When congress met for its forty-second session in 1871, the cross bones and skull and coffin with which the Ku-Klux were marking their threats had become the symbols of terrorism in the south.
In its second stage it was related only in its methods of terrorism and its removal of justice from the courts to the masques until its own leaders were powerless to check it.
The terrorism of the Municipal Guard shuts the doors of repentance, and as a tulisan, defending himself in the mountains, fights to much better advantage than the soldier he mocks, we cannot remedy the evil we have made.
Terrorism may serve when a people is enslaved, and the mountains have no caverns; but when a desperate man feels the strength of his arm, and anger possesses him, terrorism cannot put out the fire for which it has itself heaped the fuel.
That wasterrorism as inculcated by the so-called friends of Ireland.
Terrorism is expedient in Russia and inexpedient in Germany and England.
To brand the policy of terrorism and assassination as immoral is ridiculously weak.
Terrorism and assassination"[832] are necessary, but they "will have to consist of a series of acts of individual dynamiters.
To them, likewise, is due the subsequent assassination of the Grand Duke Serge, and it is an open secret that they are preparing other acts of terrorism of a similar kind.
Occasional acts of terrorism showed that there was still fire under the smouldering embers, but they were few and far between.
Terrorism was the only means that remained, and it had the advantage of giving a natural vent to pent-up feelings, and of seeming a reaction against the cruel persecutions of the Government.
The terrorism which was largely used by the Muscovite Tsars and brought to a climax by Peter the Great appeared equally in both.
Further, it was recognised that acts of terrorism were worse than useless, because they were misunderstood by the ignorant, and tended to inflame the masses against the leaders.
Macedonian terrorism was virtually ended by the putsch of 1934.
This terrorist organization, with the battle slogan "Liberty or Death for Macedonia," fought a continual underground war of terrorism against the Turks.
When this uprising was quelled, the Communists turned to terrorism in order to gain their goals, and in 1925 a plot to assassinate King Boris was formulated.
Police terrorism abated, and there was greater freedom of movement in the society as a whole.
Petty politics and religious fanaticism were forgotten, and Jugo-Slav nationality was formed in the fierce fires of Austro-Magyar terrorism and forgery and in the whirlwind reaped from the Balkan wars.
The Social-Revolutionary party favored terrorism as a weapon in its struggle with the Russian Government, which had made use of all the appliances of police terrorism to suppress the faintest stirring for liberty.
The revolutionary terrorism which had subsided during the sessions of the Duma broke out with redoubled violence after its dissolution.
It did not dare to answer the terrorism of the revolution with police terrorism.
The revolutionaries fought terrorism with terrorism, and one of their victims was the reactionary Minister of the Interior, Sipyaghin, who was assassinated in April, 1902.
This shows," said a gentleman yesterday, "how far certain wealthy spiritualists are powerful to inspire a kind of terrorism even in New York city among those who have left their ranks.
The religious terrorism that was unscrupulously employed had done its work, and the chief riches of Christendom had passed into the coffers of the Church.
It is, indeed, probable that religious terrorism played a more important part in the monastic phase of Christianity than it had done even in the great work of the conversion of the Pagans.
But, in addition to this general teaching, the Christian theologians introduced into the sphere we are considering new elements both of terrorism and of persuasion, which have had a decisive influence upon the judgments of mankind.
Terrorism and Preparation for War: How a government treats its own inhabitants generally is thought to be no concern of other governments or of international society.
We will show them to be living symbols of racial hatreds, of terrorism and violence, and of the arrogance and cruelty of power.
Terrorism was the chief instrument for securing the cohesion of the German people in war purposes.
They could not have entertained any rational hope of making their terrorism more complete or more fearful than was the Reign of Terror, which utterly failed to maintain the power of the proletariat.
Terrorism continued in Russia throughout 1919, the rose-colored reports of specially coached correspondents to the contrary notwithstanding.
Under czarism revolutionary terrorism directed against government officials was almost invariably followed by increased repression; terror made answer to terror.
Such barbarity and terrorismwent on wherever the Bolsheviki held control, long before the introduction of a system of organized terror directed by the central Soviet Government.
To those who claim that terrorism did not exist in Russia during 1919, the best answer is--this very illuminating official Bolshevist report.
It is true, of course, that theterrorism was not all on the one side.
It would be much better to give them to her, than to reply byterrorism and false claims.
At the head of the saviours of Poland by terrorism was the Grand Duke Constantine, brother of Alexander II.
For the next three months a veritable epidemic of rioting and terrorism swept India, particularly the northern provinces.
The terrorism and seditious plottings of the extremists, while not stamped out, were held in check and driven underground.
But when terrorism gets out of hand and inoffensive non-combatants are injured, law and order threatened, and property destroyed, it becomes an edged tool that cuts both ways.
This sort of terrorism is sincerely deplored by the labor leaders, for it has probably lost them as many strikes as have been lost by any other single cause.
With all due respect to the labor leaders, who are not to be blamed for volubly asseverating otherwise, terrorism is a well-defined and eminently successful policy of the labor unions.
In the southern counties of England, too, violent disturbances had broken out, and were marked by all the ferocity and terrorism characteristic of luddism in the manufacturing districts.
The terrorism which has since disgraced Irish elections and vitiated the whole representation of Ireland had no place in this startling victory, and the impression produced by it was thereby infinitely enhanced.
But the barbarities and terrorism which it was designed to put down were beyond precedent and almost beyond belief.
It scorned the slow, legalistic methods and resolutely answered the terrorism of Czarism by a terrorism of the people.
As we have seen, when revolutionary terrorism was at its height Plechanov and his disciples had proclaimed its futility and pinned their faith to the nascent class of industrial wage-workers.
Finally, to replace what they lack in bulk, they have resorted to "partial terrorism and local anarchy.
There were many resorts to terrorism on the part of the revolutionists during the summer of 1906, many officials paying for the infamies of the government with their lives.
Whenever a national war breaks out, terrorism becomes a necessary military principle.
Terrorism is seen to be a relatively gentle procedure, useful to keep in a state of obedience the masses of the people.
Of course you will get people like Calabressa, with a touch of theatrical-mindedness, who have a love for the terrorism such a thing can produce.
A little wholesome terrorism has sometimes played its part.
To such extremities ofterrorism were the despots driven in the maintenance of their illegal power.
The Despot delivered the industrial classes from the tyranny and anarchy of faction, substituting a reign of personal terrorism that weighed more heavily upon the nobles than upon the artisans or peasants.
Nor did you show any exasperation at the brutal terrorism practised by men of power in this town over their weak and unfortunate dependents.
And there was no tongue there to denounce the infamous terrorism that had crushed the freedom of the election or had bought the votes of vile and venal men with beer.
They are the cause of shameful terrorismand of degrading slavery, in the bonds of the passions and in the claws of plutocracy.
But it is opposed to the fiendish terrorism of infidelity.
I believe not; and I may as well say at once that I suppose he has taken for gospel all the stories which any of the tenants under the terrorism which has been established on the place think it best to pour into his listening ear.
But what rule can possibly be too stern to crush out the terrorism which makes such things possible?
The bloodshed which often attends revolutions comes almost invariably from the lawless counter-revolutionary efforts of the deposed ruling class to maintain themselves in power or regain power by terrorism and murder.
The peace of Versailles and the blockade of Russia were outrageous acts of anarchy, and so also are the terrorism and tyranny of which every capitalistic country is so full, our own with the rest.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "terrorism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.