All which things they as procurers & protectors of the common-wealth, tooke vpon them toprooue against him, as they protested vnto the whole world.
For toprooue hir accusation true she offered that if there were anie knight, or esquier, that would take vpon him to fight in hir quarrell, if he were ouercome, she would be content to be burnt for it.
Then is demanded if the plaintife be any thing able further to make proof: if hee bee not; then sometimes he will say, I am able to prooue it by my body and hands, or by my champions body, so requiring the Campe.
Well said the king, then I beseech you go and proouewhat will be done.
Then said the earle, “If I were at libertie, and that it might so stand with the pleasure of my souereigne, I would not refuse to prooue you all liers in this behalfe.
The king hauing thus spoken, there was not one that went about to breake him of his will, but they all glorified God, who had prouided them such a king as was likelie to prooue discreet and wise.
And to prooue their accusations true, they threw downe their gloues, protesting by their oths to prosecute it by battell.
To prooue that Christ was not Gods sonne, they say that God had neuer wife, and therefore could haue no sonne or children.
But the Persians say that it was one Mortus Ali, which they would prooue in this maner.
At our comming we were cast into prison, and examined before the Iustice and demanded for letters, and were charged to be spies, but they could prooue nothing by vs.
And since our comming hither we haue found very small sales, but diuers say that in the winter our commodities will be very well sold, I pray God their words may prooue true.
Viceroy and Iustice to haue our money againe, considering that they had had it in their hands neere fiue moneths and could proouenothing against vs.
But if the weather prooue seasonable, and the Haruest great, and the Barnes full of Corne: Rye is like to be cheap in Denmarke, and bread to be of a reasonable size, for the releeuing of the poore.
What thinkst thou catiue, I wil sel my child, 2430 No if thou be a Prince and man at armes, In singule combat come and trie thy right, Else will I prooue thee recreant to thy face.
Now after this beguiling of our thoughts, And changing them from sad to better glee, Lets to our sell, and sit and see thee rest, For I beleeue this Iig will prooue no iest.
I tasted: Ile prooue in this Ale and tost, the compasse of the whole world.
And I haue more qualities, I cannot abide a ful cup vnkist, A fat Capon vncaru'd, A full purse vnpickt, Nor a foole to prooue a Iustice as you do.
Madam marke but my skill, ile lay my life, My maister here, will prooue a married wife.
To prooue by reason, a passage to be on the Northside of America, to goe to Cataia, &c.
To prooue that the Indians aforenamed came not by the Northeast, and that there is no thorow passage nauigable that way.
And the certaine falling thereof by this fret into Mar del Sur [Marginal note: An experience to prooue the falling of this current into Mar del Sur.
Experiences and reasons of the Sphere, to prooue all partes of the worlde habitable, and thereby to confute the position of the fiue Zones.
To prooue that those Indians came not by the Northeast, and that there is no thorow nauigable passage that way.
To prooue that the Indians aforenamed, came only by the Northwest, which induceth a certaintie of our passage by experience.
Now as I haue here briefly recited the reasons alleaged, to prooue a passage to Cataia by the Northeast, with my seuerall answeres thereunto: so will I leaue it to your iudgement, to hope or despaire of either at your pleasure.
I might (if I thought good) speake also of another of no lesse heigth than either of these and liuing of late yeares, but these here remembred shall suffice to prooue my purpose withall.
Whereby as I grant that it séemeth outwardlie to be verie thicke & well doone: so if you respect the sadnes thereof, it dooth prooue in the end to be verie hollow & not able to hold out water.
Wherefore his reason seemeth better to vphold that of Alexander ab Alexandro afore alledged, than to prooue that we want wit, bicause our brains are not warmed by the tariance of the sunne.
Augustine to prooue his opinion good, wrought a miracle in restoring sight to one of the Saxon nation that was blind.
Beside this I could saie more of our forrests, and the aforesaid inclosures also, & therein to prooue by the booke of forrest law, that the whole countie of Lancaster hath likewise beene forrest heretofore.
I will bringe to lighte suche matters agaynste his sonne whearby yt shall appeare that he is a moste unfitt man to execute anie office of charge or truste vnder her ma{tie} beinge so corrupte a man as I will prooue him to be.
The ambassadours in like maner declaring the effect of their message, opened vnto the pope the ground of the controuersie begun betweene the king and Anselme, & with good arguments went about to prooue the kings cause to be lawfull.
But he to prooue that he ought to haue it declared how in his fathers and brothers time it was paied, and therefore he ought to haue it.
Whereby as I grant that it seemeth outwardlie to be verie thicke & well doone: so if you respect the sadnes thereof, it dooth prooue in the end to be verie hollow & not able to hold out water.
Deliuer me your hands, I loue you both, As deare as my owne soule, prooue me, and when I shall traduce you, make me the scorne of men.
And if ye may trulie prooue that anie person was thereabouts, the matter shall be demeaned as the case shall require: so that he shall know it is to our great displeasure.
Now although he affirmed that he receiued the same by waie of gift, and not by waie of lone; yet bicause he confessed receit, he was condemned in that debt, forsomuch as he could not prooue the title the gift.
For he gessed hereby what a one he would prooue afterward, that shewed himselfe so disobedient and froward alreadie.
Against which deniall, the archbishop of Yorke replied, and brought foorth sufficient priuileges granted by the forenamed popes, to prooue the subiection of the Scotish bishops, and naimelie Glascow and Whiterne vnto the see of Yorke.
I hope this trauell wil prooue profitable to the Aduenturers and generally beneficiall to the whole realme: herein I pray you conferre with these bearers M.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prooue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.