, And passed fairely forth.

  20. For which cause the =Athenians= afterward were moued to honor him as a demigod.

  21. But in case they bee euill spirites, (as for the most part they are) the faithfull are moued by occasion of them vnto true repentance.

  22. The auncient Iewes had an expresse commandement of God, not to bee any thing moued with the miracles of false Prophets, and God in plaine words forbad them, not to séeke counsel of dead bodies.

  23. There he dined very soberly, and vsing fewe words vnto his company, sate stil al pensiue, musing vpon that he had to doe: For on the one side the grauitie of the facte moued him rigorously to chastise him which had committed the same.

  24. What harde aduenture hath moued thee in this miserable wise, to ende thy life?

  25. Notwythstandinge there were diuers that moued the kinge to that mariage, thereby to force him to confesse, that by takinge of the goods of Ariobarzanes, he might be called Courteous and Liberall.

  26. Then he wholy discouered what he was, wherefore he was come, and the cause that moued hym.

  27. And when the olde Rams in their time to couer the Ewe, be sooner moued thereto, than the yong Rammes, it doeth then signifie a good and profitable season to ensue in that yeare, and a good season and prosperous also for shéepe.

  28. Northwales, so that they were constreined to submit themselues vnto him, who shortlie after moued with pitie in considering their sudden fall, restored them all three [Sidenote: Matth.

  29. Adelstane being sore moued against the king of Scots, that thus aided his enimies, raised an armie, and went northward, purposing to reuenge that iniurie.

  30. To the second, his Maiesty willeth you to vnderstand that he hath not, nor will not hereafter be moued to breake friendship with the Queenes Maiesty, without good and iust cause.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.